How correctly to hang a horseshoe over the door in the house, so that happiness and prosperity come?


  • Happy horseshoe - outdated superstition or a happy sign?
  • How to choose the right horseshoe for it to serve as an amulet?
  • We hang horseshoe correctly - traditions, signs and specific moments of

People have always believed in signs, charms, talismans, their power over human destinies and the ability to wrap superstition on their own good. For example, there is a belief that if you know how to properly hang a horseshoe, you can expect that the house will come with happiness, prosperity and luck. In this case, you can not rely on the case. To the process of selecting a symbol, determining the optimal location for it and the location of the object itself, one must take it very seriously. Otherwise, a strong talisman will become just a matter of the situation or even begin to emit negative energy on the home.

Happy horseshoe - outdated superstition or a happy sign?

When modern scientists tried to understand the origin of the belief about the happy object of equine ammunition, they made some interesting discoveries about the customs, traditions and trends of ancient times:

  • Iron was considered the most reliable material in the fight against evil spirits and evil spirits. Even the usual nail, driven over the front door of the house, was called to block the negative energy of ill-wishers and protect the dwelling from the evil eye.
  • It was the horses that were especially revered among ordinary peasants and nobles. Horse symbolism was used to scare away demons, misfortunes, weather incidents and illnesses.
  • Initially, the creation of horseshoes was equated with magic. Kuznetsov was revered for the ability to use high temperatures and change the shape of such a solid metal, like iron. It was this profession that for a long time was considered the most revered and profitable.

Over time, people began to take a calmer attitude to the listed phenomena, but the reverential fear of the wonders of nature and a tribute to the traditions led to the fact that even today many people want to hang a horseshoe over the door in their house, counting on the benevolence of good spirits.

How to choose the right horseshoe for it to serve as an amulet?

To attract happiness to the house, you need not just buy a horseshoe at the nearest souvenir shop and hang it where it will not interfere. This is a whole ritual that begins with choosing the right product.

A happy horseshoe must meet the following requirements:

  1. The product can only be made of iron. Wooden, plastic, bronze and even gold items will remain just useless souvenirs.
  2. The horseshoe, lost by a stallion and found on the road, will become the happiest amulet for the house. In the conditions of modern life, this item is not so easy to perform, so you can simply purchase the product in the stable. The item should be worn, not new.
  3. Happiness is guaranteed to settle in a house to which a horseshoe was presented, especially if it is a manual work of the donor.
  4. Before you hang a horseshoe, it must be "introduced" to all living in the apartment. To do this, you simply touch the product.


If you decide to use the horseshoe as an amulet in the house, it is better to go to the village where there are more blacksmiths, and get such a desired object. It should be remembered that the horseshoe should not be consecrated! At all advantage of the symbol it is considered pagan and does not suppose a combination with other belief. For the same reason, crosses, crescents or other elements of religious cultures can not hang on the product.

We hang the horseshoe correctly - traditions, signs and specific moments of

To properly hang a horseshoe over the door and get the maximum benefit from this, you need to determine the purpose of the action. Since ancient times, two approaches to the process are possible:

  • Up semi-circle and down ends. Option for those who are afraid of the evil eye and ill-wishers. In this case, the product will literally absorb the negative energy of visitors, protecting the home from their influence. This energy will enter through one end, and, following the arc, will come from the opposite end, returning to its master. Even there is a sign that the evil person horseshoe will simply fall.
  • Down by semi-circle and upwards ends. In this position, the horseshoe forms a cup, attracting happiness, luck, money. But only in this case the lower part of the element will have to be decorated, only so the cup will be full.

The optimal location for the mascot is above the front door of the apartment or house from the outside or above the door to the room, but again - not inside. It is believed that an additional charm will be given by the conspiracy read( by no means prayer).

It can be read already in the process of fastening over the door or while the household is holding the product in hand. In this case, everyone can ask for themselves exactly what they need. Even one horseshoe is able to give someone happiness in their personal lives, someone has success or health. Conspiracy should not be any special, words can be invented independently. The main thing is that it does not contain a negative, aimed at other people.

Regardless of the chosen approach and from where it was decided to hang the item, it must be remembered that nails should not pass through the product. The horseshoe should hang freely from the latch or rest on it with a base( in this case they can be slightly bent), otherwise one should not only rely on happiness, it is necessary to prepare for serious adversities and long illnesses.