- Factors affecting the rapid discharge of the battery
- How to efficiently and correctly charge modern smartphones?
- Is it better to charge your smartphone on or off?
Modern technology is rapidly developing, and the greatest number of questions arise among users of fashionable gadgets and smartphones, because the mobile market is replenished daily with new models of smartphones, smart watches and devices. Quite often people are faced with problems associated with charging the phone, because often it is not enough for a long time and you have to recharge the device literally on the go. If you want the battery in your mobile phone to work as long as possible, then carefully study the information contained in this article. It will deal with how best to charge the phone, so you do not have to constantly recharge it and do not completely ruin the battery.
to the contents ↑Factors affecting the rapid discharge of the battery
To understand how to charge the phone better, it is necessary to understand why it is so quickly discharged, that is, what affects this process:
- Naturally, the smartphone's power consumption is affected by various options andThe applications installed on it, because it is because of their work that the electricity consumption increases substantially. So, for example, Wi-Fi, which allows you to connect to the Internet without special wires, eats a huge percentage of charge. Even if you do not use this option, but the data transfer function is enabled, you must disable it.
- In addition, there are many other applications connected to the wireless connection, in particular, the Android operating system, which is regularly updated and simultaneously sits the battery. It is also necessary to disable those options that affect the power consumption, of which you yourself know. In particular, this concerns the navigator and the overly intensive backlighting of the screen in the daytime. If you turn them off, you yourself will notice how much longer your smartphone will work without recharging.
Important! New-fashioned displays are already equipped with the function of automatic brightness adjustment, so when buying a new phone, you must always pay attention to it.
- The Google software shell also has a built-in monitoring option that monitors the activity of all processes occurring in the device. Thanks to it you can find out at any time what specific programs and functions affect the decrease of the battery charge. Therefore, it is better to use third-party applications that control all running programs, in an automatic mode, optimizing and increasing the phone's operating time.
- A little increase in battery life helps and disabling the ring tone and other sound effects, but the vibrating signal is also a good idea to sit down the battery. Therefore, in order to maximize the working time of the smartphone, it is better to set the silent mode. If the phone is always in front of you, then you can safely turn off all these options, because you already see that someone calls or writes to you.
How to efficiently and correctly charge modern smartphones?
Now we will get acquainted with the main secrets and rules of how best to charge the phone's battery so that it will work as long as possible. By following these simple recommendations and tips, you will significantly increase the duration of your gadget.
Rule 1
Remember that the guarantee of a long work of the phone is the regular charging of the battery. Under no circumstances should your device be completely discharged, otherwise it will not last for long. Always maintain the optimum level of charge. And if you have such an opportunity, then constantly recharge your phone at any convenient opportunity.
Rule 2
Virtually all models of smartphones manufactured by little-known Chinese companies are not automatically disconnected from charging. That's why always follow the charging process and immediately turn off the device as soon as the battery is fully full.
Rule 3
To prolong the life of your phone's battery, discharge and charge it at least once a month. Thanks to these actions, you will reset the internal chemical processes, which will positively affect the future work of the smartphone.
Rule 4
Do not forget that any modern technology, in particular microelectronics, is afraid of overheating. Therefore, monitor the temperature state of your gadget. This is relevant, in particular, for the latest models of devices, since their performance is very high.
Important! Multi-core processors, working in conjunction with other systems, make the battery very hot. Try to ensure that the load on the phone is minimal.
to the contents ↑Is it better to charge the smartphone on or off?
Every user has ever wondered: how best to charge the phone - on or off? Therefore, it is on it to concentrate more attention:
- Specialists strongly recommend charging modern gadgets only in the off state, otherwise - it will no longer be charging, but recharging the device. The energy coming into the battery will be spent on the phone itself. And when the indicator shows that it is fully charged, in fact it will not mean full charge, but only the end of the process.
- One should also take into account the fact that any battery has a "memory".Therefore, if it is always incomplete to charge it, then in time it will stop charging at 100 percent altogether. It is better to bring the device to one division and only then turn it off and charge it completely, then it will serve you more than one year.
Using these simple recommendations, you can increase the battery life on your phone and reduce the discharge rate. Be sure to consider that all these recommendations should be used in a comprehensive manner to achieve a positive result. Do not forget to constantly maintain the level of charging, avoid overheating, charge the phone only turned off, turn off the background applications, save power and conduct monthly preventive maintenance.