- Spray and aerosol - what's inside?
- Using
- Common means
- Folk wisdom from mosquitoes
When the summer comes, people start scratching. This does not mean that all sharply fall ill with scabies, but that mosquitoes went hunting and wait for their victims everywhere. Needless to say, the problem is battered, a lot of effort is put on ending it, money, devices on the market a lot, we'll disassemble in this article a remedy for mosquitoes "spray."
You will find out what the mosquito spray and spray means are, how to use them properly, what are the most common and effective ones, and also what exactly affects them least of all for children under 3 years old and pregnant women.
to the contents ↑Spray and aerosol - what's inside?
Often, using this or that tool, people do not think about what it is made of. There are many cases of strange diseases and rashes on the skin, and then life turns into the series "Doctor House", where it is not clear what causes "sores" and how to get rid of them now.
Important! Buying remedy for mosquito spray, always read the composition! The substance of the "Death" is poison. The higher the content of the DTA, the less often it is necessary to apply the drug to the skin.
So, what are the sprays, aerosols:
- Pyrethroids. These are substances that paralyze the nervous system of insects. They are used to protect against mosquitoes, fleas, bugs, flies, cockroaches. They are not toxic.
- Diethyltoluamides. These are toxic substances, the excess of which leads to irreversible consequences. This is the poison, called the "Death".In a safe mosquito repellent, an adult spray should contain no more than 40% of this substance. For children under three years of age, pregnant women are strongly advised not to use drugs, where more than 7% of the active substance of the Deth.
- Ethyl ether of toluic acid. A fragrant substance, which does not dissolve in water, is intended for interrupting the natural smell of the body.
- Carboxamide, oxamate, rebomide. The same aromatic substances that give mosquitoes a misconception about you, that is - make your smell unpleasant.
Important! These were sprays, as for aerosols, they contain much more of these substances in a percentage.
to the contents ↑Using
It's very important to focus on dosage, which is why the emphasis is on it several times.
As mentioned, mosquito-borne sprays for adults are not allowed to be applied on the skin to young children and pregnant women. Adult frequent application threatens to poison the body.
Therefore, carefully read the contents of the product you are offering, use strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Absorbed through the skin into the blood, the substance "DETA" is able to hit 30% of human nerve cells, if it is applied very often.
Important! Usually sprays for adults are required to be applied no more often than two or three times a day. Preparations for children with a low content of "DETA" choose with a prolonged effect, also apply not more often than two or three times a day.
Mosquito repellent spray is applied only to clothing, because it contains a large concentration of chemicals harmful to the skin and easily entering the blood.
When at home, spray aerosol openings of windows, doors, in the nature - clothes.
Important! Also there are special aerosols, which you need to spray trees, shrubs around you. Then mosquitoes do not fly close to this territory.
to the table of contents ↑Common means of
Perhaps the most sold ones are mosquito products - aerosols and sprays, companies "Raid", "Raptor" and "Mosquitall".They were the first to appear on the market. But when the chemical industry in this field began to make progress and invent new compounds, other products appeared that delight quality. Such as "Dets", "Off", "Gardex".
There is also a completely natural mosquito spray, which does not contain chemicals at all, only a huge amount of essential oils, there are two of them:
- Mi & Spray from mosquitoes "Lavender", producer Russia.
- LAFES Insect spray for children from 0 months, USA.
Important! Their undoubted advantage is naturalness, minuses - a short time of action and price. They need to be sprayed constantly and these sprays are not cheap. But they work.
to the contents ↑Folk wisdom from mosquitoes
You can also prepare spray from mosquitoes yourself. You will need fragrant essential oils:
- Citronella;
- Basil;
- Cinnamon;
- Carnation;
- Eucalyptus;
- Lavender.
Any of these oils mix with alcohol or vodka, and also in water in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of oil and 2 teaspoons of alcohol / vodka per 1 glass of water. Then put this mixture in a bottle with a sprayer and ready.
Knowing about what the benefits of this or that remedy are, and what harm can be expressed from it, you will surely be able to choose a more suitable one. Have a good summer without bloodsuckers!