- What is required?
- We manufacture the device
The amplifying device with our own hands can provide high-quality low-frequency transmission. Also there is an excellent opportunity to make the device universal, having adapted it not only for the car. Any car owner knows about the decent cost of a good audio system. The price for a quality speaker system can be just cosmic. Some music connoisseurs undertake to create an amplifier for the subwoofer themselves to save money. Why not do the same thing? But how to make an amplifier for a subwoofer, which should be given more attention? Answers to these questions require an understanding of many nuances. Before you practice the installation, you should prepare well. All this in order will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑What is required?
For good sound, you need a subwoofer and an amplifier. To deal with the manufacture of the latter, you will have to prepare a little and acquire the following components:
- Pulse unit of the amplifier.
- A processing device that will handle the pulse.
- AC-voltage converter from 12 to 40 volts.
- Rectifier device and switching device.
To create your own car amplifier you will need to build these blocks with your own hands or purchase ready-made ones. The second option should be considered for those people who want to save time.
What should I work with?
- The low-frequency amplifier unit itself is based on the TDA 7294 board. This variant is the most optimal for amplifiers to a 12-volt cassette recorder. The price for such a component will turn out to be quite ridiculous, which is an indispensable plus. It is worth paying attention to the technical parameters of the circuit, which allow the output of about 100 watts of pure power.
Important! It should be borne in mind that all work is done with a single-channel scheme.
- The output transistors are very demanding for cooling, so it is worthwhile to bend all the elements to the board itself in order to reach the location of the contacts to the top.
- On the contact surface it is necessary to apply thermal paste and install a dielectric film, and only then to engage in the installation of radiators. This approach will help to significantly reduce the size of the device and save a lot of space in the body of the device.
- The amplifier itself will require a voltage of 12 to 40 volts. With this task, the TL-494 scheme will be fine. But nobody is forbidden to you to find more convenient analogues on the Internet.
Important! Mount the subwoofer is necessary, taking into account the incoming pulse, so it becomes necessary to select only the low frequency range. The circuit itself is a monoblock, so the input pulse must be processed by the channel adder. Such measures will help turn a two-channel impulse into a single-channel one.
The circuit itself requires the following individual components:
- A switch that can notify the user when the amplifier is ready for use.
- Rectifier, which is needed to stabilize the pulses transmitted to the base unit of the control system.
How to make an amplifier for a subwoofer at home at 12 volts? You will need to make or purchase a case:
- You can go for the trick and mount the amp into the case from the DVD player. Such a device will have small dimensions, an interesting design, and the connectors will only help in all this procedure.
- Also the best option is to use a body made of aluminum. The case itself in this case will perform the role of a radiator, which will help to easily get rid of excess heat.
- If you are interested in cases made of wood, you should think about a quality cooling system.
We make the device
If the preparation of all the necessary elements was successful, then you can take up the installation. The 12 volt gadget is going very easily. Simply connect all available components and install them into the chassis. The transformer allows you to install a small cooler, since there will be enough voltage to supply it. Such a cooling system will perfectly cope with the protection from temperature effects, which will help increase the life of the newly-made device.
Important! When making an amplifier, avoid contact of wires to protect yourself from short-circuiting. Install the parts so that there is space between them for air circulation.
Also, the circuit will have to be fixed in a qualitative way, otherwise - there is a risk to hear rattling instead of beautiful music.
Now you know exactly how to make an amplifier for a subwoofer yourself. Follow the advice and recommendations that were introduced today, do not forget about safety. It's nice to realize that quality will depend only on you, and no "hack-work" from the manufacturer can spoil the listening of your favorite music in your car.