- Features of cleaning the sofas at home
- Cleaning the dust cover
- Removing the stains
- Restoring the color and getting rid of the unpleasant odor
On the upholstered furniture in the living room, dust can often accumulate and unpleasant stains appear. And this does not add any pleasant impressions to anyone - neither to the guests of the house, nor to the owners of this most ill-fated furniture, for which you do not want to rest, let alone conduct intimate conversations. But this phenomenon is quite natural, so it's too early to sound the alarm. And it does not necessarily in this case immediately go to buy new furniture. It is enough just to notice the pollution in time and to know how to remove stains from the couch without divorce at home. We'll tell you about this in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Features of cleaning the sofas at home
First let's share with you some recommendations on how to get rid of the dirt on the couch correctly and without divorce:
- Spilled liquid should be cleaned as quickly as possible by dabbing with a towel, otherwise - it will simply absorbin the filler, which contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
- After wet cleaning it is also worth drying your sofa. This can be done with a warm air flow from the dryer, by using towels or paper napkins
- Any chemical cleaning agent is better to try first on a separate piece of cloth - the same as your sofa. Otherwise, you can just spoil it. If there is none, then do this on an inconspicuous stretch of the sofa.
- Detergents are applied to the sofa using a soft-nosed brush or a sponge. Movements should be carried out in the same direction, so as not to leave after themselves divorces.
- After the application of any solution, the residues should be removed with the help of napkins or a vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning the dust cover
If the sofa is equipped with a protective cover, enough dust accumulates in the upholstery, and you breathe it. Undoubtedly, from time to time you have to get rid of it, bringing the sofa in order. There are two ways to get rid of dust in the upholstery.
We clean with vacuum cleaner
The first and most obvious method is a vacuum cleaner. For this method:
- We will need a special nozzle for furniture. If there is not one, then you can use the usual nozzle, but we will warn you immediately, it will not be possible to clean the upholstery properly from dust.
- After the main surface has been treated with a nozzle, it needs to be removed and the corners to pass simply with a hose without a nozzle.
Important! Upholstery made of velor should not be vacuumed - you can ruin the fabric. In this case, remove the dust will help you soft brush for cleaning furniture. Also, do not vacuum the velvet and plush upholstery.
- After having gone for a vacuum cleaner, you will need to walk along the nap through a napkin soaked in a mild soapy solution. Then wipe the entire surface with a dry towel.
Important! This cleaning of your sofa should be done regularly, preferably once in 2-3 weeks. So you can avoid the accumulation of a huge amount of dust and the appearance of a dust mite in the sofa.
You can also get rid of dust without a vacuum cleaner. For this, we need an old sheet and a knockout. The sheet must be made slightly damp. After - put it on the couch and start knocking out. So the dust does not scatter all over the room, but it sticks securely to the sheet.
to the contents ↑Remove stains
Different types of stains are characterized by different procedures for their disposal. Now we will try to tell you about the most frequent pollution, and how to clean the sofa properly and without stains from the stains at home.
- If the blood stain is fresh, then it can be removed with plain cold water using a sponge.
- For stains with a light color this method is not the best, so you will need a solution of water and vinegar. We divorce one tablespoon of vinegar per glass of water.
- After you have used this solution, and if you still have small spots, you can get rid of them with a soap solution.
- Such stains should be filled first with starch, salt or soda, so that these substances absorb the fat.10 minutes to wait.
- After - with the help of a sponge and a dishwashing liquid, we process the stain. We wait 25 minutes for the product to absorb all the dirt, and then wash it off.
Tea, coffee, juices - it all often happens on the surface of the sofa. To get rid of them, you will need:
- First, moisten the stains with a sponge and plain water.
- After - wipe the stain with laundry soap and leave for 10 minutes.
- Then remove the soap with a sponge.
In order to get rid of this stain, you will need salt:
- It must be sprinkled on the stain so that it absorbs the liquid.
- After the salt has absorbed the wine, it should be removed with a brush for furniture.
- The same salt that remains, it is necessary to clean with a sponge soaked in alcohol.
Important! To avoid divorce, you need a little soap to dry the stain of wine, and then again brushing.
Those who have petty pranksters or small children can face such spots quite often. And now we will ease your troubles around the house a little, telling how to clean the couch from stains without divorce, if the pool is already spreading on the upholstery:
- To begin with, it is necessary to dry the stain very carefully so that the sofa does not get absorbed. This will help the dryer or paper napkins.
- Next - we wash the stain with a soap solution, wait, when the soap solution is dried.
- In the end, you should apply a solution of potassium permanganate without washing it off, but simply letting it absorb. It is necessary to disinfect this place.
Important! This method should not be used on light furniture.
The stains from the leaky ballpoint pen can be removed with alcohol, as well as with acetone or a nail polish remover. This is done with a cotton pad moistened with one of these tools.
Important! From a very small spot, you can get rid of an ordinary eraser.
The chewing gum from any surface is perfectly cleaned by cooling, that is, you can use ordinary ice cubes, placing them on the chewing gum, then pulling it away from the surface of your sofa.
to the contents ↑Restoring color and getting rid of the unpleasant odor
In order to get rid of unwanted odors, you need a steamer. If there is not such a house, then:
- You can use a filler for the cat's toilet - it just needs to be scattered all over the couch and left for half an hour, so that he absorbs the smell. After that, vacuum the sofa.
- Another option is airing. This method is suitable for a warm season, so that you can easily bring your furniture to the open air, and leave for 24-48 hours. This will help you get rid of unpleasant odors.
That's all. We shared with you the most effective ways to get rid of odors or various stains on upholstered furniture. These tips will help you keep your house clean and tidy.