Than to wash off an aerosol paint

  • What is paint in cylinders?
  • How to start removing aerosol paint?
  • Than to clean a paint from a can from clothes?
  • Useful advices

Aerosol paint today is widely used and professional designers, and home masters. But it is not always possible to apply paint clearly from the can on the line, so before you start work, be sure to find out what to clean the paint from the can from the clothes . In this case, you can easily decorate furniture, embellish various crafts, decorate the room, create a bright room design, decorate the graffiti without spending much time for further cleaning.

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What is the paint in cylinders?

This is a great tool for hobbies, crafts and construction. Applicable for a small amount of work, if not available in the paint tool. It is used to treat walls, ceilings, small objects that are difficult to process in other ways. Before applying the solution, it is necessary to know that these are quick-drying compounds, which is both very convenient and can create a problem.

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How to start removing aerosol paint?

Before flushing the aerosol paint off your clothes, find out the type of solution, its approximate composition and the type of fabric.

There are special solutions for decor, enamel, aerosol varnishes, protective coatings. Before removing the stain, any used preparation must be tested beforehand on a small piece of the same tissue that the paint has been exposed to.

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Than to wipe the paint from the can from the clothes?

There are several good enough ways to remove unwanted paint. Read the proposed options and choose the one that will be the easiest solution for you.

Method 1

Some types of aerosol paints are perfectly cleaned with powder or detergent:

  1. Take a small piece of contaminated cloth.
  2. Wet in warm water.
  3. Apply a small amount of detergent.
  4. Leave it for a few minutes.
  5. Gently rub until the appearance of soapy foam.
  6. Rinse with water.

Important! First try a paint on a small area of ​​contaminated cloth in its resistance to water.

Method 2

Very effective in removing contaminants from clothes from paint from cans - organic chemistry from the firm "AMWAY" in the form of SA8 ™ Pre-cleaning spray for removing stains. The product effectively cleanses all tissues that can be washed and do not shed.

  1. Spray a small amount of the product into a soiled area.
  2. Wait for 10-30 seconds.
  3. Rinse off the paint.
  4. Wash clothes as normal.

Method 3

If the paint is fresh, use an antiseptic solution - alcohol( vodka):

  1. Dampen the rag in alcohol.
  2. Carefully wipe off the paint with this cloth.
  3. If the effect is noticeable, continue the procedure until the colorant is completely removed.
  4. Rinse with water.

Important! This same method is perfect, if you decide, than wash off the paint from the can from the wall.

Method 4

You will resort to the help of stain removers. Their great variety in specialized stores. Their composition contains soft solvents that will very effectively rid things of aerosol paint and leave no residue, without damaging the element of your wardrobe. Choose the right one for you for the price.

Important! Carefully read the recommendations for the use of these products, as some are not suitable for cleaning acetate fabrics or with impregnation of the "bologna" type - the material can easily be destroyed.

Once you have determined the type of fabric and selected the appropriate tool, follow these guidelines:

  1. Place a clean white cloth under the stain that will absorb the liquid.
  2. Wet a tampon of gauze( cotton wool) in the preparation.
  3. Apply to the fabric for a while before dissolving the stain.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Important! Begin to moisten the edges with the medium gradually, moving to the middle. Do not apply the stain remover in large quantities - the stain may increase .

Method 5

As aerosol paints carry a protective function, they consist of varnishes, enamels, which can only be softened with chemical solvents. For example, use the following tools:

  1. The safest substance that does not contain acetone is a nail polish remover:
    1. Dampen the cotton pad in the tool.
    2. Apply to stain.
    3. Wipe until the stain is gone.
    4. Rinse in water.
  2. An effective tool in removing stains from aerosol paint is a mixture of gasoline with acetone or turpentine in equal parts. If you decide to use this option, follow the following scheme:
    1. Moisten the stain with a mixture.
    2. Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
    3. Clean the place of soiling with a cloth soaked in the same solution until it disappears completely.
    4. Rinse the cloth with water.
  3. White spirit is used as a solvent. It can be bought at any construction store. It is great not only for removing stains from clothes, but also from walls:
    1. Dampen the place with a stain.
    2. Wait for 10-15 minutes.
    3. Remove dirt with a duster or paper.
  4. If the solution is a nitro color, it can be washed off easily with solvents such as 647 or 650. Such tools are used to dilute cellulose paints. The principle of use is the same as for the selection of white spirit.
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Useful Advice

  1. Since solvents are toxic, work with chemicals only in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.
  2. Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes when handling solvents.
  3. Use protective equipment: rubber gloves and respirator.
  4. Store solvents in tightly closed containers.

Following our recommendations, in how to wash the aerosol paint off clothes and walls, you with the least effort will get rid of the inconvenience.