- Where to make a carpet wash?
- Caring for carpets
- How can I clean carpets?
- Folk carpet rinse aid
- Carpet cleaning with Karcher
The carpeting gives every room a homey feel, increases noise insulation. However, these soft interior items require special care. To keep the carpet in a neat, good condition, it is recommended to regularly carry out such an event, as carpet cleaning.
to the contents ↑Where to make a carpet wash?
It must be remembered that incorrectly selected detergents can permanently damage any carpet. Therefore, the choice of means and methods for cleaning carpets must be approached very competently. Of course, the best solution is to call a professional service, whose specialists will be able to cope with any pollution quickly and efficiently, dry cleaning carpets and other floor coverings, and at the same time - and upholstered furniture.
Independently to carry out washing of carpets, to pick up for this purpose suitable means and methods too it is possible. The main thing is to know what to do and what is strictly not recommended during carpet cleaning.
to the table of contents ↑Caring for carpets
Most of the dust and dirt accumulates on the carpet and under it. Dust mites and dust itself are very harmful to the health of all household members. Therefore:
- regularly, at least 3 times a week( and if necessary - every day), vacuum the carpet;
- because dirt and dust often accumulate under the floor covering, it is also recommended that it be shaken out;
- the floor under the carpet wipe with a damp cloth, previously vacuumed.
Important! In case of complex cleaning of an apartment or house, do dry cleaning of carpets using only suitable cleaning products intended for your product, so as not to spoil the expensive piece of furniture.
to the contents ↑How can I clean carpets?
To avoid damaging the product during the carpet washing, adhere to the following rules:
- Short-tail carpets made of synthetic yarns, which were not made of glue and other moisture-resistant materials, can be cleaned in any suitable place, even in a basin, though using a jet of water. The remaining carpeting should be cleaned only with special apparatus, using cleaning agents.
- Materials that include cotton, linen, viscose, jute, silk, glue and unstable dye, carpet washing is strictly prohibited, as the probability of damage is 95%.
- Carpets should not be subjected to waterlogging, as this can lead to deformation of the substrate, desiccation of the glue, the release of tannin and molting.
- Before cleaning with cleaning agents, it is necessary to test on an inconspicuous area of the cloth. This is necessary in order to check the effect of the preparations on the coating material, as well as the stability of the dyes.
- It is necessary, before choosing the means for washing, it is necessary to find out what material the product is made of, what components are included in the canvas. This will quickly and correctly choose and use detergents.
- Carpets must be properly dried, as an incorrect drying procedure will lead to deformation, decay, and also repeated contamination.
- Do not use hot water to wash carpets.
- If there are stains on the coating, be sure to remove the stains before using them, using special stain removers for local treatment.
- Before drying, comb the pile so that no strips or waves form on the surface.
Folk remover for carpets
To reduce the cost of purchasing chemical detergents in the store, we suggest preparing the following folk remedy yourself. With it, carpet washing will be fast enough and easy to do.
For medium-sized empty containers with a sprayer, add:
- 1 tbsp.l.washing powder.
- 1 tbsp.l.soda.
- ⅓ art.vinegar.
Add hot water to the mixture, but not boiling water. Spray the prepared solution onto the carpet and clean the contamination with a brush.
to the table of contents ↑Carpet cleaning with Karcher
If carpets, paints, and other children's antics have been absorbed into the flooring, then use Karcher car car wash for carpet cleaning and washing. If your model of the device does not have a foam generator, we recommend that you buy it. The process of cleaning the product as follows:
- Spread the carpet on a horizontal surface( it is possible in the summer on the grass).
- Prepare the solution from car shampoo, mixed with water in equal proportions.
- Pour a lot of foam from the foam generator with a prepared solution.
- Leave the product for 30 minutes to allow the car shampoo to erase all dirt.
- Hang the carpet vertically.
- Wash the surface of the coating with the Karcher first on the inside and then on the front.
- Dry the cover in the fresh air.
For the effective washing of carpets you need special equipment, modern chemical detergents, as well as experience and skills. In addition, in order to thoroughly rinse the carpet, special extraction machines are needed for this purpose, and drying of such products requires the presence of special drying equipment. Therefore, the best solution for washing carpets will be to contact a specialized company. Qualified specialists will choose a method of cleaning( dry or wet), as well as special means that are not even sold in stores, perform a laborious and complex operation for you, and as a result a soft and clean carpet that will please you for many years.