- Why does urinary stone occur?
- Why does a calcareous deposit occur?
- Than to clean a toilet bowl?
- How do I clean the toilet bowl?
- How to prevent the occurrence of stone?
Cleaning the toilet is not a pleasant experience, but still necessary. It can be carried out with modern cleaning products, which are produced very much nowadays, as well as folk remedies that are no less effective. What kind of preference and how to apply them correctly to get the fastest and most qualitative result, you will learn from this article.
to content ↑Why does urinary stone occur?
A urinary stone occurs due to the fact that timely hygienic cleaning of the toilet is not observed or an irregular flushing of water after a visit to the toilet room is carried out. It often happens that small children do not fully press the drain button, and not completely washed away urine, forms a mineral deposit on the walls of the toilet bowl and its accumulation leads to the formation of a urinary stone. It is not removed with a brush, and not all household cleaning products will help you clean it. Given this fact, there are quite relevant questions: how to clean the toilet from the urinary stone and how quickly do it?
Why does a calcareous deposit occur?
A calcareous coating on the walls of the plumbing fixture appears from the hard water, and its formation may be affected by microcracks on the coating. In them, mud gets clogged and raids begin to build up.
Timely cleaning the toilet bowl will help prevent the growth of the lime layer, but it is not worthwhile to clog about preventive means to soften the water. For example, for this purpose, special tablets are excellent, which are thrown into the drain tank. It should also be taken into account that hot liquid can not be poured into the toilet bowl, because for this reason there are cracks that you will not see because of their small size, but they will influence the lifetime of the bathroom by reducing it.
to the contents ↑Than to clean the toilet?
For cleaning the toilet, you will need these tools:
- citric acid;
- white;
- vinegar;
- electrolyte;
- baking soda;
- of Coca-Cola( Coca-Cola);
- Domestos( Domestos);
- Silit( Cilit);
- Comet( Comet);
- Breff( Breff);
- Siphon;
- Filat;
- Dressing duckling.
Also you will definitely need:
- rubber gloves;
- respirator;
- plunger;
- brush;
- rigid brush,
- safety glasses.
How to clean the toilet?
In order to clean the urinary stone and calcareous deposits, modern means can be used. They can be found in markets and in hardware stores, where they are provided in a wide range and come in different forms and forms, both for preventive cleaning and for removing persistent contaminants.
Important! The most popular of them are: Domestos( Domestos), Dressing duckling, Breff, Siphon, Filat, Silit( Cilit).They should be used strictly following the instructions and kept out of the reach of children.
There are also popular methods of cleaning the toilet, which have been tested for years by more than one mistress.
Method 1
To clean the toilet bowl from the urinary stone, proceed as follows:
- Take apple or ordinary vinegar 9%, but best 70%.
- Pour 1 tbsp.vinegar in a container and close the lid.
- Put it on a fire and heat the liquid to 40 degrees.
- Remove the container from heat.
- Add a little soda or a drop of iodine to the warmed vinegar.
- Pour the solution into the toilet bowl.
- Leave it for 2-3 hours, but better at night.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Method 2
Clean the toilet bowl from urinary calcareous and calcareous deposits with citric acid. To do this, perform the following actions:
- Take two packets of citric acid.
- Tear their contents into the toilet bowl.
- Close the cover.
- Wait a couple of hours.
- Release the water.
- Clean the toilet with ruff.
- Drain the water.
Method 3
Cleaning of the toilet bowl from urinary stone and calcareous plaque is also carried out with whiteness. To use it, do the following:
- Take the plunger.
- Bleed the water until it is completely removed.
- Pour a bottle of whiteness into the toilet.
- Leave the liquid exposed to night.
- Drain the water several times in the morning.
- For the best effect, you can repeat the procedure again.
Important! If you do not have a plunger, you can draw water with a glass.
Method 4
Do not know how to clean an old toilet bowl from persistent stale impurities - apply this method and return it a neat appearance. Proceed as follows:
- Take the battery.
- Remove the electrolyte from it.
- Pour it on the soiling.
- Wait for a while.
- Thoroughly flush the substance with water.
Important! Use this cleaning method only in the most neglected situations and only if you do not have plastic pipes. Operate with electrolyte very carefully, wear gloves, a respirator and old clothes.
Method 5
The toilet is also cleaned using baking soda. To do this:
- Take 2 packs of soda.
- Wipe their contents in the toilet.
- Leave it for a few hours, or better at night.
- Release the water and clean the surface with a ruff.
Method 6
Cleaning of toilets from various contaminants is effectively carried out with the help of Coca-Cola( Coca-Cola).Quite simple but effective way. For its use, do this:
- Take a bottle of Coca-Cola( Coca-Cola).
- Pour over the sides of the toilet bowl.
- Close the cover.
- Leave it overnight.
- In the morning, rinse the water and wipe the walls with a brush.
Important! You can replace the cola with other similar drinks - Sprite( Sprite), 7-Up.
Method 7
Good agent for cleaning plumbing - oxalic acid. Apply it this way:
- Take the dry oxalic acid.
- Wear rubber gloves.
- Apply it to a damp cloth.
- Rub the dirt.
- Leave the product on the surface for an exposure for a while.
- Rinse thoroughly with water.
How to prevent the occurrence of a stone?
- Clean the toilet at least once a week.
- Ensure that there is no water leakage from the drain tank - repair the plumbing in time.
- Use preventive measures to prevent deposits on the walls of the toilet - specialized tablets, nozzles or stickers.
Now you know how to remove the urinary stone and lime scale from the toilet bowl to restore it to its original neat appearance and purity. But remember that it lasts longer and remains, do not forget to clean it regularly and apply preventive measures to keep it clean.