- Why do cleaning?
- How often should I clean the apartment?
- How to clean the apartment properly?
- How to make cleaning easier in an apartment?
- How correctly and quickly to clean the bathroom?
- Useful advices for
No one really likes to clean up at home, but it's necessary to do it regularly. To ensure that such routine work does not cause a lot of trouble and does not cause negative emotions, it is enough only to know how to properly organize cleaning in the apartment.
to the contents ↑Why clean?
The main task of cleaning - to deprive the slightest chance of harmful microorganisms to spoil your health. It is dust and dirt - a favorable sphere for the reproduction of fungi, mites, viruses and bacteria. They can not only cause a persistent allergy, but also cause more serious diseases.
In addition, timely and proper cleaning will allow you:
- for a long time to keep the attractiveness of your interior design in every room;
- quickly find all the necessary things in everyday life;
- be proud of your house and yourself when guests come to you.
How often should I clean the apartment?
In this respect, there are several options:
- Daily cleaning. This method is suitable for housewives, because it consists in the regular decomposition of all things in places, wiping dust and rubbing dirt as it appears.
- Weekly cleaning. This is the most practical for many option. Clearly once a week, on the same day, you clean your apartment thoroughly, conduct laundry, ironing, put things in order in all cabinets, etc. Time-consuming event - but a whole week then rest from everyday problems. The only exception is washing dishes - this should always be done on time.
- Cleaning as required. This method is suitable only for those who in principle are not inclined to litter or spend most of their time at work. Some people only need to wipe the dust once a week and do an easy wet cleaning in 10 minutes.
- General cleaning. This procedure should not be ignored even by those who adhere to the rule of daily maintenance of order in the apartment. Basically it is performed once in 3 or 6 months - depends on the area of the house and the quality of regular cleaning in the gap.
Note! You can decide which option to choose, only you can decide. Everything depends only on your working schedule, the ability to "litter" and the desire for cleanliness.
to the table of contents ↑How to clean the apartment properly?
Ideal cleaning begins with the drawing up of a plan for the upcoming works. Determine in advance what exactly you need to wash, wash and clean, and follow the intended scheme clearly.
Pay attention to some mandatory rules of competent cleaning that will help you actually get a good result, and not just create a semblance of cleanliness in the house:
- Before starting cleaning, you must open the windows for ventilation so that all harmful fumes from chemistry and unpleasant smells of mustiness andthe dirt has disappeared.
- Sort the things that are laid out on shelves, on desks, on the mirror and elsewhere "at hand."Ruthlessly send all unnecessary or even that "and suddenly come in handy" - in the trash.
- Arrange the order in the cabinets, having arranged all the things in their places. It is important not to store them with a bunch until better times, but really methodically and accurately put and hang.
- Vacuum all the upholstered furniture, and then floors.
- Wipe off any dust.
- Thoroughly wash the floors.
Note! On this principle, perform both weekly and general cleaning .But, in order for the to correctly and to perform as efficiently as possible, additional actions will be required:
- washing windows;
- cleaning of ventilation grilles;
- full-fledged disinfection of the bathroom.
How to make it easier to clean the apartment?
So that even with the general cleaning to be done in just a couple of hours, and with the usual literally in 30 minutes, thoroughly approach the organizational process. The following rules will help you make this duty not easy, but even pleasant:
- Prepare a plan for moving around the apartment during cleaning - from large rooms to small ones or from distant to near to the bathroom.
- Choose a specific day and start cleaning from the very morning, without delaying. Do not forget to prepare in advance all necessary cleaning products, detergents, rags, sponges, brushes, washing powder, gloves, and possibly even respirators, if you intend to use caustic chemistry.
- Bring to work all members of your family and pre-allocate all the responsibilities, so that everyone knows what to do and what - the care of the other.
- Maximize the work on the principle of their "similarity".For example, you can disassemble all the cabinets at once or wash windows at once in several rooms or sequentially, but to one person.
- Carry out several tasks at the same time - soak the whitening utensils + load the wash + disinfectant sanitization treatment + simultaneous dust wiping or sweeping, etc. With this approach, you will save yourself a lot of time.
- For floor cleaning, use as far as possible special mops with a removable roller and mechanical spin - this also affects the cleaning speed.
- Regularly process household appliances, countertops and shelves with anti-dust sprays.
- For washing floors use not simple water, but a solution with indelible means Mr. Proper - it will not only give a special shine to the surface, but will also bring a pleasant aroma of freshness to the house.
How to clean the bathroom correctly and quickly?
To even complete disinfection of the bathroom and the bath was not difficult, use our secrets of quick removal of the plaque:
- Once a week, treat it with a special remedy, for example, Domestos toilet and leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the water several times before use, at the same time use a brush to remove all traces of traces.
- To quickly clean the rust and lime bath:
- Type it full of hot water.
- Dissolve vinegar, citric acid or special oxygen concentrate.
- Leave until the morning.
- Release the water.
- Walk over the entire surface with a sponge in any cleaning agent to remove the remnants of stains.
Useful advices
- Wash dishes immediately after eating;
- Very dirty items with dried fat, burning, lime coating, etc.regularly soak with special equipment - this will save time cleaning them;
- Do not litter your house - throw out in time unnecessary pieces of paper, bags, boxes, bottles;
- Wash laundry in small portions as you accumulate items in the laundry basket - you will not only save yourself time to rest, but you can keep their integrity and attractiveness longer.
Try to apply our recommendations in practice - you will be surprised how really it is easy to clean your house!