How to make cleaning

  • How to clean house properly?
  • Than to do cleaning?
  • How to quickly clean the apartment?
  • How do I clean the room?
  • How do I clean the apartment?
  • Why do I need wet cleaning?
  • Useful advices

Putting the house in order is one of the most necessary planned activities for every housewife. How to make cleaning in an apartment qualitatively and most effectively, you will learn in this article. To help you without unnecessary costs and nerves to cope with this routine, our specialists have prepared a number of simple tips.

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How to clean house properly?

Hardly anyone of us wants to live in mud, breathe dust, watch the outside world through not very clean windows. In addition, the disorder in the house provokes a sad mood and sad thoughts. Remember: the pledge of cleanliness is regular cleaning. It can be of 4 types:

  1. Daily - the best option for housewives. He will help to maintain order, without exerting any special efforts. It is necessary: ​​to wash the dishes as it appears, to put things in order, to wipe the dust, to clean and disinfect the surfaces.
  2. Weekly - recommended to all. It is advisable to spend on the same day of the week. It may be necessary to sacrifice half of the output, but the result is worth it. It is necessary to: clean the furniture of dust, vacuum, wash the floors, tiles and plumbing, wash or iron clothes or clothes.
  3. As required. Suitable for very busy people: those who spend most of their time at work, returning home only to spend the night or for those who are constantly on business trips. In this case, it is enough to at least periodically wipe the dust and wash the floors.
  4. General cleaning. It is done, as a rule, 2 times a year, although it is recommended to do it more often - once in 3 months. In addition to all the actions described above, it includes washing windows, cleaning ventilation, ceilings and upholstered furniture.

There are several general cleaning rules, observance of which will help you to get a consistently good result:

  1. Be sure to open the windows in the room before starting any work on the house.
  2. Disassemble things chaotically spread out on shelves, on desks and in other accessible places. Discard all unnecessary.
  3. Go through the contents of the cabinets, neatly arrange all the necessary things in their places or hang on their shoulders.
  4. Wipe off dust on all surfaces.
  5. Vacuum upholstered furniture, carpets and floors.
  6. Wash floors in the room.
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Than to do cleaning?

To properly clean the apartment, you should always have at hand a stock of suitable household chemicals:

  • cleaning powder for the plate and shells - powder or gel( "Sarma", "Gala", "Test", "Cif");
  • means for washing floors and surfaces( "Glorix", "Mr. Proper");
  • spray for washing glasses and mirrors( "Сlin", "Mr. Muscle");
  • gel for disinfecting the bathroom( "Domestos"), for the toilet is also effective, "Bref", "Dressing the Duckling";
  • limescale remover( "Cillit");
  • furniture polish( "Pronto");
  • air freshener( "Glade").

You will also need a special inventory:

  • vacuum cleaner with different nozzles;
  • broom;
  • sponges;
  • rags and soft tissue wipes( microfiber);
  • wet wipes for cleaning( from the package);
  • mop;
  • bucket;
  • bowl or pelvis.
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How to quickly clean the apartment?

You have been loaded all week at work, dreaming to have a rest on a day off - and then old friends call you and hint that they want to come to visit? You can, of course, make an appointment at a cafe, but it's much more comfortable to relax in a home environment, have a cup of tea and discuss personal matters in a pleasant company. The only problem is that, looking around the room, you understand - in the apartment there is a semblance of creative disorder, and there is no special purity.

If this is the case, do not panic, we'll show you how to do the cleaning in just 30 minutes. So, in a situation where the guests are almost on the threshold, act as quickly as possible:

  1. Open the windows( in winter) or windows( in the summer) so that the room is well ventilated.
  2. Put things in their places: place small items on shelves, clothes, if it is scattered around the apartment - put it in the closet, put items to be washed - hide in a laundry basket.
  3. Wipe off dust on furniture and equipment.
  4. Sweep or vacuum in the rooms.
  5. Wash floors.
  6. Clean the mirrors.

Do not forget that guests can look in the bathroom - wash their hands or in the kitchen - help you with tea or coffee. So put these rooms in order.

In the kitchen:

  1. Apply the cleaning powder to the stove, leave it for a while.
  2. Wash dirty dishes.
  3. With wet wipes for cleaning, wipe the surface of cabinets, table top, kitchen table, tile, household appliances.
  4. Clean the cooker.
  5. Disinfect the sink.
  6. Wash the floor.

In the bathroom( bathroom and toilet):

  1. Remove from the prominent places in the cabinet cosmetics, personal care products( except soap), all sorts of sponges, tubes and bottles.
  2. Apply cleaning and disinfectants to the sink, bath, under the rim of the toilet bowl. Leave it for a while.
  3. Wipe the walls of the shower cubicle, peel the tile and wash the mirror.
  4. Rapidly wash the floor or wipe it with special wet wipes.
  5. Rinse with disinfectants.
  6. Refresh the air with aerosol.

Important! Significantly accelerate it is possible if you do cleaning at the same time in all rooms: apply and leave for a while cleaning products in the kitchen and bathroom while you clean in the living rooms, wipe the dust and wash the floors immediately in all rooms in turn.

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How do I clean the room?

If in your family the duties of the house are clearly distributed and you are reserved exclusively for the room in which you live, keeping it clean is an easy task. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the window.
  2. Remove all things to their places - on the shelves or in the closet. Clothes should not roll on a chair.
  3. Clean the dust with a dry or slightly damp cloth. Do not forget about the cornice, the window sill, the battery, the legs of the chairs.
  4. Remove and shake out the covers from the upholstered furniture or bed.
  5. Vacuum the sofa or mattress on the bed, carpets, floors.
  6. If necessary, change and send the laundry to the laundry.
  7. Spray and polish with a soft rag( including window, lampshades) and mirror surfaces.
  8. Thoroughly clean the floors.
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How to make a spring cleaning in an apartment?

General cleaning of housing is recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a year, and if possible - once in 3 months. Before you proceed to such a responsible event, plan the cleaning plan in advance:

  1. Decide what specifically you will wash and clean and how much you plan to spend for this time.
  2. Collect or buy in advance all necessary inventory and household chemicals.
  3. It is advisable to involve all family members in the cleaning process, clearly assigning tasks to them.
  4. Begin in the morning, then you will have time to cope with this difficult task before lunch.

We offer you an approximate scheme of cleaning activities:

  1. Wear an apron and kerchief or sports clothing.
  2. Open the window or windows to ventilate the rooms.
  3. Collect and discard the garbage.
  4. Remove the curtains, tulle, bedspreads, shake off and load them into the washing machine( you will have to do this in several batches).Pure things hang out as they arrive.
  5. Furniture move away from the walls and cover with a film.
  6. Wash dirty dishes.
  7. Apply cleaning and disinfectants to the surface of the cooker, treat the sinks in the kitchen, in the bathroom and necessarily - the toilet. Leave it for a while.
  8. Bath, if you are going to recruit, change and drain dirty water, you need to clean at the end of cleaning.
  9. Take care of clothes: wipe the shelves in the cabinets, remove the scattered things, lay them out or hang them in place.
  10. Clean and wash the hoods.
  11. Vacuum the ceilings in all rooms.
  12. Wipe the dust on all exposed surfaces with a dry or damp cloth. For furniture, especially polished, you can use a special tool with a dust-repellent effect( "Pronto").
  13. Clean the lamps, remove the lights, wash and leave to dry.
  14. Place all small items in their places.
  15. Do not forget to wash chandeliers and lamps.
  16. Carefully vacuum the upholstered furniture and floors.
  17. If necessary, remove carpets, coverings and instruct someone in the household to knock them out in the yard.
  18. Heavy curtains, which can not be washed, also need to be shaken out.
  19. Do cleaning windows. Use a special mop and a "Mr. Muscle" remedy with ammonia.
  20. Wipe with damp rag eaves, sills and central heating batteries.
  21. Clean floors in each room, moving from walls to the middle, and then to the exit. Use household chemical products that do not require rinsing - "Glorix" or "Mr. Proper. "
  22. Rinse cleaning agents off the cooker, sinks and toilet bowl.
  23. Wash tiles and floors in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  24. Tidy up inventory - rinse buckets, mops or wash a rag for the floor.
  25. Treat the bath with a disinfectant and leave it on for a while.
  26. Wipe the mirror in the apartment with a special spray( for example, "Mr. Muscle") and a soft rag leaving no streaks.
  27. Wash the bath, take out all the rags that you used to dry.
  28. Hang clothes, return the carpets and bedspreads.

Important! All the above actions will also help you clean up in a very dirty apartment.

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Why do I need wet cleaning?

Many housewives often ignore the wet cleaning, naively believing that wiping dust and cleaning the apartment with a vacuum cleaner once a week will be more than enough. However, the vacuum cleaner can not completely remove all dust and dirt from the surface.

Specialists strongly recommend not to ignore such an important occupation as washing floors. Wet cleaning is a way to maintain not only cleanliness, but also the necessary hygiene in the home, especially if the family has children or allergies. If the apartment, in addition, live pets - such cleaning is mandatory.

The question of how often you need to do a wet cleaning depends on these factors, as well as on the availability of free time for the inhabitants of the apartment:

  1. If you work at home or take care of your child - it is recommended to do a wet cleaning daily, especially in such a visited place as a kitchen.
  2. Much depends on the flooring - laminate and parquet can not often be washed in the usual way, but at least once a week you need to wipe it with a damp cloth.
  3. Even if you are a busy person and work in tight mode, try to allocate at least 1 day a week in order to clean the apartment and thoroughly wash the floors. This will save your purity, your health and good mood.
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Useful advices

  • Regularly keep the apartment clean. Try to give it at least 10 minutes a day.
  • In time, put things in their places.
  • Wash dishes immediately after eating, so as not to waste valuable time afterwards on washing off leftover food and fat from dried plates.
  • Be sure to do weekly cleaning and at least 2 times a year - general cleaning.
  • Possibly involve in cleaning all family members.
  • When working with household chemicals, follow the instructions for use carefully and follow the safety precautions.

We hope that our advice will help you quickly and efficiently cope with cleaning and keep the house in perfect cleanliness and order.