- Useful tips for dust removal
- Than dust removal from furniture: basic fixtures
- Useful tools for cleaning the premises
- Room cleaning algorithm
Every housewife knows that during cleaning there is nothing worse than to remove dust from furniture. It accumulates extremely quickly on surfaces and settles even after a thorough cleaning of the entire room. Completely get rid of dust is impossible, because it is infinite, but if you take advantage of helpful advice and recommendations, you can significantly reduce its number in the apartment and effortlessly maintain the cleanliness of the house.
to the contents ↑Useful tips for dust cleaning
According to statistics, even a well-cleaned room already accumulates about 12 thousand particles of dust per square centimeter in two weeks. In order to reduce its number, it is necessary to adhere to simple but effective cleaning rules:
- Wet cleaning should be regular. This is the most proven way to deal with dust that has the property of rising when using a dry brush or rag. Thanks to wet cleaning, the dust content on the surface is significantly reduced, and the use of special tools helps to avoid the spread of dust mites and bacteria. Regular dust removal with this method helps not only to clean up the apartment in a qualitative way, but to reduce the risk of diseases, and also to strengthen immunity.
- The correct inventory for cleaning should be in the arsenal of every housewife. Today, many useful adaptations and types of fabrics have been invented, which effectively fight dust on a variety of surfaces and significantly accelerate the cleaning process, for example, microfiber. Plus, some products have antistatic effect, due to which the dust settles more slowly. Therefore, before cleaning begins, you should think about how best to wipe the dust off the furniture.
- Cleaning of the room should take place according to a certain scheme, which allows not only to save time, but also to remove the room more efficiently. The main rule is to remove from the top down, otherwise - the dust raised by the brush will settle again and again.
- It is necessary to pay attention to hard-to-reach corners: skirting boards, upper surfaces of cabinets and mezzanines, window sills and doors. It is in these places that a huge amount of dust accumulates, which is often forgotten during harvesting.
- Home textiles should be washed as often as possible. It is the fabric in the rooms that is the main source of dust. Therefore it is extremely important to regularly wash bed linens, change bedspreads, and also to clean upholstered furniture. Plus, if you do not clean up the textile for a long time, dust mites can start, which then will be difficult to get rid of. Help in cleaning will help removable covers for furniture, which is convenient to wash in a typewriter, without recourse to specialists.
Important! Especially important is regular and high-quality cleaning, if there are respiratory diseases, as well as asthma or allergies. A large amount of dust on furniture significantly worsens the quality of life with such ailments.
to the contents ↑Than to remove dust from furniture: basic adaptations
In order to effectively cope with the dust in the room, it is just necessary to choose the right tool, because this largely depends on the quality of cleaning and the time spent on it. These are fairly simple devices that can be found in every home.
Rags and Wet Wipes
The most simple and effective tools for cleaning the room from dust. When choosing rags for cleaning, special attention should be paid to the material. So, it is advisable to prefer natural cotton or microfiber. They not only absorb water better than others, but also do not leave scratches on glossy and smooth surfaces.
Mop is in every house, and it is perhaps the best tool not only for washing floors, but also removing dust in hard-to-reach places. The material from which the squeegee is made can be different.
Important! It is advisable to purchase a swab brush with detachable nozzles to remove dirt from any type of surface.
Vacuum cleaner
This is one of the best dust control devices of various types. The best option is a small vacuum cleaner with different nozzles. The vacuum cleaner perfectly copes with the function of removing dust in the room and allows you to save a lot of time.
Important! It is extremely important to change the filters in time or to clean the capacity of the device, otherwise - its work will be less quality.
Air humidifier
This device does not directly remove dust in the house, but due to the weighting of small particles reduces its amount in the air. When wet, fine dirt settles on surfaces where it is easiest to remove. In addition, the amount of dust divorce during harvesting is significantly reduced.
Various brushes, type "sultans"
An excellent tool for shaking small dirt from hard-to-reach surfaces. However, the mud does not go anywhere, so further wet cleaning is necessary.
In order for the cleaning to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to use various means that reduce the amount of dust in the future.
to the table of contents ↑Useful tools for cleaning the premises
As you know, dust accumulates very quickly - after a couple of hours after cleaning, microparticles settle again on the surfaces. To avoid this, it is important to know the best way to wipe the dust from the furniture so that it accumulates less:
- Furniture polish is an excellent tool with degreasing, antistatic and antiseptic properties. After processing the surface of furniture with a similar means, the small rubbish begins to slip, so that it settles down at times less.
Important! Polishing adds extra shine to the lacquered and glossy surfaces of the furniture.
- Antistatic for machinery. For monitors, televisions and other types of screens it is desirable to use an antistatic. It can be found in the form of an aerosol and wet wipes. After processing the surface, dirt will accumulate much less.
- Impregnation for textile furniture. For soft furniture, various impregnations are well suited, which are sprayed over the entire surface, forming a thin imperceptible film repelling dust. However, with frequent application, a white coating may appear, which must then be washed.
- Intensive sprays with complex effect are best suited for the treatment of walls, carpets and curtains. They not only reduce statics, but also kill various parasites and microorganisms accumulating in tissues.
Important! The treatment with such agents is recommended twice a year.
- Among the popular methods, the most widely used funds are based on table vinegar. Mix half a cup of water, 2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar and add a couple drops of any essential oil for flavor. It is best to pour the product into a spray gun and spray over the furniture.
Room cleaning algorithm
To clean the room as efficiently as possible, it is recommended to adhere to a specific scheme that will allow you to remove even the largest room in the shortest possible time:
- First remove the dust from the ceiling with a broom or a brush wrapped in a rag.
- Wipe each ceiling on a chandelier, where a lot of hard-to-reach fine dirt usually accumulates. Plus, this will help save some money on electricity - a clean lamp shines much brighter.
- Wipe the windowsills and cabinets from the top surface to the bottom. Do not forget about shelves and mezzanines, on which dust sometimes accumulates for years.
- Remove the coating from the doors and the window sill with a damp cloth or sweep it down with a brush.
- Sweep out every corner in the room where most dirt collects. Revenge follows toward the center of the room.
- Remove all swept up fine dirt, preferably with a vacuum cleaner. Only after this, you can go to the wet cleaning of the rest of the furniture and understated surfaces - chairs, tables, etc.
- At the end of cleaning, treat all surfaces with special tools. So the dust will accumulate significantly less.
Cleaning of premises is an important process, necessary not only to maintain cleanliness in the house, but also to promote health and immunity. Means, than to remove dust from furniture, it is a lot of, therefore each mistress can choose the most convenient, proceeding from the preferences and features of a premise.