How to wash linoleum from dirt?

  • How to clean linoleum?- Advices for use and care
  • Than to wash linoleum from a dirt categorically it is impossible? How to wash dirty linoleum?
  • Than to wash linoleum from a dirt in house conditions?
  • How to clean linoleum from dirt after repair?
  • How to remove traces of green and iodine from linoleum?
  • How to remove ink from linoleum?
  • How to restore shine on linoleum?

How to wash linoleum from dirt?- This question is of interest to a lot of modern housewives, in fact the most sold and demanded floor covering in building stores at the moment is just linoleum. A variety of textures and colors, excellent wear characteristics and inexpensive cost make it possible to pick up the goods even to the choosiest buyer. But despite a number of positive qualities, linoleum coating, like any other, is prone to contamination. In the kitchen and in other rooms, stains can be formed, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. This largely affects the appearance of the floor and the quality of the coating as a whole.

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How to clean linoleum?- Usage and Maintenance Tips

In most cases, linoleum for living quarters is made from medium quality materials. Of course, you can use more resistant to mechanical damage to the flooring, but its price will be several times higher, and this is not always advisable.

In order for the linoleum to serve for a very long time and look like a new one, it is necessary to clean it properly and in time from dirt. To do this, we recommend sticking to a few simple tips for caring for linoleum:

  1. If you just made repairs and bedded a new linoleum, do not rush to wash it with water. At first, carry out only a dry cleaning with a broom or a vacuum cleaner.
  2. In the corridor and other rooms, cover the floor with a rug. He will collect all minor pollution( sand, dirt, water from shoes).
  3. For heavy furniture, place rubber pads or purchase special nozzles for furniture. With their help, the coating is prevented from being forced from the load.
  4. Under the influence of sunlight, linoleum flooring can lose its color. Therefore, you should take care of the curtains on the windows to reduce the direct rays to the floor.
  5. Do not drag heavy objects over the floor covered with linoleum. In this way, you can scratch or tear it. Subsequently, the material will have to be completely replaced.
  6. If you are going to wash the linoleum, pre-sweep the broom with a broom.
  7. The ingress of coals from matches, smoldering cigarettes, shoe cream or abrasives leads to defects that will irretrievably damage the bedding.
  8. The longer the dirt is on the surface, the harder it is to remove.
  9. Wipe the damp cloth with a soft cloth, using warm water.

Important! Do not use hot water to clean the floor, so as not to damage the protective layer of linoleum.

  1. Ensure that floor care agents are completely dissolved in water.
  2. Means that include soap, diligently wash with water.
  3. Do not use powder cleaners to clean the floor - they will leave scratches on the scrim.
  4. Do not use flooring in open areas: on a balcony or terrace. Weather conditions negatively affect the material.
  5. Treat the web with an emulsion or special polymer spray. This creates a protective layer on the linoleum. Particularly relevant, such treatment will be in places with the greatest traffic.
  6. To have an attractive luster, once a month wipe it with linseed oil or linseed oil.
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Than to wash linoleum from a dirt categorically it is impossible?

Among all materials for flooring, linoleum can be called water resistant. So if you often do a wet cleaning, do not worry. On the quality of the floor covering, this will not be reflected in any way. But too hard not to be - water can cause dirt to stick to the linoleum.

Also for the care of linoleum there are some contraindications, which, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to adhere to. So, what means should be avoided, if it is necessary to wash linoleum from dirt:

  • Solutions, which contain alkali and soda. Such means lead the fabric to brittleness.
  • Chemical cleaners, solvents and bleaches have a destructive effect on the structure and affect the color fastness of linoleum.
  • Abrasive components leave microcracks. Subsequently, they get dirt, which complicates the cleaning process.
  • For disinfection of premises do not use chlorine and other substances of similar composition.
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Than to wash dirty linoleum?

There are many tools for cleaning such material. First, consider effective methods of washing with industrial substances.

Drying oil

To clean linoleum from stale dirt, use linseed oil. With this tool you can not only rid the surface of dirt, but also restore the color on the canvas, to prevent the appearance of cracks. To get a good result, you need to perform simple manipulations:

  1. Wipe the linen with linseed oil.
  2. Clean the product with a clean silk cloth.
  3. Repeat the procedure once every few months.


You can buy this product in a building supermarket. The affordable price of such a product makes it increasingly popular for caring for linoleum.

Important! Use mastic should be very carefully, strictly following the proportions specified in the instructions.

If you plan to use mastic for a new floor covering, it is better to get a colorless. For the old linoleum, use the dark one. It will help to hide the defects that have already appeared on the floor.

Important! When processing mastic on the surface of a protective film is formed, which has a number of positive properties:

  • Linoleum is less prone to wear and loss of color and shine.
  • Protects against mechanical damage.
  • Creates additional protection against water.

Thus, dust and debris will stick less and you will find it easier for to clean the linoleum from dirt.

Household bleach

A huge number of household bleaches are on the shelves of household chemical goods stores. For example: "Mister Proper" and "Mr. Muscle".A variety of constituent components in the composition of the means allow to select a detergent, taking into account the features of the floor covering. A detailed instruction on the packaging will tell you in what concentration the solution should be used for your surface.

Important! Before using, be sure to read the instructions. Observe the safety measures when operating the .

How to use:

  1. Dilute the product in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Apply this solution to the linoleum.
  3. If necessary, rinse with clean water.

Important! After cleaning the floor, ventilate the room.

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Than to wash linoleum from a dirt in house conditions?

In addition to popular industrial products for the care of linoleum, you can also use substances that are not directly intended for this purpose. They will certainly be in the house of each landlady and will not require additional money from you.

Soap solution and vodka

Do not know how to wash linoleum in the kitchen from fat? The strongest and lasting dirt on the kitchen floor can easily be eliminated by preparing a mixture of soap and vodka. This product is perfect for linoleum light shades, because on such a coating the traces of fat are very noticeable and leave yellow spots.

How to use:

  1. In one liter of water, add 200 g of vodka and one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent.
  2. Apply a soft cloth in circular motions to the problem areas.
  3. Finally, rinse with clean water and wipe the floor dry.


How to wash linoleum from fat, if accidentally during cooking, a small amount of oil was spilled on the floor? A fatty product should be immediately eliminated, as the floor becomes slippery when oil products get on it, which is not safe for your health.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. To start with a clean, dry napkin, collect the fat from the surface.
  2. In clean warm water, add a few drops of detergent.
  3. In a circular motion, remove the remaining fat from the flooring.

Important! Wash the floor in small areas so that the soap solution does not damage the protective layer on the surface of the linoleum coating.

  1. Clean the floor with a dry, clean rag.

Important! If the fat had eaten into the material, first treat it with turpentine.

Tile Cleaner

Tile Cleaner will perfectly clean dirty linoleum from greasy stains on a light surface:

  1. Prepare the product according to the instructions on the packaging.
  2. Wipe dirt on the surface of the material.
  3. After cleaning, the treated areas should be rinsed with plenty of water and wipe dry.

Petrol or kerosene

Use similar means on the surface of linoleum coatings with extreme caution, since these substances do not have a very favorable effect on its structure.

Option number 1

How to clean linoleum from stains of coffee and food colors, so that they do not leave a trace? In this case, gasoline or kerosene will help you. These substances are also irreplaceable when removing gouache and traces from the marker. They are applied in this way:

  1. Dampen a rag with the selected product.
  2. Apply it to the surface of the stain.

Important! Before using, be sure to try the product on a barely visible area of ​​the floor.

  1. Rinse off any gasoline or kerosene with clean water.

Important! If the surface has lost its shine after the treatment, use lemon juice to restore it. Rub a faded place with a slice of lemon or freshly squeezed juice.

Option # 2

Gasoline will also help to quickly and completely remove droplets of wax or shoe cream from the surface of the linoleum:

  1. To remove the wax, carefully squeeze a piece of adherent with a spatula.
  2. Wet the rag with gasoline and wipe the stain.
  3. Residue with water.


Mildew spots in the corners and rust marks from pipes that leak can easily be eliminated with a bleach for clothes:

  1. Mix the water with the bleach in a 10: 1 ratio, respectively.
  2. Dampen the clean solution with a clean cloth and wipe the dirt.

Important! Apply bleaching agent with extreme caution, so as not to spoil the surface of the material completely.

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How to wash linoleum from dirt after repair?

After repair on all surfaces, construction dirt forms and dust settles. In order not to complicate the cleaning process and that the question, rather than wash the linoleum, did not catch you unawares, the following information will be very helpful:

  1. Cover the floor with a protective film before proceeding with the repair. If it is not available, use newspapers.
  2. If the debris still falls under the protective flooring, you should spend a wet cleaning.

  1. Collect all construction debris from the coating.
  2. With a trowel, clean off the putty, which has already pierced the floor.
  3. Wash the linoleum with warm water.

Important! Water should be changed as often as possible to avoid the appearance of divorce from whitewash.

  1. For heavily soiled contaminants, you can use white spirit, applying it strictly according to the instructions.
  2. When cleaning is completed, add a small amount of vinegar or potassium permanganate and wipe the floor clean with a clean rag.

How to remove the mounting foam from the surface?

Mounting foam when dried, not only perfectly fills the wall cracks, but also leaves stubborn stains on the floor covering. To get rid of the scuff marks on the linoleum, you need to do the following:

  1. With a sharp knife, gently clean the top layer of foam.
  2. Wet a clean rag in the water and put on a stain from the foam.
  3. Leave it for a while, so that the foam is soaked.
  4. If such actions failed to produce a positive result, a foam cleaner should be purchased at the building store.
  5. Residue the product with a damp cloth.
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How to remove traces of green and iodine from linoleum?

Perhaps every housewife was faced with the question: how to clean linoleum from very strongly stained spots? Iodine and zelenka are in every house, and getting drops of green on the floor is very common, especially if you have small children who are often treated with scratches. You can still try to help the floor covering. Eliminate contamination immediately, so that the green can not soak into the flooring. This will help you with funds that are easy to find in your home.

First aid in removing the green:

  1. Collect spilled solution with porous sponge.
  2. Remove residues with a dry cloth.

Important! Do not rub garlic or iodine with a cloth.

  1. You can try to remove a fresh stain with a soap solution with the addition of a detergent.
  2. The stained spots are removed with alcohol-containing products.

Food soda

To get rid of spilled iodine it is possible with the help of baking soda:

  1. On a clean damp rag, pour in soda.
  2. Put the lotion on the stain.
  3. If the result does not completely disappear, repeat the procedure again.

Liquor for removing varnish or liquid ammonia

To remove the green, you can try to apply a nail polish remover:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton swab and wipe it with a stain.
  2. As an alternative to liquid, ammonia solution can be used.
  3. After use, diligently wash the floor with clean water.

Hydrogen Peroxide

In every home medicine cabinet you can find hydrogen peroxide and try to save the coating with this drug:

  1. Apply peroxide to the fleece and treat the problem area.
  2. Rinse off residual peroxide with clean water.

Important! Before applying peroxide, check its effect on a barely visible area of ​​the material.

Camphor Alcohol

Camphor alcohol is often used to remove green spots. You can buy it in the pharmacy or search in your home arsenal. The application is very simple:

  1. Apply on cotton wool and wipe the green blot.
  2. Rinse off excessively with water.
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How to remove ink from linoleum?

Another liquid that can create problems when removing it is ink. Cleaning of such spots can not be put off in the long box. If the ink absorbs the material, it will be much more difficult to remove them.


  1. Take pumice or fine sandpaper and gently rub the contaminated area.

Important! When removing stains, do not rub hard on the surface, so as not to damage the protective layer.

  1. After cleaning, treat the floor with linseed oil.
  2. Polish the damaged and cleaned place with a silk cloth.
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How to restore shine on linoleum?

During operation, a carpeted linoleum in a room or corridor may lose its original sheen. Repair immediately loses its novelty, and the floor begins to look sad. To restore the sparkling surface of the deck, you should use simple recipes.

Method # 1:

  1. Mix milk and water in equal proportions.
  2. Wipe the floor with the prepared compound.
  3. With a special polish, cover the coating.

Method number 2

To give the linoleum shine, you can use the grandmother's method:

  1. Boil the potatoes until ready and wait until it cools down.
  2. With the resulting broth, wipe the floor.

In order to maintain the cleanliness of your flooring, it is not necessary to use complex components and spend a lot of time on their elimination. Sometimes simple methods of cleaning deal with the problem faster and more efficiently. The durability of your linoleum depends on how you care for it. The tools and methods described in this article will certainly help to keep the beautiful appearance of your floor for another year.