- Define the scope of works
- Proper care of the kitchen every day
- General cleaning - integrated and fast
- Popular ways for modern housewives
Cleaning in the kitchen is not very popular, as is cleaning in the apartment in general. When it comes to cleaning, at least the mood spoils, as a maximum - there are other important things and this tedious occupation is postponed "for later".There are rare individuals who enjoy this process, the main mass of people can not stand cleaning. The kitchen deserves special attention.
Cleaning in the kitchen is a hard thing. Especially when there was not cleaned at all. But it is necessary, since the kitchen is the place that must always be clean - you cook here, and then it gets to you in the stomach. Even cockroaches run to more unscrupulous neighbors when in your kitchen is always clean!
Now we will figure out how to maximize the efficiency and ease of keeping the kitchen clean, how quickly to clean the area and describe several folk remedies for cleaning the cooker and oven.
to the contents ↑Define the scope of work
First you need to see what in general we have in the kitchen. Yah?- you will say - As if I do not know! This is my kitchen!
It's not about how much you know your kitchen, but how to clean out properly to save what you have there. The kitchen is usually equipped with:
- Gas or electric stove;
- Refrigerator;
- with kitchen furniture;
- Breadbasket;
- Microwave;
- Steamer;
- Trash Bin;
- Sink;
- Cabinet for folding wet dishes after washing;
- Dishwasher;
- Hood;
- Gas column( not at all, but often);
- Kitchen table.
What we use in the kitchen:
- Teapot;
- Meat grinder;
- Appliances;
- Pots and pans;
- Cutting boards;
- Various utensils( grater, pots, rollers);
- All sorts of bowls, bottles and jars.
Proper care for all these things - it's more than once a month, the general cleaning of the kitchen "with blood and sweat", when you drape all the surfaces to green eyes in the eyes. Proper daily cleaning in the kitchen consists of small, lightweight activities.
Important! Until now, you can hear this phrase from our grandparents: "It's not where they clean it, but where they do not litter."First of all, this applies to the kitchen, because when cooking on the surfaces remain grease and soot, and after eating the plates and appliances are usually not clean. If you wash it all at once - you will avoid general cleaning in general.
to the contents ↑Proper care of the kitchen every day
Inspect your possessions always after you have used the kitchen. Daily cleaning of the kitchen, whatever one may say, is necessary - in order to avoid heavy general cleaning afterwards. Then start acting. Here you will find useful tips, described below.
Gas and / or electric cooker
Cleaning the kitchen always begins with it and this is the usual and frequent problem of most housewives. Nothing prevents you from wiping it immediately after cooking. Then nothing will dry up, it will not get cold, it will not penetrate. And the stove is always clean!
When you put there flowing cellophane bags with raw meat and fish, cottage cheese, juicy fruits and other leaking food. Or when there are leftovers of food without adequate sealing, you can be sure - when you open the refrigerator door you and your guests will be struck by an unpleasant odor. I'm getting drunk.
To clean the refrigerator is not time consuming, and the unit itself worked at full capacity, observe the following rules:
- Buy plastic boxes and put the remains of food in them.
- Fruit immediately wash and fold in them.
- Curd and other dairy products - in them.
- Meat and fish - right into the freezer, if you do not have to cook them now. If you then do not like to defrost - again the boxes to help.
- If something has failed, wipe it off immediately. Make sure that the strongly smelling products are firmly and hermetically sealed.
- Do not store food for long. If you have not eaten in time - throw it away.
Kitchen furniture
- Store only clean items there, as dust often accumulates there.
- Do not pile dishes and dishes.
- Make sure that everything is easy to reach and wipe the shelves.
- Every day, passing over the external surfaces of furniture with a damp cloth, you will always save its nice appearance and cleanliness.
Important! Usually in the kitchen there is a window and, accordingly, a window sill. Every day, wipe the dust off the windowsill, because it is from there that usually the dust migrates into the room.
We have long been keeping bread as we are selling it - in cellophane bags. However, there is an opinion that bread should "breathe", and many people get rid of bags and store bread in the breadbox without anything. In this case, do not interfere with something to podstelit and often this "something" shake out of crumbs.
Important! Do not store together with the old bread fresh, otherwise fresh in a short time will have the smell of the old.
Microwave or microwave
Food flavors will not be there to live and mix with each other, if wiped in with a damp cloth immediately after use and leave the door open.
The same as with the stove - wash immediately after cooking.
Trash Bin
Wash the garbage can after each removal of garbage. Then smells of scum will not interrupt the smells of food. Packages for garbage often flow, many, without noticing it, cover the new one and the bucket begins to exude the "fragrance".No matter how funny it sounds, but often it happens. When the smell of the trash can starts chasing you around the apartment, cleaning in the kitchen becomes an obsession.
Important! By the way, for economy and for ecology you can use not only special packages for garbage, but also those that you bring from a supermarket. They are quite roomy and dense.
Sink will always be good to pass water, if you put a mesh on the drain. And if you clean it after every dishwashing, then the sink will not unpleasantly smell. Also, we often hide a trash can under the sink, so this place is one of the dirtiest in the kitchen and needs to be washed often using chemical means.
Cabinet for folding wet ware after washing
Specific, however, the place. Because if from the container, where the water flows, do not pour the water in time, you can also collect the mold and then collect it to make penicillin. About penicillin, of course, a joke. But the water, after you have removed already dry dishes and folded into place, it is better to immediately pour out of that container and wipe it with a dry cloth.
After use, immediately remove the shelves from the inside and wipe them with a dry cloth. Then slide the shelves in place and do not close for a while.
After cooking, wipe with a detergent for dishes from soot and grease. If you are not much afraid, then take the means with which the plate is washed from the aged fat. There are people who, in general, "Domestos" wipe off the sticky surfaces in the kitchen.
Gas column
It simply needs to be cleaned from time to time from dust, but if it is close to the stove, it is better to do the same procedure as with the hood.
Kitchen table
Immediately after use, it must be cleaned and wipe dry.
Important! Naturally, what we use, when we cook and eat, requires constant and correct care. But, rather, not because it will quickly deteriorate, but because it will all be washed, but then it will be much harder to do it.
No one ever pays special attention to him until he "grunts", that is, he does not break. Then you go and just buy a new one. And why wait until your kettle is out of order? Just keep it clean. The teapot also accumulates dust, and it just needs to be wiped every day with a damp cloth, then with a dry cloth. And periodically pour vinegar or at least "Cola" to remove the scum.
Meat grinder
After use, clean, wash, dry, fold, preferably in the correct order.
The utensils should always be washed immediately after eating, then you do not have to scrape up the accumulated raid from food and drinks during the spring cleaning. And after washing dishes do not interfere with wiping all surfaces around the sink.
Pots and pans
Pots, pans, and various utensils( graters, spoons, rolls) - immediately wash after use, and wipe the cutting boards immediately after use.
By the way, it is desirable not to wash the boards, and if to wash, then not always - they are wooden and absorb water. After that, the tree softens, and the boards become unusable. All sorts of bowls, boxes, bottles, cans to throw out immediately without regrets, when they are no longer washed away from the smells.
Important! Do not forget about the floor and walls in the kitchen. Cleaning the kitchen involves, among other things, cleaning these interior details. When you have all washed, folded, wipe the walls and floor. It is also desirable to open the refrigerator door. If there is not enough time on the floor, then just sweep up the garbage, and wash the next time.
If daily cleaning in the kitchen is perceived by you as the final stage of cooking, and you take this as a rule, then when the "kitchen day" comes, you will get rid of it very quickly and it will only turn you into a couple of hours.
to the contents ↑General cleaning - integrated and fast
If you did not always have the opportunity to clean up in the kitchen every day, a thorough, concrete cleaning of the kitchen is required. Whatever one may say, but without daily actions for the cleanliness of the room and its contents, general cleaning in the kitchen is still needed.
To make it easier and faster, mentally divide the kitchen into zones, and then proceed as follows:
- Collect all the dishes, load into the dishwasher. If it does not, load the dishes in the sink, pour hot water with a detergent - soak.
- While the dishes are soaking, take out all the contents of the lockers and wash them. After washing, leave the cabinets aired.
- Then wash the washed dishes in clean lockers.
- Remove food from the refrigerator, thaw it.
- Remove detachable parts from the refrigerator and cooker, soak in solution with detergent or soap.
- Wash the refrigerator thoroughly, the stove inside and out.
- Remove the curtains, put them in a washing machine.
- Wash the window, do not forget about the windowsill.
- Wash all appliances inside, outside, before disconnecting them from the mains.
- Clean all utensils with soda or a chemical cleaner for cleaning kitchen utensils.
- Wash the hood, including, inside, with a very strong cleanser, since there is accumulated fat, soot.
- Thoroughly wash the walls, the tiles on the sink and over the stove.
- Spread out all the items that you washed and cleaned, in places, load the products into the refrigerator, turn it on.
- Wash the floor with a remover that removes grease. You can add a liquid to wash the toilet, the floor will sparkle.
- Hang the curtain.
Important! To clean the kitchen is necessary in gloves, from the abundance of funds the skin of your hands can suffer.
Your kitchen is completely clean!
to the contents ↑Traditional ways for modern housewives
Kitchen cleaning can be done in ways that come to us from ancient times. Of course, more energy, time and energy are spent for this, but if you care very much about your family, plus you are a professional housewife who does not work for her husband like a stone wall, then these methods are for you.
You can clean grease, dirt from utensils, pots and pans with mustard powder, without using water:
- Pour the powder on the surface. Tread with a dry sponge until it is clean.
- Rinse the dishes with water.
- Wipe dry.
Dishes and other utensils can also be cleaned with sand. This is a very old tool that has been used at all times. Cleaning in the kitchen was impossible without him, the sand was always at every mistress.
Important! With this method, your dishes will still accumulate fat little by little. Therefore, you will sometimes have to use chemical agents to ensure that the surfaces are absolutely fat-free.
Cleaned with water:
- Pour water into the bowl.
- Set the average power on the panel - about 10 minutes.
- Wait for the water to boil in the bowl, steam will come from it, which will soften the grease, dirt.
- Switch off the oven, wipe from inside with a soft dry cloth.
Important! To remove the extra odor, you can add lemon or soda.
Electric cooker
Modern electric cooker with ceramic panel can be cleaned with ordinary lemon. To do this:
- Cut the lemon into two parts, squeeze the juice onto the cooled surface.
- The same half a lemon spread the juice over the surface.
- Wait 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Important! Such cleaning is not suitable for a plate with already adhered long-standing mud, it is rather for cleaning the surface every day after cooking.
Fat in the oven will remove common salt. Best is "Extra", it is small, so it has better absorbency. Sprinkle fresh stains of fat on it - it will absorb them in itself. Then simply remove the dirty salt with a dry rag or cloth.
Important! This method does not work with obsolete fat. Such contamination will be washed only by chemistry.
If on the baking trays there are sticky stains from the dough, fillings, and also fat from the preparation of meat dishes, you can soak them with warm water with the addition of baking soda and lemon juice.
Well that's all the tips, we hope that cleaning the kitchen will be easy and not burdensome for you!