- Cleaning of ordinary glasses on windows
- Cleaning of glass after repair
- Cleaning of frosted glass
- Cleaning of glass from ice
- Prevention of contamination of window glass
- Cleaning of glass of aquarium
Glass is widely used in interior decoration - it is both windows and door inserts and decorativeelements or pieces of furniture, and so popular aquariums. Since this material has the ability to quickly get dirty, so that its appearance does not spoil the overall impression of the art picture, regular cleaning of the glasses is needed. How to accomplish it with minimal effort and a little waste of time, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Cleaning of ordinary glasses on windows
There are many ways to clean windows. We offer the simplest option to get rid of unsightly stains on the surface after a bad weather or winter:
- Prepare a warm soapy solution or dissolve a special concentrate for washing glasses from any manufacturer you like.
- Wet the sponge well in the solution.
- Wipe the glass.
- Leave the liquid on for a few minutes on the window.
- Wipe off any dirt with a soft, clean cloth, rinsing it with clean water if necessary.
- Prepare another solution - mix water and ammonia.
- Wipe this liquid with glitter and polish with a special cloth, paper towels or newspapers.
Important! Make sure that the cleaning of the glass has turned out to be of a high quality and there are no stains on the surface. Instead of ammonia, you can take vinegar, and for the final polishing, a mixture of water and starch, which are taken in the proportion of 1 liter - 1 tbsp.
Household cleaning chemicals for window glass cleaning
If you do not trust the people's means or are accustomed to using household chemicals to get the best quality and fast results, you can help in solving the problem of how to clean windows on windows:
- Mr. Muscle;
- Help;
- Wedge( Clin);
- Sif( Cif);
- Second for windows.
- Ecover( Ecover).
Important! All these brands are popular. Cleaning the glass with any of the above means gives an excellent result and allows you to significantly reduce the time for cleaning. Which exactly to give preference, determine, based on the cost.
The method of application is specified in the instructions directly on the package. The principle of application for all these tools is the same:
- Turn the cap on the spray gun to the "On" mode.
- Apply a small amount - 3-4 pshika on the glass.
- Wipe with paper or a soft, lint-free cloth until the dirt and stains are completely removed.
Important! The only nuance that must be taken into account, if you do the cleaning of glass with special chemistry - the solution dries quickly. Therefore, treat not all of the surface at once, but in small areas, moving up and down.
to the contents ↑Cleaning the glass after repair
Often after repair, questions arise as to how to clean glass from paint, glue or other construction mixes. The washing of the glasses in this case will be the same as in the usual cleaning, but more intensive.
In this situation, you will need the following tools:
- A sharp knife or blade to remove the bulk of the solidified mortar or paint.
- Nail polish remover, acetone or similar solvent - to remove any paint residue on the glass.
- Eraser to erase small drops.
Important! Cleaning the glass after repair will not take you much time if you act locally, gently, with a dabbing motion, removing traces of paint, glue, etc. Do not make wide sweeps and do not treat solvents with a large area of glass - so you will only smear the paint over the surface and aggravate the situation.
to the table of contents ↑Cleaning of frosted glass
Frosted glass looks very interesting and unusual, with its help you can decorate the interior and play with space. But cleaning such a glass takes a lot of time because of the characteristics of its rough surface. Dust and dirt are not only attracted, but somehow eaten into the structure, which is especially noticeable on embossed products.
Therefore, if you have preferred this kind of material for interior design, use the following tips to help you quickly deal with the problem of how to clean the frosted glass:
- Difficult spots wipe with alcohol or ammonia, and remove the residues with a warm soapy solution.
- To remove the dust layer and prevent its rapid renewal, wipe the matte glass with a hot vinegar solution.
- Use to wash the cloth rags of microfiber, which perfectly absorb moisture - this eliminates the formation of divorce.
Cleaning the glass from ice
In winter many people face icing of glass, which not only looks ugly and can lead to its cracking, but also reduces the access to sunlight, which is not enough in the cold season. How to clean the glass in this situation:
- Heat water - about 1 liter.
- Dissolve salt in it - 2 handfuls will be enough.
- Clean with a soft cloth soaked in this solution, all ice layers - very quickly they should melt.
Prevention of window glass contamination
Cleaning the glass is always a tedious process, especially if it gets soiled often. With this you can fight in two ways - to use more efficient and quick-acting means or to create a protective layer on the glass, which will repel any pollution.
If you are more impressed with the second option, proceed as follows:
- Thoroughly wash the window at the time you planned.
- Wipe it dry until there are no stains.
- Prepare the mixture according to the following recipe: 50 ml of water, 5 drops of ammonia, 100 g of glycerin.
- Use a soft cloth to wipe the entire fabric with this solution.
- Do not wipe! Let it dry under normal conditions.
Cleaning the glass of the aquarium
Many today install aquariums in their home, and not small reservoirs, but rather cumbersome structures. Of course, breeding fish and watching their behavior is always a quiet and interesting holiday, guests fall into genuine delight, seeing this miracle, the interior looks very original. But the main condition for preserving this effect is the timely and proper cleaning of the aquarium glass, not only from the outside, but more from the inside.
Important! If this is not done, the simplest, pathogenic microorganisms multiply on the surface, a slime, mildew, algae is formed. As a result, it looks a little aesthetic, fish do not have enough light, they begin to ache, and the aquarium looks neglected.
How can I clean glass in an aquarium?
Today for the care of the aquarium there are many different means. Which of them will be useful to you in order to perform regular cleaning of the glass - see the list below.
Important! Aquarium glass is made of various materials. Therefore, consider this factor before choosing what and how to clean the glass.
Glass cleaner in aquarium:
- Bandage - folded in several layers of gauze is great for cleaning very soft plex. The process will be more time consuming, but you will not scratch the surface and do no harm to your pets
- Kitchen sponges. New sponges and sponges, too, coping well with the bloom, and again, quite harmless. If such a convenient and cheap option suits you, cleaning the glass inside the device will be done more carefully and quickly if you use the reverse - rigid, side. But be careful not to create scratches.
- Plastic washcloths. A universal product that costs a little more than ordinary wipers and sponges, but it perfectly removes any dirt in a few minutes, if you rub it hard. To damage glass with such a washcloth is almost impossible.
- Iron wool. Some amateur-aquarists use such a tool, but experts strongly do not recommend. In addition to the scratches that appear after the treatment with a stiff washcloth, small metal chips fall into the water, which is obtained during the friction process. And this can harm the inhabitants of the aquarium.
- Putty knives, scrapers and plastic cards. The optimal solution for removing a large layer of plaque. Absolutely harmless and can be used several times. But the usual blade for this purpose is better not to take.
Important! If the better the cleaning of the aquarium inside, it is clear, then it should be noted and a few nuances of processing the outside. Cleaning of the glass of the aquarium from the outside by some is carried out by ordinary household means such as "Mr. Muscle".Doing this is undesirable, because when spraying particles of chemicals get into the water and harm the fish. It is better to remove fingerprints with a usual soft rag, and remove persistent dirt with soda, moisten it with water.
Now you know how to clean any glass in your home. Use our advice and this procedure will not be unpleasant and long for you.