- How to decide if you need to clean your house?
- How to clean the house and its energy?
- Sequence of actions during cleansing
- How to clean the house of spoilage and evil eye?
- How to keep the house clean after the rituals?
Our house is a fortress, but sometimes strange things begin to happen in it: family members quickly get tired, become aggressive and irritated, constant scandals and quarrels over trifles, anxiety and confusion of feelings. Then it is worth thinking about how to clean the house of negative energy, envy and energy dirt?
to the contents ↑How to decide if you need to clean your house?
Each apartment building, apartment or cottage is entangled with energy lines of your family, friends and those people who often come to your house. The more positive, love and joy surround you and your family, the more bright and cozy your home, and vice versa. But not only people contribute to the fact that cleaning energy waste is just necessary, as well as interior items, withering flowers and just dirt.
The following objects accumulate the most negative things:
- dirty dishes in the kitchen;
- mirrors and glass surfaces;
- unwashed shoes in the hallway;
- old things and unnecessary trash;
- lack of regular cleaning in the house;
- any cracked, punctured or broken objects;
- torn underwear;
- pieces of bread on the table;
- things of people who died, both by their own and by violent death;
- stolen or counterfeit money and valuables;
- other people's jewels and gold.
How to clean the house and its energy?
The traditions of our people are very strong. It is from the past centuries that our ancestors gave us rituals and actions that not only take away negative energy from our house, evil spirit, but also simple envy and spoilage.
You can clean the house in the following ways:
- with holy water;
- with candlelight;
- with special salt;
- with a loud sound or bell;
- plants.
Sequence of actions during cleansing
Do not immediately run after holy water or candles, before the action itself, you need to prepare yourself and your house a little. First of all:
- Do a general cleaning of the whole house so that not the slightest bit of dirt remains.
- Rub all transparent and mirror surfaces to shine.
- Throw away unnecessary things and trash, everything that you have associated with bad emotions, days or people.
- Ideally clean the bathroom and toilet.
- Add up books, notebooks, magazines in any closed space( wardrobe, bedside table).
On the day on which this event is planned, do not invite guests and noisy companies, especially people who envy you or contribute to fomenting bad thoughts and moral pressure.
Important! Only after carrying out this training, begin to carry out activities related directly to cleaning your home.
Purifying the house with holy water
Holy water is a universal cleaner, it can be used not only for premises, but also for suspicious things. It is used as follows:
- Sprinkle every room of the house, starting from the front door.
- Spray into the corners of the room.
- Read the prayer "Our Father".
Important! If you are given a suspicious thing or if the donor is unpleasant to you, be sure to treat it with holy water or, if possible, immerse it in running water for 1 hour. The water will take away the bad energy and cleanse the thing you need .
Cleaning the house with a candle
A candle is a universal tool that is available to everyone, and does not require special knowledge.
To achieve the most lasting effect, you can take:
- any holy candles;
- waxy light shades.
Caution! Be careful in carrying out the ritual. Fire is a dangerous element, so try not to touch the candle lit by a candle and other flammable things.
To clean the house with a candle, follow these steps:
- Light the candle.
- Read any prayer.
- Go around the house.
- Make a movement in the form of a cross throughout the house cleaning process.
- Clean the front door both on the outside and inside.
- Pay special attention to the corners and mirrors.
- Spray in all rooms with holy water.
- Burn the burned candles and deposit.
- Wash your hands with soap and treat with holy water.
Important! If you notice that the fire started to smoke or crackle, it means that this place has an increased background of negative energy. Therefore, you need to stand there until the candle begins to burn exactly.
Cleaning the house with special salt
To perform a ritual to clean the house of negative, otherworldly energy, you will need:
- special salt;
- candle made from wax;
- cracked bowl or cup.
Important! For this action, you do not need ordinary salt, but collected on Pure Thursday before Easter. In order to obtain such salt, do the following:
- Pray before sunrise on Pure Thursday.
- With a hand washed, take a couple of handfuls of salt.
- Put the salt in a separate closed container or bag.
The ritual itself consists of the following actions:
- Close all windows and exterior doors tightly.
- In the cracked container, pour in the salt.
- Read the prayer "Our Father" or any other that you know.
- Insert the candle in the salt and light it.
- Walk around the house until the candle completely melts.
- Mix the wax and salt in the dishes.
- With your left hand, place the entire container with the contents in the bag.
- Take the package to the trash.
- Close the house to the key.
Important! Do not leave a packet of salt and wax in the house after the ritual, take it out of your home as soon as possible - this will prevent you from re-infecting with negative energy.
Cleansing the house with the help of plants
Some plants, since ancient times, have been attributed mystical properties to combat impure force and negative energy. For example:
- garlic;
- onion;St. John's wort
- ;
- sage.
A little bit about the properties of these plants:
- Garlic is considered to be one of the most powerful plants against evil spirits and resisting bad energy. Usually our ancestors used it as follows:
- Put the garlic heads in suspicious places.
- Say the prayer "Our Father".
- After 1-2 days, take the garlic out of the house and burn it.
- Hand your hands with holy water.
Important! If you put garlic on the head of the bed, you will not have nightmares and unpleasant visions, as it will protect you from the influence of otherworldly forces.
- Onion is a kind of sponge that absorbs negative energy and does not let it out. Recommended for use with a pair of garlic.
- Very often to cleanse the house of negative and envy, in ancient times, St. John's wort was used. This miracle-grass was dried up in bundles and set on fire. Her smoke fumigated the premises and the house outside.
- A dried sage helps to save your home from dark otherworldly creatures. From time to time it is recommended to burn a bundle of this herb, it will help to protect yourself and relatives from evil spirits.
How to clean the house of spoilage and evil eye?
Very often, the reason for the particularly large accumulation of negative and bad energy in the house is not the tenants themselves. Prolonged diseases, quarrels, accidents and even death can attract corruption and evil eye envy to your house.
In order to start the ritual of expelling spoilage and evil eye from your home and life, in addition to the preliminary preparation, you must fulfill several conditions:
- Buy coarse salt.
- Get the icons of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the Last Supper.
- Do not invite anyone on this day.
- Close the doors and windows tightly.
- Open all internal doors.
The simplest and most feasible, for the common man, the ritual for expelling corruptions is a ritual with salt.
For the correct conduct of the ritual, you need to do the following:
- Preheat a clean frying pan on the stove.
- Throw in it a handful of salt.
- Put as many needles in the salt as there are people in the house.
- Warm the mixture until it turns black or starts to crack.
- Turn off the fire and turn to the stove with your back.
- Turn over your left shoulder 1 time.
- Go around all the rooms with a frying pan.
- Mentally collect bad energy in salt, especially carefully around beds and televisions.
- Constantly say: "where it came from - it went and went, and everything that we wish bad, they took everything back to themselves."
- After the round, fry the salt again;
- Pour salt into the toilet bowl and rinse with holy or running water.
- Thoroughly wash the pan and sprinkle it with holy water.
Important! Do not worry, after this ritual, strange things can happen in the house, for example, the sound of broken dishes or glass can be heard. It bursts and leaves negative energy and spoilage, sent to your house by people who are entering your home.
to the contents ↑How to keep the house clean after the rituals?
After all the spent energy and energy to restore harmony and cleanliness of your home, you need to take steps to ensure that the result is fixed for a long time. Namely:
- Run bad thoughts out of your head.
- Farewell to your loved ones.
- Be patient.
- Avoid sorb and conflict situations.
- Do not invite envious and unpleasant people into the house.
After a successful ritual, the candle flame will burn exactly the same in every place of your house, and you will have a feeling of relief and appeasement. It is worth remembering that cleaning the house of bad energy is not a guarantee that it will never appear again. Only on you and your actions depends the peace and well-being of your "family nest".