Means for pest control

  • Contents:
    • General information and types of disinfestations
    • Professional means for disinfecting
    • Drugs of wide impact:

    Despite the fact that most people today live in apartments of high-rise buildings, and not in the woods in nature, some insects periodically poison comfortable existenceand rest. You can endlessly struggle with folk remedies or ineffective drugs, with the time of getting used to the neighbors of crawling, flying individuals. And you can go another way - use professional means of disinfestation, the probability of further stay of insects in your house after which is almost 0.

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    General information and types of disinfestations

    There are preparations that better cope with the destruction of a certain type of insect. If you want not only a positive result in the extermination of one insect, but also some kind of prevention in the appearance of others, complex means for disinsection are perfect. Preparations have different form of release: aerosol, gel, powder, liquid. Each species is effective in its own way, if you observe all the features of its application.

    Gels of insecticidal action

    When using such a disinfectant as a gel, it is desirable to apply droplets of the substance at the same distance from each other. You can apply it directly to the floor or on paper, which is decomposed in the places of the most frequent occurrence of scurrying insects.

    Important! The gel itself is a very effective remedy and to a greater extent plays the role of scaring.


    Usually present for sale as ready-to-use liquids in pressurized cylinders. If the remedy that you have purchased is concentrated, then dilute it with water and spray it several times throughout your home.

    Important! In the case of instant disinfestation - drugs of this kind are very effective, but it is on those insects that have been exposed to a jet or spray in the shortest period of time.

    Disinsection preparations in the form of powder dust

    Application of such a drug should be carried out along the walls, as well as in places where insects converge. It is desirable to make tracks in a uniform layer.


    The use of such a tool for disinfestation is carried out on absolutely any planes, whether it be floor, wall or table.


    This device is specifically designed to attract insects, for example: adhesive tape for flies, a box for cockroaches and bedbugs.

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    Professional disinfecting products

    There are a number of professional tools that are used for effective pest control. In free sale, they are usually absent, although some are still possible to acquire. The only thing you need to be ready for is a fairly high price.

    K-Otrin SK 50

    Insecticide "K-Otrin SK 50" is a concentrated suspension, the aggregate state of which is a liquid. The composition of this concentrate includes:

    • deltamethrin in an amount of 5%;
    • synthetic pyrethroid;

    This concentrate is produced in Germany by Bayer. This tool for pest control has a sharp insecticidal effect on many types of insects - cockroaches, bugs, ants, etc.

    Important! The drug continues for 70 days. It is produced in special plastic bottles of 1 liter. The expiry date of this disinfection product lasts two years from the date of manufacture.

    Fendon 1,5 SC

    This drug is considered in the world as one of the most effective pyrethroids. In the composition there is a strong substance - alfacipermetrin.

    Basically it is a concentrated white suspension. Produced in France. The drug has a sharp insecticidal effect on many species of insects.

    Important! Active drug remains for 60 days. Available in containers made of special plastic, the volume of which is 1 liter. The expiration date of this disinfection product lasts for three years.

    Cypertrin KE25%

    Cypertrin KE25% has the properties of sensitization. When exposed to the upper respiratory tract, the drug belongs to the second class of safety, and during exposure to 0.1% water emulsion in pairs - to the third class of safety in accordance with GOST.

    Important! Produced in Italy. The activity of this drug lasts up to 30-40 days. It goes to the market in cans and barrels, the volume of which is 5, 25 or 50 liters.

    The preparation includes: solvent DV, 25% concentrate emulsion, DV cypermeter, surfactant, up to 100% emulsifier. The expiration date of this disinfection product lasts two years.

    Sinuzan 48% of ae.

    Means for pest control, which has a wide range of insecticidal effects. Produced by the Sinuzan in Denmark. The active substance of the drug is chlorpyrifos.

    This drug has a very acute effect on most insects, so that their destruction occurs almost instantaneously.

    Important! The activity of the disinfecting agent for this species continues for 60 days. Produced in special plastic bottles with a volume of 1 to 5 liters. The expiry date of the disinfection product lasts up to three years.

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    Drugs of wide impact:

    • Chlorpirrymark is a well-known and widely used drug worldwide. Used to exterminate any type of insect. A special complex of perfumes makes the process of disinsection even more convenient.
    • Solfak is a professional preparation with a sharp insecticidal effect, as well as the ability to destroy many kinds of insects.
    • Fufanon Super - a product with an insecticidal component composition, recommended for the treatment of living quarters, hospitals, production areas. Disinsection with this drug should be carried out strictly in the absence of people inside. Also great for processing the exterior walls of houses.
    • Sichlor is a drug used to kill cockroaches and any kinds of insects at production sites and at breeding sites. For example, high efficiency was observed in garbage collecting areas, which are places of multiplication of flies, in wet rooms, flooded cellars, where mosquitoes most often multiply.
    • Cypertrin is the most suitable tool for treating areas from ticks.

    As you can see, the means for disinsection are represented by a fairly wide range. Given the fact that we have performed a brief overview of not all currently available options for domestic and imported production, you have to make a choice yourself. Focus on such factors:

    • what exactly is freely available on sale;
    • are ready to use the services of professional pest control centers;
      how large the invasion and which insects are observed in your home.

    Having correctly defined the goals, you should not have problems with the destruction of small pests. We wish you a quiet, cozy and comfortable environment in your home without any unexpected insects!