- What should you think about when choosing a cleaning agent?
- Than to clean a bath at home?
- Clean acrylic bath at home
- Recommendations for bath care
Unfortunately, the quality of water in the cranes of our homes leaves much to be desired. From its rigidity, even absolutely new plumbing equipment suffers, which soon acquires a rather disappointing appearance. And if it's a bath that's older than the universe itself - it's all very complicated, but even in the saddest situation, you can try to fix everything, for example, clean the bath with soda and vinegar. These are so simple, at first glance, substances, in combination they can create real miracles. On how to clean the bath at home with these and other, equally accessible and safe means, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What should I think about when choosing a cleaner?
There are many answers to the question of "How to wash a bath?"On the shelves of shops there is a wide variety of chemistry, which promises to once and for all clean the bath of plaque.
But the bitter truth is that at least half of these well advertised funds are actually useless, and the second half can do irreparable harm to your bath( eat the enamel).
Important! Do not forget about the safety of these funds. If you only think about the fact that in a bathroom that you just washed with some kind of chemical muck, children get up and cheerfully wash, it becomes uncomfortable. Therefore, everyone is looking for a way to maximize the effectiveness of a detergent with minimizing harm to their health and the appearance of the bathroom.
to the contents ↑Than to clean the bath at home?
Surprisingly, our mothers and grandmothers managed to keep the baths in perfect cleanliness without the help of various chemicals. And they did not use magic for this, but could only clean the bath with soda and vinegar. Maybe we should try to clean the old bath to shine using the methods that were successfully used before the breakthrough in the development of the chemical industry?
The universal product is soda. It not only removes dirt from the surface of your bath, it also disinfects it. Its application is also very simple. It is necessary:
- to brew soda with water in order to get a kind of gruel;
- apply it to the soiling;
- wait until it is dry;
- wash off the product with water.
Especially effective is bath cleaning at home, when pollution is not so significant. Otherwise, repeat the procedure several times.
The use of such an affordable product as vinegar will not cause you any difficulties. To do this, only apply liquid to the surface of your bath and leave it for a while.
If there are bright spots of lime or rust on the surface - use paper towels:
- Pre-soak them with vinegar.
- Apply them to the soiled areas of the bathtub.
- Wait a few hours, then just rinse the vinegar with water.
Important! Cleaning the bath at home will be even more effective if you first apply a soda powder, and then pour the surfaces of the plumbing with vinegar. Alkaline reaction will quickly eat up the entire plaque and you will get a sparkling bowl.
Surprisingly, in everyday life, toothpaste can be used not only for its true purpose. It removes stains from any surface well. In particular, it is also applicable if you decide to clean the bath with soda and vinegar, as well as try out other improvised means.
For more noticeable results, proceed as follows:
- Apply powder or paste to problem areas.
- If it is a powder, moisten it with warm water a little.
- Arm yourself with a sponge or an unnecessary toothbrush.
- Rub the stains of the plaque.
- Rinse with copious amounts of clean water.
Citric Acid
Lemon is a natural bleach and cleaner, and acid - even more effective if you need to restore the beauty and purity of various surfaces. Cleaning the bath at home with citric acid will also be very appropriate, and besides it will also give a disinfectant effect.
Use this remedy against lime and rust so:
- A citric acid bag dilute in a glass with water.
- Treat the bath surface with this solution.
- After 15 minutes, wash the bath with a sponge: wipe where there are stains - they will disappear.
Important! Do not use this method without wearing rubber gloves.
to the table of contents ↑Clean the acrylic bath at home
Acrylic bathtubs are in great demand today. This material has many advantages, but there is also one drawback: such baths require very careful and gentle care.
Important! The methods that are used to clean enameled bathtubs, in no case can be used for acrylics.
The first rule that must be remembered: do not clean acrylic bathrooms more than once in 2 weeks. But disinfection is necessary every week. In order to do this, there are a lot of special means that are poured into the bath with water.
After the time required for the reaction, wash the bath thoroughly before draining the water. A good alternative to various special-purpose products( disinfectant) is laundry soap. They can treat the surface of the bath, and then simply wash it with water.
Important! Do not use to clean acrylics any means and powders that contain such substances:
- Alcohol;
- Chlorine;
- Acetone;
- Alkali;
- Ammonia;
- Acids;
- Formaldehydes.
Recommendations for bath care
We have already told you how to clean baths of different types from plaque and other dirt. And that pollution appeared as rarely as possible, you just have to follow the basic general rules of care.
Important! Be sure to take into account the material from which the plumbing is made.
Cleaning gels or pasty agents instead of powders
It is best to completely abandon cleaning powders because they contain crystalline particles. They are more intended for cleaning metals and metal baths.
Important! In other words, the powder scraped dirt off the surface, thus cleaning and, at the same time, damaging it. As a result, microcracks or scratches may appear, because of which the overall service life of the product is significantly reduced.
Use a soft sponge or a rag
When choosing a tool that you can rub or wash the bath, do not use hard brushes. They are likely to damage the coating of your bath.
After bathing, ventilate the bathroom
The easiest way to care for the bathroom is to ventilate it. Dampness is the worst enemy of enamel, it destroys it. And because of it, mold in the bathroom might appear. It is for this reason, after bathing, is to leave the bathroom door open.
Wipe down the bath
Prevents the appearance of plaque and yellowness by thoroughly wiping with a soft, dry rag bath after bathing. This is a very simple and effective way so that there is no need to often clean the bath with soda and vinegar.
Regular care
An obvious and very simple way that takes no more than 5 minutes of your time per day. Clean your bath regularly and it will never turn yellow, its surface will not be covered with complex spots, for removal of which you will have to use aggressive chemicals. Daily wiping the surface with a soapy sponge, and then rinsing it with water will make your bathtub always be in perfect condition.
Items that rust - do not leave them on the bath
Rust is formed on objects containing a metal substrate. For example, it can be shaving machines and bottles with shaving cream. Then, corrosion goes to the surface of your plumbing. But you recently cleaned the bath at home and spent your energy - you must respect your work.
Important! Do not use the toilet bowl to clean the tub. Even though the label says that they are suitable for all sanitary ware, the chemicals contained in the composition are quite aggressive. As a result, the less strong enamel of the bath simply collapses.
If you have the alternative - to use household chemicals or to clean the bath with soda and vinegar, always give preference to a second, safer option. So you not only make an invaluable contribution to your health, but also delay the moment of the need to buy new plumbing, which is by no means cheap.