- Why clean carpets and furniture?
- How to take care of carpets and furniture yourself?
- How best to clean carpet and furniture?
- Advantages of professional cleaning:
- How is carpet and upholstered furniture cleaned?
- How often should I dry clean?
- How to clean carpets and furniture at home?
- Useful advices:
Even if you constantly keep the apartment clean, thorough cleaning of carpets and furniture remains one of the most important occupations. A conventional vacuum cleaner can not always cope with complex impurities on the coatings, and the independent removal of stains from upholstered furniture can lead to damage to the upholstery. How to ease your work and make cleaning of carpets and furniture as efficiently as possible, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Why clean carpets and furniture?
To answer this question, we present several arguments that will convince you of the need for regular and high-quality care of these products:
- In the course of daily operation, carpets and upholstered furniture inevitably absorb dust, dirt and various solids that can cause allergies.
- Spots on the surface often appear, which can become a source of unpleasant odor.
- Moisture and any contamination creates a favorable environment for the development of various pathogens and bacteria.
- Occasional cleaning and untimely care of carpets and furniture lead to the fact that the material from which they are made, prematurely wears out and grows old.
- The upholstery of sofas and armchairs with time gets dirty, darkens and does not acquire an aesthetic appearance.
- Regular and thorough cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture is simply necessary if the family has small children, people with allergic reactions, and pets.
How to take care of carpets and furniture yourself?
To keep the covers in order, do the following regularly:
- Use a vacuum cleaner 1 or 2 times a week to remove dust from the surface.
- Carpet periodically, at least once a season, knock out, in the winter - clean with snow.
A more thorough approach - cleaning carpets and furniture, usually involves several stages:
- Cleaning of stains and stains with special or improvised means.
- Remove cleaning agents with a brush or a damp cloth.
- Wipe the treated surface with a dry cloth.
- Dry the carpet or upholstery upholstery.
Important! Doing these actions, you should not wet or rub furniture and carpets. The abundance of moisture will only harm your products - penetrating the fibers of the tissue on the treated areas, it can cause the appearance of spores of mold, which quickly spread over the entire surface.
to the contents ↑How best to clean carpet and furniture?
If the dirt is insignificant - you will be able to cope on their own. But in case the carpets are made of expensive, natural materials( silk, wool), and the upholstery of your favorite sofa is made of delicate fabric, do not experiment and rub the stains yourself. It is better to resort to the services of professional cleaning companies - to take things to dry cleaning or to call a master at home. Cleaning furniture and carpets at home is a more convenient option, which will save you from having to transport things to the dry cleaning shop and, thus, will save your own time and nerves.
to the contents ↑Advantages of professional cleaning:
- Allows to remove dirt and dust completely - for example, in carpets all thickness of pile, the basis and even the floor under it is cleared.
- Allows you to remove various complex spots - from coffee, wine, fat, as well as pollution of unknown origin.
- Helps to eliminate unpleasant odors.
- Effectively removes dust mites-saprophytes and their larvae from the surface.
- Aligns the texture of the product - picks up fluffy carpets that have lost their original shape.
- Will help extend the life of the coating.
- Revive the color of the carpet or upholstery and make it brighter and more saturated.
- Premium chemicals are selected separately for each product, depending on the intensity of the contamination and taking into account the type of upholstery, material and length of the pile.
- Only professional high-quality equipment from world manufacturers of household appliances is used, for example, "Kärcher".
- Quite high cost of services.
- Use of chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, unless the use of funds on natural or environmentally friendly and harmless, hypoallergenic components is not stipulated.
How is carpet and upholstered furniture cleaned?
The whole procedure that professionals perform can be divided into 4 stages:
- Testing of the selected for treatment means is carried out on an inconspicuous part of the product.
- Basic cleaning with special equipment and chemicals.
- Removing cleaning agents together with impurities.
- Mechanical drying of carpet or upholstery.
How often should I dry clean?
There are different opinions about this issue. First of all, it all depends on the degree of contamination of carpets or furniture and how often you clean them at home. If the family has small children or allergies, professionals recommend cleaning the furniture and carpets at home no less than twice a month. However, be sure to inquire what kind of chemical formulations for the treatment of products are used, because some of their components can cause allergic reactions.
Important! Companies caring about their own reputation prefer hypoallergenic products. So do not save on your health and choose only those service providers that are reliable and trustworthy.
to the contents ↑How to clean carpets and furniture at home?
If for some reason - the lack of free time, the necessary funds or the inability to contact the services of a cleaning company, you prefer to solve the problem with the help of improvised tools, adopt a few simple but effective methods for cleaning carpetsand upholstered furniture at home.
Method 1
To quickly clean the carpet and refresh its color, you will need the usual ammonia spirit:
- Pour 1 liter of cool water into the container.
- Dilute 2 tsp in it.ammonia.
- Moisten a prepared sponge or soft brush.
- Apply liquid to the carpet.
- Wipe surface with a dry cloth.
Method 2
For cleaning a carpet with a long pile - from 2.5 to 10 cm, use soda and vinegar, which for sure will be found in the kitchen cabinet of any mistress:
- Collect 1 liter of cold water in a bowl.
- Pour 1 tsp.9% vinegar solution.
- Add 1 tsp.baking soda.
- Stir until homogeneous.
- Dampen the brush in the solution.
- Apply a small amount of the product to the carpet.
- Clean with soft movements on the pile, one way.
- Dry the carpet thoroughly.
Method 3
If you want to remove grease stains from upholstered furniture, apply ammonia and dishwashing detergent:
- Take 100g of warm water.
- Pour 1 tsp.liquid detergent type "Fairy".
- Add 1 tsp.ammonia.
- Stir.
- Dampen with a solution of dirt.
- Attach a thick paper towel or clean cotton cloth.
- Carefully iron the stain with a warm iron.
Useful advices:
- Regularly, at least once a week, clean carpets, sofas, armchairs from dust and soiling with a vacuum cleaner.
- If you decide to clean the products yourself, first use a fairly soft means, preferably of natural origin. Only if they do not work, use more aggressive chemicals.
- Synthetic carpets before cleaning, treat with antistatic to make it easier to remove dust from their surface.
- During all cleaning and cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture, ventilate the room well.
- Use rubber gloves to protect the skin from chemicals.
- The drying process after washing or cleaning the coatings is a must. Do not let the appearance of moisture, because it is an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria and mold.
- Do not attempt to manually clean handmade carpets, expensive items made of silk, wool and upholstered furniture. To avoid problems, take them to a dry cleaner or call a master at home.
We hope that our recommendations will help you to effectively clean and keep carpets and upholstered furniture in good condition, because these items invariably create a feeling of warmth, comfort and harmony in any home.