How to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom at home?

  • What is the chemical method for cleaning interlabic seams from contaminants?
  • How to wash interliter seams?mechanical methods
  • Folk methods for combating contaminants on interlacing seams
  • Cardinal joint cleaning
  • The way to protect interconnected seams from contaminants

The pleasant appearance of the tile in the bathroom and kitchen always adds to the good mood and makes the house cozy. But to break all this can darken, dirt, mold, fungus and other unpleasant phenomena. Therefore it is extremely important to know the reasons for the appearance of darkening, and how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom at home. It is these questions that we will disclose for you in this article.

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What is the chemical method for cleaning interlabic seams from contaminants?

This is a banal cleaning with innovative detergents. But their use is somewhat limited, since they easily cope with various smooth surfaces, but not with rough, porous, which, in essence, there are seams between the tiles.

Dirt is ingested inside them, and all modern household chemicals are weak in this matter, especially when it comes to loyal household chemicals. If you want to try your luck and cleanse the seams between the tiles in the bathroom at home using such a means, then look for better potent solutions. They must be based on strong acids.

Important! Among such household chemical solutions, pay special attention to the good old "Pemolux" - the effectiveness of this tool, time-tested. No less effective will be "Silit".

All chemicals are used in the same way:

  1. Apply to seams.
  2. Withstands all elements to do their job.
  3. The seams are then rinsed with warm running water.
  4. In order to increase efficiency, you can additionally use a brush.

Important! By and large, chemistry works, but the effect from it is only when the contamination has not yet had time to finally penetrate into the structure of the grouting itself. That is why this care for the tile, or rather for the seams between it, it is necessary to start exactly from the beginning of the operation of the tile. That is, do not bring everything to a critical state, and periodically take a suitable remedy and use it to wash the seams between the tiles in the bathroom.

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How to wash interliter seams?mechanical methods

The mechanical method of solving this issue is more effective, because for him it does not matter how deeply the contamination penetrates into the seam structure. You simply pick up a scraper, and then gradually, millimeter by millimeter, clean the top layer of seams together with dirt.

Yes, the work is somewhat difficult, tedious and very painstaking, but incredibly effective. But it is necessary to do everything with one's own hands, this is the main drawback of this method.

If to speak about those devices with which you can perform a similar procedure, then you can note such suitable tools:

  1. Sandpaper or kitchen scraper. Universal adaptations, but you will work them more than one day.
  2. To clean the seams between the tiles on the floor, you can use not hard brushes for metal. But know that they remove the layer of grout with strips that are very noticeable.
  3. Best in practice was a small semicircular chisel, which, as a rule, is used by wood carvers. If there is no ready, it is enough to make it from a thin tube, cut it in half and sharpen the edge on a Bulgarian.

Important! It is not recommended to completely mechanize this method of cleaning and use all kinds of nozzles on the drill. The only thing you can achieve in this way is to damage the enamel of the tile.

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Folk methods for combating contaminants on interlacing seams

In most cases, the methods of people's origin are always more effective than modern cleaning products. Cleaning of joints between tiles with their help is complex and simple at the same time. Typically, it represents a mixture of chemical and mechanical technologies, which simultaneously allows you to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, and also bleach them. But despite this, you still have a little sweat, if you want to get an excellent result.

Prescription of a means of dirt on the joints

This solution can be prepared from ordinary baking soda, vinegar and lemon. His recipe is very simple - 6 tbsp.water, ½ st.soda, ⅓ art.vinegar and as much lemon juice.

How to use:

  1. Prepare the prepared liquid on the seams.
  2. Give it 10-15 minutes to stay on the seam so that the resulting solution does its job.
  3. After this, all dirt is easily washed off with clean running water.

Important! Strengthen the effectiveness of this homemade solution is possible with a brush, it will help your solution to quickly penetrate inside the grout. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times to be sure to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom at home from all the dirt.

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Cardinal joint cleaning

There are such impurities that can not be eliminated with the methods described above. As a rule, this old-fashioned contamination with mold marks, as well as other impurities - it is of no use to struggle with such phenomena. Especially with mold.

To destroy such pollution is best through cardinal methods. To do this:

  1. The frozen grout will have to be completely digged.
  2. Treat the joints with a special primer, eg Ceresit CT 99.
  3. Then apply a new grout that you prepare with the addition of a primer.

Important! The situation is facilitated by special adaptations, for example, scrapers, direct purpose, which is reduced to the elimination of glue from the seams, but with the trowel they can handle quite effectively. At its core, it is a handle on which a wide diamond-coated blade is attached, the thickness of each blade is 1.5 mm.

If your seams are wider, then install several blades on this machine. Although you can do only one thing, in that case, set the knife a little diagonally.

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The way to protect interconnection seams from contaminants

Applying trowels to seams is a laborious task, because manufacturers insist that the protective mixture does not fall on the tile itself. According to them, spots are formed in those places where the tile comes into contact with the liquid.

But there are special mixtures for the protection of grout from soiling:

  1. A bright representative of this product can be called the innovative tool ATLAS DELFIN - it slightly embellishes the white seams with a yellowish tinge.
  2. Ceresit CT 10 Super is an excellent product from a well-known German manufacturer, whose reliability and decency is undeniable.

Important! White grout is considered universal. But if you do not want to solve the problem on a regular basis, than to clean the seams between the tiles, do not use it in the bathroom. The contrast stitches also look very beautiful, besides, snow-white tiles in such rooms are used incredibly rarely, so replacing the white grout with some other is quite simple.

We hope that now the interlacing seams in your bathroom or in the kitchen will be in excellent condition and the comfort that you tried to create in your home will reign.