- Causes of blockages in the sewage pipeline
- In which places is the most common obstruction?
- Ways of self-cleaning sewer pipes
If you notice that the water from the sink or bath badly goes into the sewer, immediately take action. The simplest thing you can do is call a plumber who will professionally clean the pipes. The second option for solving this problem is to tackle the problem yourself. With this approach, soda + vinegar will help you.
to content ↑Causes of blockages in the sewage pipeline
There are several main reasons that contribute to the disruption of normal operation of the sewerage, which necessitates regular cleaning of pipes with soda and vinegar:
- Incorrect pipe installation. Violation of the rules for installing pipes, improper slope or the use of cement mortar when installing the toilet becomes the reason for the frequent formation of garbage in the sewage pipes.
- Non-observance of the rules for the use of plumbing fixtures. The release of large foreign objects into the sewer drains is one of the causes of the malfunctioning of such
- systems. A thick build-up on the internal walls of the pipeline. It arises from a long service life.
- Incorrect drainage sewage cleaning or complete absence.
Important! Almost every one of us at least once in his life faced the problem of sewerage clogging. This not only brings inconvenience to the life of the residents of the house, but also becomes a threat to more serious problems. The clogged canalization can cause damage to the pipes and, as a consequence, damage to the repair of their own and neighboring apartments.
To be able to clean pipes on time, you do not need to buy expensive chemicals. This can help ordinary soda, vinegar, which is in every house.
to the contents ↑In which places is the most common clogging?
The following sections of sewer pipes are most often clogged:
- Sewage pipe of a kitchen sink. Due to the constant subsidence of fat, this section of the pipeline easily accumulates debris, which causes poor drainage.
Important! To minimize the risk of clogging, it is recommended to use in the kitchen sinks strainer-mesh, which will not let most of the garbage into the sewer pipes.
- Drain tubing tub. This area is most often hammered due to the large number of hair.
- Draining the toilet. This site is clogged less often than others, since it initially goes wider in diameter. And only in violation of the elementary rules for the use of this plumbing there is a serious clogging of sewerage.
Important! In no case should you throw baby diapers, rags, feminine hygiene products, construction debris and plastic bags into the toilet bowl.
If the problem still occurs, you should quickly fix it.
Important! If the water has completely ceased to go into the sewer system, and you do not have the experience of self-cleaning pipes, then it's worth asking for help from specialists. It is unlikely that you will be able to eliminate serious blockage on your own. If the sewerage system still works, but not so effectively, you can clean pipes with soda and vinegar yourself.
to the contents ↑Self-cleaning of sewer pipes
Before starting any operations, determine the place of the blockage. For this, it is necessary to check the operation of all the drains in the house:
- If the drain works perfectly in all plumbing fixtures except one, the blockage is local and it can not be removed.
- If problems are visible in all sinks at the same time, the clog is global and more serious measures will be required to remove it.
Flushing of pipes with boiling water
Kitchen drainage is often clogged with grease. To remove small fat deposits, you should fill the drain with boiling water.
Important! Complex obstructions in this way you do not clean, but prevent them with the regular washing of pipes with boiling water is quite realistic.
Cleaning pipes with soda and vinegar
A neutralization reaction between acid and alkali will help remove garbage clogs in the pipes. Concentrated solutions can cause significant harm to the sewage pipeline, but ordinary soda and vinegar will clean the sink without consequences. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Put a glass of soda into the problematic discharge hole.
- Send the same glass of vinegar.
- Close the drain with a piece of cloth or a special plug to prevent the foam from escaping from the reaction.
- Do not use this drainer for about half an hour to allow the reaction between soda and vinegar to fully take place.
- After the time has elapsed, turn on hot water and rinse well the sewer pipe.
How do I clean the pipes with soda?
Soda without any impurities is also able to remove small clogs in the sewer:
- Clean the drainage hole with a plunger or fill with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
- Mix a glass of soda with 3 cups of boiling water and pour the resulting mixture into the drain hole.
- Wait 15-20 minutes and let the clean water come out of the tap to remove any debris and detergent from the sewer.
How to clear a lump of soda and salt?
Soda can also be mixed with salt and thus rinses the pipes of unwanted debris. This method is better to conduct in the evening, more precisely - at night, so that no one used the sink for a long time.
Principle of use:
- Mix half a cup of soda and the same amount of salt.
- Pour the resulting mixture into the drain hole.
- Fill the pipe with boiling water and leave for 8-10 hours.
Cleaning of sewerage with the help of special household chemicals
Plastic sewer pipes will efficiently and quickly clean out special household chemicals. To clean this type of pipe, the sanitary cable is absolutely not suitable, as it can damage their walls, but special household chemicals or soda with vinegar for cleaning pipes are the most effective means.
A large selection of household chemical products in stores will facilitate your purchase. Using any of them, clearly follow the instructions on the packaging.
Important! To avoid serious problems with the obstruction of sewer pipes, regular preventive cleaning of the drains should be carried out, at least once every 2-3 months by any means chosen by you.
Usage suction nozzle for cleaning the sewer system
The Vantuz is a device that must be in every house. To use it is simple enough and there is no special skill required for this:
- Install the plunger so that the drain hole of the sink is completely covered by its bowl.
- Put a small amount of water in the sink and start moving the handle of the plunger up and down.
- After 15-20 movements with a handle, pull the plunger up sharply. If the collected water quickly went into the drain hole, then the blockage is removed, and you are excellent with it. If the water leaves slowly, then it is worth repeating the whole procedure first.
Sanitary cable - helper in the removal of sewer blockages
This device is a tool for professional plumbers. To clean the canalization with a cable, two people must be involved, which will act as follows:
- First you need to find the entrance to the pipe. To do this, remove the siphon of the sink.
- One member of the process will twist the handle, the other - advance the cable through the pipe.
- After finishing work, flush the drain with plenty of water.
If none of these methods of self-cleaning sewer pipes did not help, then contact the professionals for help. With the help of special equipment they quickly and efficiently remove the blockage in the sewage system by hydrodynamic cleaning.