- Why dust?
- Tools for high-quality dust removal
- Natural and home remedies for dust
- Home dust remedy with your own hands
- Useful tips
No matter how many dusts you remove from surfaces, it will not take long. But there are effective and high-quality tools for dust removal, which will help get rid of this phenomenon for a long time. Which of them can be used for cleaning the house, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Why dust?
Dust contains inconveniences not only of an aesthetic nature - it can contain elements dangerous to human health. By definition, dust is microscopic particles of organic origin. It can develop and inhabit ticks-saprophytes. By themselves, they are harmless: they do not tolerate infection and do not spoil the surface. But they can cause a person to have asthma or allergies.
Important! To prevent and eliminate such diseases due to excessive amounts of dust, measures need to be taken.
to the table of contents ↑Tools for high-quality dust removal
For effective and high-quality cleaning, dust needs to be cleaned around the perimeter of the apartment or house. Especially in hard-to-reach places: in corners, between furniture, on objects above the head and ceilings. For this, special tools are needed, which, for the convenience of cleaning, began to produce caring manufacturers.
In addition, special household chemicals have been developed, which prevents the adherence of layers of dust, which reduces its number. Also, it accumulates on curtains, soft toys and bedspreads, so all fabric things and surfaces need to be washed regularly.
Popular household chemicals for dust control
- Polishing "Pronto".Has an antiseptic effect. After its application, less dust is deposited. This is because the surface does not stick. The product does not leave streaks and adds shine to the furniture. Has a pleasant, not intrusive aroma. Does not cause allergies.
- Dust brush "Roto Duster".The brush is intended for cleaning dust on any surfaces and penetrates into hard-to-reach places. Sold complete, which includes: a handle-base, designed so that it can be suspended for drying and removable attachments. Powered by batteries, that do not constrain the movement around the apartment. This brush is environmentally safe, compact and does not require additional care. You just have to rinse the used nozzle and dry it. Removes plaque from hard surfaces, as well as from fabric and glass. Suitable even for cleaning plants.
- "Spray Duster".Specially designed to remove dust from TVs, computers, keyboards, disk drives, and photo equipment. Can be used on connected equipment. It dries quickly. Has a neutral flavor.
- Spray "ALLERGOFF".Manufacturer - Poland. Professional, effective means for dust removal, mites and allergens destruction at different stages of development. One-time surface treatment provides protection from mites-saprophytes for six months. Designed spray for the processing of upholstered furniture, car interiors, carpets, mattresses, blankets, curtains, soft toys, etc.
Natural and home remedies against dust
Folk remedies can make a worthy competition to household chemicals. For this purpose you will be able to:
- Cotton rags. They can be purchased at the store, but can be made from old, unnecessary clothes. Cotton excellently absorbs water and does not scratch furniture and flooring.
- Mop. Suitable for cleaning the floor from dust. It can also clean hard-to-reach surfaces on the ceiling and walls. For wooden mops a floorcloth is necessary, which must be soft and non-synthetic.
- Washing. Only regular washing of soft toys, curtains and curtains, bedspreads and blankets, will help prevent the formation of dust mites in the fabric structure.
- Whisk. Helps to remove dust from embossed surfaces. After each cleaning, it is necessary to wash the villi, which prevents the accumulation of dust.
- Vacuum cleaner. Helps to quickly and efficiently clean the difference surfaces. At the same time, the more time you spend on a certain segment, the better. A big plus if he's washing. Such a device speeds up the process and makes better cleaning.
- Airing. In summer and in warm weather, it is recommended to ventilate the rooms for a minimum of 20 minutes. In winter - two minutes is enough. During the ventilation it is good to do both wet cleaning.
- Air purifiers. Apparatus that cleans the air and kills bacteria. Some models have an additional function of ionization and aromatization. The cleaners work according to the principle of air filtration.
- Air humidifiers. Make the dust damp, it settles on the floor, which makes it easier to clean and helps to identify it effectively. For a normal life of a person, the humidity in an apartment should be 40%, in our houses it barely reaches 20%.So the moisturizers have a beneficial effect on your body.
- Plants. Some house plants are able to attract and absorb dust. Chlorophytum was particularly successful. He is unpretentious in the care.
- Drying. Try to dry the covers, pillows, etc. as often as possible.in the sun. The organic component of dust dies under the influence of ultraviolet.
Home dust remedy with your own hands
You can independently prepare a solution that cleans dust and disinfects surfaces well. To do this:
- In one glass of water, mix ¼ tbsp.vinegar.
- Add 2 tsp.olive oil and a few drops of any essential oil.
- Pour the solution into a spray gun and treat all solid objects with it.
Useful tips
- Use top-down dust cleaners. That's how it settles on objects.
- Clean the fabric dust collectors often.
- Vacuum all rooms, even in the absence of carpets, at least once every two days.
- Keep books on closed shelves.
- Knock out carpets 3-4 times a year.
We hope, with the help of our useful tips, you found the best tool for dust cleaning in your own home. Remember how harmful it is and do not try to find an excuse or other activity to skip the next cleaning procedure.