- Methods of wall covering with gypsum boards
- Installation tools
- Drywall mix
- Preparation of walls for plasterboard
- How to glue plasterboard on a wall?
- Recommendations for the installation of plasterboard in a room with increased moisture
Drywall is a versatile material. If you have the initial concepts of construction, you can install it yourself, saving a very large amount for repairs. But before gluing the plasterboard on the wall, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its installation inside the premises, to carry out a number of preparatory works, as well as to prepare the necessary tools. Next, we will consider the features of the installation of GCR in rooms with different degrees of humidity and temperature regime, as well as methods for lining walls from various materials.
to content ↑Methods for facing walls with gypsum boards
Walls can be decorated with this kind of construction materials in two ways:
- A frame is mounted around the perimeter of the room, to which the GCR is directly screwed.
- GKL is glued to the wall with a special adhesive.
Important! To date, professional builders are using less and less in the construction process to use the method with the construction of the frame, especially for small areas. After all, after the profiles are installed, the room will have an even more constrained space.
to the contents ↑Mounting tools
If you decided to mount the drywall yourself, be sure to have all the necessary tools in advance.
Important! Also, when choosing glue and auxiliary compounds, pay attention to the features of the room where the repair will take place.
To paste GCR quickly and efficiently, you will need the following inventory:
- To apply glue, use a serrated and wide spatula;
- Rule;
- Capacity for solution preparation;
- Sharp knife for cutting gypsum board;
- Water level or plumb line;
- Drill, as well as an attachment for batching;
- Wooden hammer for leveling the surface;
- Clean cloth flap and container with water to clean the surface of excess glue;
- Waterproofing materials in case of installation of GCR in a room with high humidity.
Drywall mixes
Masters who professionally repair, recommend using only proven brands of dry mixes, and also do not save on their quality. Thus, GKL, glued to the wall, will firmly hold on to the surface and it is possible to secure with confidence various weight lockers and shelves.
Important! Buying in a construction shop gypsum cardboard of a specific manufacturer, the mixture for gluing is better to choose the same brand. This is due to some features of production of building materials and will provide you with the optimal level of fasteners.
The most reliable and popular means with which you can glue drywall on the wall are the following:
- Knauf( Perlfix) - the product has excellent technical characteristics, good adhesion with different types of surface. In building stores, the facility has a huge demand.
- Wave-mounting - the quality of raw materials is slightly inferior to the previous one, however, the technical characteristics of the components are high-class.
- Ivsil Plast - the mixture is of good quality and has a high adhesion. The advantage of this material is a lower consumption of raw materials compared to the amount of the product of another manufacturer.
Preparing walls for gypsum board
Before gluing the plasterboard on the wall, it is necessary to prepare the surface in advance. In this case, the finishing material will better and better stay on it:
- First of all, the walls need to be cleaned of dirt, dust and traces of old finish.
- Unevenness and cracks on the walls are sealed with cement or plaster filler.
Important! Choose a mixture for wall leveling, depending on the material of the surface.
- For better adhesion of GCR to the wall surface, it must be treated with a special primer.
Important! In construction shops, glue is sold in bags weighing 30 kg each. The consumption of the adhesive mixture is approximately 5 kg per 1 square meter. Before beginning the pasting of drywall, try to calculate the necessary amount of glue so that it is enough for the whole process of finishing works.
Recommendations for the preparation of glue mixtures:
- Glue for GCR must be prepared immediately before application to the wall, as the mixture in a very short time becomes firm, and its use in the future is impossible.
Important! Prepare the adhesive mixture about 30 minutes before applying it.
- During the preparation, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations and the proportions indicated on the package.
Features of applying glue on GKL:
- Most manufacturers recommend glue for GCR directly on the sheet.
- Mixture on the surface is applied pointwise, with an interval of ten centimeters along the perimeter and center of the sheet.
- If the walls are not too smooth, the thickness of the applied adhesive should not exceed 3 cm. It is applied to the surface with a spatula.
- In the case of perfectly flat walls, the adhesive is applied with a notched trowel to the entire surface of the GCR with a thin layer.
How to glue drywall on a wall?
After carrying out the preparatory work, it's time to figure out how to properly glue the drywall to the wall. Next we will consider the most common variants of wall finishing from various materials.
How to glue drywall on the wall with mounting foam?
There is an opinion among the masters performing finishing works that if the GCL is glued with a mounting foam, then such an installation option will further insulate the room.
Sequence of work:
- The surface of the wall is installed special plugs, which are subsequently screwed screws for GCR, they are installing the cladding.
- Use a screwdriver or a screwdriver to unscrew the screw from the plug to the required distance.
- In the sheet drywall make small holes through which blow out the mounting foam.
- The mounting foam begins to expand, and the sheet moves away from the walls to a distance limited by the screws.
Important! This method of installation is practically not used in construction, since the cost and flow of foam are sufficiently large relative to the consumption of a special adhesive for gypsum board.
Finishing of concrete flat wall GKL
Installation of the wiring is carried out before facing the walls with plasterboard. Make holes for wiring. All wires are fixed with clamps at a distance of 50 cm.
- On the wall, mark the locations of the outlets and switches, make nests for them.
- Concrete wall is treated with a special primer for concrete.
- On each sheet on a flat surface with a sharp knife, make holes for sockets and switches.
- The adhesive mixture is applied with a notched trowel on the entire surface with a thin layer around the perimeter and center of the GCR.
- Align the bonded sheet with a special rule and construction level, evenly pressing it against the wall.
- Remove excess mixture from the surface with a dry, clean rag.
Cladding of uneven brick wall
The adhesive mixture on GKL is applied exclusively in a dotted manner. To all, the density of the mixture and the thickness of its application are significantly different from the previous method.
- On the perimeter of the entire sheet, glue is applied at a distance of 25 centimeters by a point method.
- Next on the center of the plasterboard along the entire length at a distance of 50 cm from each other lay a series of points, with a distance between them of 30 cm.
Important! The thickness of the applied glue blot should be 5-30 mm.
- Align the glued sheet with a gently hand to avoid damaging the liner, while using a level and rule.
Important! Carry out this type of finishing work preferably with an assistant, so the GKL has a significant weight and dimensions, and alone it is difficult to lift it.
Finishing of overly uneven walls GKL
If the room walls are too uneven, and their finish is decided to be done with gypsum board, this surface requires additional preparation.
- Strips of 10 cm width are cut from the finishing sheet.
- A special frame for finishing works is formed from the cut strips. The distance between the strips is 40-60 cm.
Important! The distance between the strips depends on the degree of unevenness of the walls.
- In some cases it is very appropriate to fix the finishing sheet at the corners with screws.
- The solution for gluing the finishing material of the master is recommended to make it more dense. Since the mixture hardens quite quickly, then it must be applied quickly.
Important! For processing uneven walls, based on the experience of masters, the best option is the glue Knauf( Perlfix).Due to its technical characteristics, it is durable and is considered the most reliable means for fixing the GCR.
to the table of contents ↑Recommendations for mounting drywall in a room with increased moisture
In all thematic forums, it is very common to ask whether it is possible to glue drywall to a wall in rooms with high humidity. Drywall in such rooms can be installed without fear. However, in order to extend the life of your finish, you must follow certain rules:
- Glue facing should only be on a completely dry surface, pre-treated with a special antiseptic primer with a deep penetration.
- For the surface finish in the basement or pool, the walls are covered with a layer of waterproofing mastic.
- In a room with high humidity, a stationary extractor should be installed.
- Joints and joints on the facing surface must be carefully plastered and waterproofed, because this is the most vulnerable place of finishing.
- At the end of the finishing work, the surface must be coated with a water-repellent effect or other means resistant to moisture.
Important! Wall lining in a room with increased moisture is carried out only by moisture-resistant GKL.A distinctive characteristic of this material is a specific blue color.
As you can see, it is quite easy to finish the walls with plasterboard without a certain building experience. It is important only to comply with certain conditions of its installation and adhere to the recommendations. Unfortunately, this method is not possible to perform complex architectural designs, but to level the surface of the walls for further finishing is quite realistic. Tips from the article will help achieve the desired result and make the walls in the room perfectly smooth.