How to remove rust from a chrome surface?

  • What is chrome plating?
  • Recommendations for caring for chrome car parts
  • How to remove rust from a chrome surface in the home?
  • Removing rust from chrome plated surfaces of sanitary ware and kitchen items
  • Useful tips for removing rust from chrome surfaces:
  • Removing rust from metal

In everyday life, we often face the problem of rust on various materials. In this article we will tell you how to remove rust from the chrome surface. There is an opinion that the chrome parts are less corroded. But this is not so - chrome is covered with red spots not worse than ordinary iron.

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What is chroming?

Chrome plating is a technology for coating a thin layer of chrome metal surfaces. The most common method of chromium plating is the galvanic method. The essence of this process is the precipitation of chromium from the electrolyte to the metal part under the influence of an electric current. Such actions significantly increases the strength of the material, makes it more resistant to corrosion and allows the treated metal to be used for decorative purposes.

As a rule, chrome-plated metal is used in plumbing and mechanical engineering. Unfortunately, a beautiful shiny chrome surface with the passage of time acquires small scratches that open the metal under chrome. Under the influence of oxygen, an oxidation reaction occurs, resulting in rust on the surface.

Important! The best way to get rid of rust is to prevent it from appearing.

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Recommendations for the care of chrome parts of the car

To prevent any damage to the chrome surfaces of the car, care must be taken first of all:

  • When washing a car with chrome elements, it is advisable to use warm soapy water. It is necessary to wipe all the chrome parts with a soft cloth or sponge immediately after rinsing.
  • Bumper covered with chrome, it is better to wipe with a cloth dampened with warm water for softness.

Important! From the treatment with coarse materials, chrome parts are covered with a network of micro-scratches and quickly fade.

  • For reliable protection of the bumper against corrosion, after its cleaning with any composition from rust, it is necessary to grease Litol extensively inside the lining.
  • For the durability of chrome-plated components, the effects of strong temperature changes and high humidity should be avoided.

Important! In summer, after washing, the car should be placed in the shade. In winter, special protective sprays are recommended.

  • The water pressure during cleaning must be low. This will gently clean delicate surfaces.

Important! It is not recommended to leave the garage with traces of moisture on the chrome parts. Wipe them dry before the trip or wait until the drops dry naturally.

  • From time to time you can wipe the chrome parts with kerosene, after washing off its warm water. It must be ensured that kerosene, gasoline or white spirit never remain on the surface of the parts. Kerosene is also used for degreasing chromium before polishing.

Important! Do not let soda and mineral oil get on the chrome surfaces.

  • To protect chrome parts, you can use a special lacquer or technical petroleum jelly. These substances are well protected against corrosion, but can slightly worsen the appearance of chromium.

Important! It is necessary to update such protection once every 2-3 months.

  • To remove stains and grease, use cleaners.
  • For effective and high-quality protection, it is better to use specially designed tools.
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How to remove rust from the chrome surface in the home?

If spots of corrosion have appeared, the first thing to do is to localize the center of its spread, to clean and remove the rusted area. After that, cover the surface with oil varnish. To remove rust from the chrome surface, you can do without special expensive cleaners. You can find the substances necessary for this at home.

Baking soda

It is necessary to use this product with great care, since soda can provoke the appearance of small scratches. But if applied correctly, you will be able to remove rust from the chrome surface without damaging it. To do this:

  1. Mix baking soda with water until a gruel is obtained.
  2. Apply the mixture to the damaged surface and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Remove soda and contamination with a damp soft cloth.

Important! Take care that the soda does not dry up. Do not leave paste on the surface for a long time.

Grinded chalk or tooth powder:

  1. A similar fine abrasive is applied to a flannel cloth and the surfaces are treated.
  2. After cleaning rusty stains, the powder and rust remains are removed with a damp soft cloth.

Coca-Cola + foil

For this method of corrosion removal, you can use not only "Coca Cola"."Pepsi" and other similar drinks will easily cope with rust on chrome surfaces:

  1. Wipe all the chrome surfaces with a soft cloth, clean them from dust and dirt.
  2. Wash parts with warm water.
  3. Take the usual food foil, moisten it with Coca-Cola and polish the chrome parts, removing the rust stains.
  4. It is advisable to polish the surface with a felt or a soft rag after the treatment.

Important! The method with aluminum foil works by transferring electrons between metals, turning the corrosion process back. Such a method must first be checked on a small inconspicuous area to make sure that such an action does not damage the surface.

Table vinegar:

  1. Fill the plastic bag with vinegar.
  2. Secure the bag over the parts with an elastic band and leave for a few hours or for a whole night. Small parts can be thrown inside the package.

Important! The time of exposure to vinegar on the surface is determined by the degree of rust damage.

Salt and lemon juice:

  1. Mix in equal proportions lemon juice and salt.
  2. With a soft cloth soaked in a mixture, treat the damaged surface.

GOI paste + engine oil:

  1. Dilute GOI paste with two drops of engine oil.
  2. Using a piece of felt wetted in the resulting product, treat the rusty surface.
  3. Carefully remove rust and rust remnants with a clean damp cloth.

Important! Use this method should be carefully, since the paste is usually coarse. But it is this tool that gives an excellent result, even if you need to remove rust from a chrome surface with a large area of ​​damage.

Potatoes and laundry soap:

  1. Cut the potatoes into two pieces.
  2. Each of the parts in the cutting area should be thoroughly washed with soap.
  3. Place the potatoes on rusty stains for several hours.
  4. Remove corrosion residues after a time with a damp soft cloth.

Copper vitriol and hydrochloric acid:

  1. Mix 200 grams of copper sulfate and 50 grams of strong hydrochloric acid in 1 liter of water.
  2. Immerse the tampon in the solution and pat it all with rust stains.
  3. After - it is necessary to wipe everything with a weak solution of baking soda, rinse with warm water and dry it.

Important! Be sure to perform this entire procedure only with rubber gloves. Be careful not to get the solution on the skin and clothes.

Dry cement

Using such a fine abrasive will help not only to remove the rust from the chrome surface, but also to sand it:

  1. Apply dry cement with a soft cloth or felt to the damaged areas of the chrome-plated metal. Lightly rub them.
  2. Wipe with a dry cloth and degrease the metal.
  3. Place a soft cloth in a metal jar with melted medical wax( paraffin).
  4. When the fabric is impregnated, remove it from the jar, wait for it to cool and beat off any excess wax.
  5. Wax the surface to a shine.


For severe corrosion, as a last resort, you can use a common WD-40 remedy. It is used as follows:

  1. It is necessary to spray the product abundantly and leave it for at least 15 minutes.

Important! The optimum processing time for obtaining the best result is 1 hour.

  1. After a while, clean the parts well.

Chromium will shine as new.

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Removing rust from chrome plated surfaces of sanitary ware and kitchen items

With chrome surfaces we face in our daily lives constantly. Initially, they please us with their shine and radiance in the bathroom and in the kitchen. In the loss of the beautiful appearance of such elements, a big role is played by soap foam, mold on plumbing, dust and dirt in any form. To maintain a clean shining appearance, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning and care for chrome elements. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • Multifunctional cleansers, as well as liquid for washing glasses( "Mr. Muscle", "Help", "Clin" and others).Wipe the chrome with a soft rag.
  • Baking soda and carbonated water are a natural alternative to ready-to-use detergents.
  • Traces of soapy foam from chrome plumbing parts can be removed using an antistatic wipe or a cooking spray.
  • So that the soapy foam comes off, you can mix baking soda with water, apply it to the surface and leave it for a few minutes. After this, wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth.
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Useful tips for removing rust from chrome surfaces:

  • If rust has eaten the coating of chrome through, machining is necessary. The level of granularity of materials for grinding is determined by how deeply the parts are damaged by corrosion. In some cases, a small emery is enough, in others - a larger grain.

Important! Carefully choose the material with which you will apply the cleanser. Sandpaper of any grain size for these purposes is absolutely not suitable, as it can provoke the appearance of scratches. Remember that every new scratch is an additional access of oxygen to the metal, it enhances the rusting process.

  • If a significant amount of metal is removed during mechanical friction, it must be protected by applying primer to welding seams and other areas.
  • The use of acids is possible only if they are immediately removed from the surface of the parts after treatment.
  • Polishing can be used if the damage is shallow. The presence of acid or anhydrous ammonia is not allowed in the composition of polishes.
  • To remove rust from chrome surfaces and not to damage it, you can use metal wool( steel wool).For particularly resistant rust, metal-wool can be combined with other cleaning agents.
  • It is possible to apply a protective polishing layer for chrome, rust spray or deep penetrating greases like "Prolong", "NANOPROTECH", "Nordtech", etc. Although these products are quite expensive, in the long term their use is economically profitable,thus significantly reducing the wear of surfaces, which will save you from expensive rust removal procedures.
  • Restore corrosion-damaged chrome parts is best, using specialized compounds that can be purchased at car stores.
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Rust removal from metal

Not only chrome surfaces can be cleaned with home remedies. Virtually all of the above methods effectively remove traces of rust on ordinary metal. In addition to these, you can also use the following tools to more quickly obtain the desired result:

  • The rust can be removed from the metal as quickly as possible using chemicals. As a rule, they contain phosphoric or oxalic acid. Under the influence of acid, rust completely dissolves.

Important! Such remedies are very toxic, so work with them is necessary in rubber gloves and a respirator.

  • You can also clean the rust from the metal using rust converters that will stop the spreading process. Means in the form of aerosols, are applied to the iron with a light layer.

Important! Apply these tools, mainly for further painting of the metal. In this case, the converters also fulfill the role of the primer.

  • It is possible to remove rust from metal with abrasive tools. For this, steel brushes and grinding machines are used. Prepare for the fact that this process will require you to considerable physical effort.

As you can see, it is possible to remove rust from chrome surfaces and metal using simple means, which are in every house, and with the use of special chemical preparations. Spend regular washing of chrome plated home sanitary items, thus maintaining the beauty of surrounding objects. With a little effort, the results will please you with shine and radiance for a long time.