How to remove a stain from a solidol

  • What is solidol?
  • Than to wash off solidol from clothes?
  • How to remove stains from solidol using improvised means?
  • How to wash saltedol with modern means?

Those who often have to repair their vehicles, probably for several times wondered: how to remove the stain from the solidol? The easiest way to go to the garage is in clothes that you do not mind throwing. But if it so happened that we had to mess around with the mechanisms in those things that we still want to wear and wear, and it's on them that got a solidol, we'll have to work hard and remove them. How to do it right, you will learn from this article.

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What is a solidol?

Solidol is a thick lubricating technical oil of yellow color, designed for lubrication of friction units and sliding machines and mechanisms. Its composition includes a mixture of petroleum oils, which are thickened with calcium soap fatty acids.

Every housewife who dealt with dirt from this oil wondered how to get the stain out of the solidol, because it just gnaws into the fabric.

Important! This oil belongs to a number of those contaminants that are difficult to extract. So get ready for the fight.

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Than to wash off the solidol from the clothes?

Before you start the process of removing stains from industrial oil, look at what you have on hand. For this procedure, you will need:

  • refined gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • margarine;
  • car shampoo;
  • butter;
  • stain remover; economic soap;
  • laundry detergent;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • glycerin.
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How to remove stains from solidol using improvised means?

There are a number of effective folk methods for removing traces of technical oil. Apply one of these options and you can easily cope with the problematic dirt on things.

Variant 1

The table vinegar will help you to solve the problem. To do this:

  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons.vinegar.
  2. Dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water.
  3. Moisten the cotton pad in the resulting solution.
  4. Treat it with dirt.
  5. Wash clothes with detergent.
  6. Keep clothes dry in the fresh air.

Important! Handle contaminated places, starting from the edge of the stain and gradually moving to its center. This technology is necessary in order to avoid divorce on the fabric.

Option 2

Use butter and turpentine to remove traces of solidol:

  1. Take the butter and smear it with a stain.
  2. Leave it to interact for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Rub the contaminated area with turpentine.
  4. Wash the thing.

Option 3

Remove the corrosive and dried trace from the technical oil with gasoline and ammonia. Proceed as follows:

  1. Moisten the cotton pad in refined gasoline.
  2. Rub it on the dirt.
  3. Apply ammonia to a place dampened with gasoline.
  4. Wash clothing in warm water with detergent.
  5. Hang the thing to dry outdoors.

Option 4

There is another effective way to remove the stain from the solidol. Do this:

  1. Heat a little turpentine in a water bath.
  2. Apply it to a rag.
  3. Handle damp areas with soaked cloth.
  4. Rub in previously treated areas with ammonia.
  5. Wash the thing in the usual way.

Important! Act neatly when heating turpentine. Do not allow it to come in contact with fire.

Option 5

Apply margarine and laundry soap:

  1. Take the margarine.
  2. Lubricate them with stained areas.
  3. Leave it for 2-3 hours.
  4. Wash affected area with soap.

Important! Instead of household soap, you can use tar soap or dishwashing detergent.

Variant 6

If you do not know how to wash off the solidol from the silk fabric, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour water into the basin.
  2. Add glycerin and ammonia in it in equal proportions.
  3. Immerse the item in the solution.
  4. Leave it there for 30 minutes.
  5. Get the product.
  6. Rinse it with cold water several times.

Important! Dark-colored cloth is initially cleaned with a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia and tea brew. For cooking, take 2 tablespoons of each component. Preliminarily place a piece of clean cloth under the stain.

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How to launder solidol using modern means?

If for any reason you do not want to use folk methods, use modern means to remove complex spots.

Method 1

  1. Buy any stain remover you like.
  2. Apply it to a dirty place.
  3. Leave it on the cloth for the time specified in the instructions.
  4. Take the toothbrush.
  5. Rub the spot on which the stain remover was applied.
  6. Rinse the product in cold water.
  7. Repeat the procedure as needed.
  8. Wash the whole thing in normal mode.

Method 2

Car shampoo is also an effective assistant for fighting the traces of industrial oil. Use it this way:

  1. Apply car shampoo to the problem site.
  2. Leave it for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the cloth with cold water.
  4. Wash the product in the usual way.

Important! In the event that you yourself do not dare to apply all these options, to remove stains from solidol at home and are afraid to spoil the thing even more, contact a dry cleaner. There, experienced professionals can easily help you in solving this problem.

We hope you have experienced all of the above listed methods to remove difficult contaminants from industrial oils and were satisfied.