- To avoid spots
- If the stain appears
- Light yellow spots
- Kefir, curdled milk, ryazhenka
- Other "kitchen" methods
- Simple chemical methods
- If the stains on the colored fabric
- Black shiny pants
Burn marks on clothing can leave anyiron. Incorrectly set the regimen on the thermoregulator, inadvertently heard a phone call that caused the iron to be thrown directly on the blanket - and here you are, a stain. At best, it is yellow, at worst brown and even black. How to remove the stain from the iron on clothes or underwear, you will learn by reading this article.
to the contents ↑So that there are no spots
The stains from the iron are a consequence of inattention. To avoid such unfortunate consequences as scorching on the fabric:
- Before you start ironing, sort your laundry.
- Do not iron silk or synthetic fabric at the temperature recommended for cotton and linen products.
- If you started ironing - do not get distracted.
- In any case, the iron should be placed on the stand, even if it is with a ceramic coating.
- In addition, woolen and some synthetic things are best ironed through cotton fabric. If you do not do this, glossy tracks may appear on the products.
- Do not forget that most things need to be ironed from the wrong side. Even if you forget about the iron, a small spot will not be visible.
Important! Watch for the state of the iron - it should not be burned.
to the contents ↑If the stain appeared
But even the most attentive and accurate mistress is not immune from troubles. So the answer to the question of how to remove stains from the iron on clothes is better to know in advance. For sure, in your house there is something suitable:
- kefir or fermented baked milk;
- liquid ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- laundry soap;
- lemon juice;
- onion;
- vinegar;
- bleaching powder.
Determine the type of fabric
Before removing the stain from the iron from the fabric with the first tool, you need to take a few actions:
- Look at the color of the stain - you will have to discard the blackened fabric, but with brown or yellow spots you can tinker.
- Determine the type of fabric - cotton and linen can be cleaned by anything, but for gentle silk and whimsical synthetics means that contain acid or alkali are not suitable.
Important! Remember that not all substances are equally well suited for white and colored fabrics.
to content ↑Light yellow spots
The easiest way to deal with a spot if it is pale and appeared just now. To do this, you just need that economic soap. It is enough to wash the stain with soap and then rinse the product.
Important! A white cotton or linen product can be dropped for a short time in bleach. The yellow or brown spot will disappear, and the product itself will become snow white. True, this is a risky way, so too often to use it is not necessary - from too intense bleaching the fabric loses its strength.
For synthetics or gentle silks, the chlorinated lime method is not suitable at all.
to the table of contents ↑Kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka
An ancient folk way to remove scrapes from cloth - dairy products. It was used by our great-grandmothers back in those times when irons were cast-iron, heated them on the stove, and there were, of course, no thermoregulators. Like all folk methods, this is extremely simple.
Option 1
This method is suitable to remove the stain from the iron on clothing from small items:
- Pour the yogurt into a suitable size container.
- Fully immerse the product in kefir.
- Leave the product overnight.
- Wash clothing in the usual way.
Option 2
Hardly anyone has the opportunity to arrange a dress or duvet cover "kefir bath".Therefore, with larger products, it's best to proceed as follows:
- Place the thing on the table.
- Diligently moisten kefir or fermented stain.
- Leave the product overnight.
- Wash it in the usual way.
Other "kitchen" methods
If there are no dairy products at hand, others from the list above will certainly be found in your kitchen or in the pantry. Choose from the options that you find more convenient. All one have approximately the same efficiency and help to remove the stain from the iron on clothes.
The most common bulb will help you to burn:
- Cut the bulb in half.
- Rub the stain until it comes off.
- Wash the thing with powder with perfume.
Important! The onion can also be grated on a fine grater or squeezed out the juice, and the resulting substance can be smeared with a stain. Powder with perfume is necessary, because onions leave a scent that is not pleasant to everyone.
Lemon juice
One of the universal kitchen utensils recognized by housewives is lemon juice:
- Squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon.
- Use a sponge to moisten the stain.
- Wait until the
- dry. Wash the product.
Important! After removing stains "kitchen" ways to wash better in warm, but not hot water, regardless of the type of fabric.
to content ↑Simple chemical methods
Yellow or brown spots can be removed with substances that are always recommended to be kept in the medicine cabinet, as they help in many difficult situations. These are substances such as:
- ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- boric acid.
Option 1
A solution of peroxide and ammonia will reduce any burn marks, except for all black ones. For yellowish spots, take:
- 0.5 cups of water;
- 0.5 bottles of hydrogen peroxide;
- 3 drops of ammonia.
Apply a soft sponge to the stain, wait until the thing dries. Rinse after this treatment is not necessary.
Option 2
If the stain is brown, it is better to make a solution without water:
- Dilute the peroxide and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Wet the problem area on the fabric.
- Wait until the thing dries.
Important! The stain drifts away under the action of peroxide, but it is not useful for tissue, and ammonia is needed to neutralize its effect.
Option 3
Boric acid also belongs to the category of universal agents. You do not need to brew it:
- Soak the powder to get a uniform mush.
- Garnish with a thick paste.
- Leave the thing to dry the powder.
- Wash the product and dry it in the open air.
Important! It is necessary to remove boric acid in time - this must be done immediately, as the scorch disappears.
to the contents ↑If the stains on the colored fabric
Tanning on the colored fabric is easy to clean, but you need to take into account some features. There are substances that can "eat" the dye, so that instead of marking on the product there will be a bright spot, and then the thing will either be repainted completely or discarded. Therefore, even sparing chemical methods in this case are not suitable.
For colored fabrics suitable:
- sour-milk products;
- onion gruel;
- lemon juice.
As a result of treatment with these substances, the tissues are not substantially shed. After opaline disappears, the thing should be thoroughly rinsed.
to the table of contents ↑Black shiny trousers
A lot of trouble can deliver the hostess black trousers - woolen or synthetic. Of course, yellow or brown traces on them are not visible, but the fabric in the places where it was ironed wrongly, starts to shine. So the scorching is no less noticeable - if not more. How to remove the stain from the iron on black trousers?- To you will help:
- food vinegar;
- laundry soap;
- gauze.
Option 1:
- Prepare a soapy solution.
- Dampen gauze in the solution.
- Apply gauze to the problem area on the fabric.
- Smooth out the thing at normal temperature, but without strong pressure.
Option 2
Excellent assistant in similar cases - food vinegar( not essence).
- Dampen the vinegar with a stain.
- Iron out the black trousers through the wet gauze.
Important! With any method of treating such traces, it is important not to rub the cloth too much. It is enough just to moisten the burn or glossy spot with any of the solutions with a soft sponge, and then gently wash it off with water.
We hope that you have received exhaustive information on how to remove the stain from the iron on clothes and even on black trousers. Therefore, even if you accidentally digress from the ironing process, you can correct the situation with unsightly tracks on the fabric of your favorite blouse, skirt or pants.