How to sharpen a knife - a grindstone, a mousse or in another way?

Most people sharpen kitchen knives and other knives as they are used to, and do not consider this a complex procedure that requires special knowledge and skills. But how to sharpen knives in accordance with the rules to achieve the best effect? The fact is that for the sharpening of this cutting tool there are several adaptations, but to achieve a good result it is important to be able to properly use them. In addition, the type of material from which the processed article is made is of importance.

Types of grinders and mechanisms

Known as mechanized and manual methods of sharpening cutting tools that involve the use of such devices:

  • grindstone( bar);
  • musat;
  • electric and mechanical knives;
  • circular machines with a felt or abrasive wheel;
  • grinding belts.

Not all of these accessories are available for home use. In addition, before you begin to sharpen the knife with their help, it is important to fully familiarize yourself with certain technological nuances of this procedure.

To an ignorant person, it may seem that on the machine with an emery wheel, you can quickly and efficiently sharpen the edge of the knife. In fact, this is not so, because the rotation speed of the abrasive wheel on such machines is so great that the surface layer of the metal instantaneously warms up to a hot state. As a result, the structure of the steel changes, and the cutting tool is again quickly blunted. If you think that by immersing the heated blade into the water, you give the metal the necessary hardening, then you too are mistaken, since this will not change anything.

The felt wheel is more suitable for polishing, to make the sharpened blade of the knife perfectly smooth. The machine with grinding belts is usually used in the production of cutting tools. The speed of the belt in this device is much less than that of the emery. And sharpening with its help is usually done by professionals, since it is not so easy to sharpen a knife on such a device.

At home, it is better to carry out this procedure on a special machine for sharpening knives. These devices have a special guide slot, into which the blade of the machined tool is inserted. Inside, in such a machine, abrasives are placed at an optimal angle to the surface of the blade, acting on it from both sides. To sharpen the knife, using the manual version of this device, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. insert it into the working slot of the knife,
  2. pull on itself and return to its previous position,
  3. repeat the motion several times until the desired effect is achieved.

In a mechanical grinder, abrasives are attached to the motor pin, so after turning on the "Start" button, the workpiece to be processed must be inserted into the slot and slowly driven forward and backward until the sharpness of its cutting edge reaches the required state. But it is best to sharpen the knife at home by hand with a special grindstone and mousat.

Correct use of hand grinders

Anyone can sharpen a cutting tool with a mechanical sharpener, but not everyone can correctly sharpen knives with a bar. To do this, first of all, you need to select a stone of sufficient length to its size was one and a half times the blade of the knife. Although some sharpen kitchen and other knives, holding a bar canopy, it is still better to fix it. Only in this way is it possible to carry out this procedure qualitatively.

It is done this way.

  • Hold the handle of the tool to be machined, place its blade flat on the work surface of the bar.
  • Turn the blade slightly around the longitudinal axis, position the blade so that the plane of the lower edge of the cutting wedge is parallel to the abrasive. As a result, an angle of about 20 ° should form between the stone and the rest of the blade( except for the cutting wedge).
  • While pressing the edge of the knife opposite to the handle with the fingers of the second hand, move along the grinding stone, making sure that the entire cutting surface is treated in the same way. To do this, slightly raise the handle when you reach the rounded part of the blade so that the desired angle is maintained throughout its length.
  • Do the same for the other side of the knife and repeat the whole procedure many times, periodically checking the sharpness of the cutting edge.


Follow the above sequence of operations in a convenient position by placing the bar on a level table, as it will not properly grind the knife if the stone is unsteady.

Musat is not used to sharpen knives, but only to adjust them. It is a tool resembling a round file, but it has longitudinal notches.

There are three ways to work with musat.

  • The tool holds the canopy in a horizontal position, and the knife moves along its working surface from itself.
  • The position of the musat is the same as in the previous case, but the blade is directed towards itself during processing.
  • The tool is placed vertically, resting it on the surface of the table, and the knife moves down.

Thus, by sharpening a kitchen knife or other similar tool with a bar or a mechanical device, you can correct its cutting surface with a muscat and, if desired, even polish with a felt wheel.