- We wash the hair dye from the surface of the colored garment
- The stain of the paint has already dried up - what should I do?
- Emergency measures during the removal of incredibly persistent paints
Absolutely all women in our land faced such an unpleasant situation, when dyeing hair with a special hair spray, the solution got on clothes. Regardless of what kind of clothes are colored or white, it's not so easy to remove paint from it. Therefore, how to wash hair dye from clothes at home, you just need to know. And in this article we will tell you about this.
to the contents ↑We wash the hair dye from the surface of the colored clothes
Than to wash the hair dye from the clothes and do not cause any harm to it? To do this, you must follow the simplest rules:
- Test the funds used on invisible clothing.
- Do not use excessively aggressive compounds.
- Check the type of fabric.
Important! Also it is necessary to take into account that white and colored fabrics react to the used preparations in various ways.
To begin with, we will tell you about the removal of paint from the surface of colored clothing.
Remove the paint from the colored fabric
In case if the stain is fresh, quickly pull off the stained item and rinse it with plenty of cool water. Paint at this stage does not have time to thoroughly absorb and consolidate inside the fibers of the fabric, which is why it is washed easily enough.
After washing with water, proceed to the beginning of the wash. Here you can use any suitable means, for example:
- You are familiar with washing powder.
- It is allowed to use an ordinary 72% household soap - it successfully successfully launches large amounts of stains on any kind of fabric.
- In the fight against fresh spots, hair spray can also help, which must be applied directly to the contamination. After that, rub a spot a little - do this so that the lacquer penetrates into the fibers of the fabric. Next - a stained item wash with detergent or laundry soap.
Remove the paint from the white fabric
As for white clothing, you can use powerful substances with it:
- A strong bleach, as well as a special soap called "Antipyatin".Following the instructions that come with these products, you can quickly wash the hair dye from your clothes at home.
- Integrated approach. In the event that the fabric is sufficiently resistant, you can use a whitening procedure with several means at the same time. First, stain the stain with glycerin, which you can buy at the nearest pharmacy, rinse with water, drip a few drops of salt water and vinegar, wait for a few minutes - the stain must disappear.
- Nitrate. An additional measure of influence will be the use of 10% ammonia solution - another name is ammonia. It is also applied directly to stains from paint. The final step is to wash the white thing in an automatic washing machine using an ordinary washing powder.
- Professional cleaning. In the event that your white thing is made of a delicate type of fabric, ask for help in dry cleaning. Only in this way will you be able to remove stains and keep your clothes in good condition.
The stain left by the paint had already dried up - what should I do?
If you immediately washed the hair dye from clothes you could not, then you will have to work on a thing with more aggressive substances and preparations.
Option 1
To begin with, arm conventional hydrogen peroxide - you can buy it at the nearest pharmacy, its cost is small.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide quite successfully removes other persistent impurities - from fat, sweat, deodorant, green, berries and grass.
It is used in this situation in this way:
- Pour a lot of hydrogen peroxide stain and leave for 30-40 minutes.
- After the soaking has finished, send the laundry to the laundry.
Important! Before using hydrogen peroxide, test it on an inaccessible area of the tissue to make sure there is no undesirable reaction of the paint to its effect.
Option 2
In addition to hydrogen peroxide, you can use ordinary table vine 9% vinegar. But in no case is 70% acetic acid - it is too aggressive for tissues, even dense ones.
To wash the hair dye from white clothes at home with this universal remedy, proceed as follows:
- Pour the vinegar stain.
- Leave for 30-40 minutes.
- Rinse and send to a washing machine or wash by hand using household soap.
Important! This same method is well suited to eliminate stains that have remained from the grass from the surface of jeans and other clothing.
Option 3
If none of the above could help you, we introduce heavy artillery into the battle - solvent, acetone, gasoline, kerosene, or ordinary liquid for removing nail polish.
Important! Let's remind, that gasoline will approach well enough and for removal of a varnish from clothes.
Before proceeding with the treatment, check the fabric for resistance to all the above substances. If the tissue remains intact, boldly proceed to the treatment of the stain - moisten the cotton swab with a solvent and gently treat the soiled clothing. After completing the procedure, wash this thing in your usual way.
Important! Some delicate fabrics must in no case be subjected to various influences - they must be given to dry cleaners, where they will be cleaned with special chemicals.
Remove hair dye from the surface of a cotton cloth
Usually, hair coloring is worn with comfortable and practical cotton clothing, which is also easier to remove various stains. To wash hair dye from such clothes will help 10% ammonia solution:
- Put the stained thing in a container of water.
- Add ammonia in this container - a few drops for 2-3 liters.
- Leave for a few minutes. This procedure is best performed on the street or on the balcony, because the smell, to put it mildly, is very specific.
- After this procedure, wash the laundry using any detergent.
Important! Use ammonia as carefully as possible so as not to cause harm to your health.
to the contents ↑Emergency measures during the removal of incredibly persistent paints
All pigments have a pigment dye. It's not so easy to remove both from clothes and hair. It is at the expense of such a substance that your curls remain longer and more beautiful and well-groomed. If the presented methods were powerless for the "tagged" thing, you can use much more effective, but also more dangerous substances that will save your clothes at home.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Ammonium Alcohol:
- For 1 tbsp.l.ammonia and hydrogen peroxide pour into a glass of water.
- Heat the water to 60 degrees.
- In the solution that you got, moisten the cotton pad, and then attach it to the spot.
- The liquid must be completely absorbed inside the fabric.
- Then rinse your item in cold water, send to the laundry.
- In a container with warm water( about 1-2 liters) pour 2 tbsp.l.chemist's ammonia.
- Then soak in the prepared solution your stained item.
- This procedure differs from all other procedures with its sharp unpleasant odor, which will be difficult to remove from clothing.
- After carrying out this procedure, repeatedly rinse the item in cool water, and then send to laundry using a large amount of air conditioner.
We hope that the above methods will come to your rescue in a critical situation. If you know a lot of right advice and how to choose the right stuff, you can wash the paint from any clothes without any effort. The main thing - do not drag with this: the faster you proceed to remove the stain, the more chances to clean clothes.