- Rules for washing white things
- Reliable tools for getting rid of stains, yellowness and gray shade
White clothing has always been topical and fashionable, symbolizing youth, lightness, freshness, inner purity. In the wardrobe of each person there are at least one or two things of white color. Unfortunately, this base color is very edgy and brings to the owners a lot of problems and questions about how to wash white things. To make the look of your white clothes look no more depressing, read the helpful tips from this article.
to the contents ↑Rules for washing white things
Unfortunately, almost all advertising that we see on TV does not correspond to reality, including advertising of washing powders. In order to cope with the task, you need to know the rules of care for white things.
This method will help if we are faced with large dirt, discolorations, yellowing things. In a bowl with water, add detergent powder or a special agent for bleaching and removing stains. Leave for 5-6 hours, and then wash in the usual way.
Important! If the dirt is not very strong, you will be able to wash white things with for the first time.
The best temperature for washing white clothes is 30 C, but the water can be colder. Why is this temperature chosen? Many fabrics have an additive made of synthetic fibers. For them, the temperature is above 30 degrees, these fabrics can not be boiled.
Important! With repeated washing with the use of temperature over 30 C becomes a gray shade, and fabrics with glitter fade.
Separate wash
White laundry must be washed separately from the color, otherwise - you risk getting a color divorce or shade, which will completely ruin your thing.
Washing mode
The best invention of mankind, according to "house managers", is a washing machine. Sometimes manually you do not achieve the effect that the machine can easily produce. In addition, you still retain your strength, time and gentle hands.
Choose machining if possible. How to properly wash clothes in a washing machine?- The regime will depend on the composition of the fabric of your things.
Important! Carefully read the label and adhere to the rules, which will help to protect your products from shrinkage, deformation and tarnishing.
Water softening
Unfortunately, the water we use in everyday life is not ideal. If you want to succeed when washing your things, the water will need to be softened. In the car is best to add "Domol", "Calgon" and other similar means. During hand washing, add 3 tablespoons of soda to every 10 liters of water.
Important! Using soft water, you better wash the soiled item .
Bleaching agents
During washing, special tablets and bleaching gels can be brought to you, which should be put directly into the tank with laundry. Please note that bleach can be used for different types of fabrics.
If special tools are not at hand, you can use folk ways. One of the simplest options is how to wash the white things:
- Soak the white linen for 2-3 hours in water with a temperature of 30 C, in which add 5-6 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
- After the passage of time, rinse twice under running water.
Important! Dry better in the sun, which brightens any fabric.
Boiling is very suitable for bleaching linen and cotton fabrics. This grandmother's way will get rid of not only the stains, but also help to remove yellowness or gray shade.
To thus wash off white things:
- In 10 liters of water, dissolve 10 grams of whiteness and 10 grams of whitening powder.
- Already washed laundry load in a large pot or a bucket of solution, boil and leave for twenty minutes.
- The cooked laundry should be rinsed in warm water.
- If your things are very yellow, then the whole process can be repeated.
Important! You can not digest things with metal inserts, buttons.
to the contents ↑Reliable means for getting rid of stains, yellowness and gray shade
When you look at old towels, tablecloths, laces, shirts, the thought that our grandmothers were witches is creeping in. They managed to keep the whiteness of things, not using modern advertised powders, miracle machines. And we, having all this arsenal, sometimes can not achieve such a stunning effect. We are ready to pay any money for money, dry cleaners, to rid the things that are fond of yellowing and stains. How to wash white things so that they are snow-white?
Household soap
Previously, many white socks and T-shirts were washed with household soap. To enhance the effect of soaping things to a dirty yellow color and leaving them in the basin for several hours. After such a procedure things should be thoroughly rinsed in warm clean water several times.
From household soap, you can make an excellent mixture for digestion:
- In five liters of water, add 200 grams of fine soap chips.
- For best effect, add to this solution two tablespoons of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.
Important! Thin fabrics enough to bring in such a solution to a boil, and linen products can be boiled for 20-30 minutes on a small fire. After cooling the solution, it is enough to rinse out the things.
Household chemicals
To get rid of greyish and yellowish hues, you can use "Belize" or "Domestos".These agents not only disinfect, but also bleach the tissues during soaking. However, it is worth remembering the aggressiveness of these substances. Frequent use of them will reduce the strength of your product and shorten its useful life.
Touching the skin, our things absorb fat and sweat. This leads to a general yellowing and the formation of ugly yellow-brown streaks on the collars, cuffs, axillary sutures. In this case, for washing white linen, towels, beds, you can add a little money, which is usually used for washing dishes.
Salt and soda
These substances are best suited for bleaching fabrics in which there is no synthetics, because the water in this case should be hot. For pre-soaking salt and soda dissolve in hot water, you can add shavings of laundry soap. In this mixture, the laundry is "marinated" for several hours, and then washed in the usual way.
Boric acid
Housewives react with enthusiasm because it is indispensable for rinsing white things after washing and getting rid of their yellowness and gray shade:
- For each three liters of warm water, add two tablespoons of boric acid.
- In this solution, rinse washed laundry for 4-5 minutes.
- Then rinse in clean water.
The result will overwhelm you - dazzling whiteness without much effort and expense.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide or hydropyre tablets will help you with soaking and digestion. They are good for both natural and synthetic fabrics, afraid of high temperatures.
To wash the white stuff in this way:
- Prepare a solution of 5 liters of water, to which add 200 ml of hydrogen peroxide or 10 tablets of hydroperite.
- Wipe the washed item for 2-3 hours, then rinse.
Ammonium alcohol
It is possible to get rid of old spots and yellowness using an aggressive agent - ammonia. It is often not recommended to use it, but this method is not harmful to health.
Important! Water should be 40-70 C.
Usually ammonia is used with the addition of other substances:
- With soda or salt for soaking for 30 minutes before or after washing. For five liters of water, two tablespoons of ammonia and six tablespoons of soda or salt.
- With peroxide for soaking before or after washing for 30 minutes. For five liters of water, two tablespoons of ammonia and two tablespoons of peroxide.
Very low-cost option for combating yellowness and gray tint. Dissolve two tablespoons of starch in five liters of water and rinse the things in them. This method is reliable, tested by many housewives for a long time, there are only positive reviews about it.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure of wearing white clothes, use snow-white tablecloths and towels. Regular care and use of budgetary funds will allow you not to spend money on dry cleaning and at the same time to look stunning.