- Preparation for the washing process
- Can all the fabric components of the stroller be washed in the washing machine?
- Features of washing the details of the stroller by hand
- A special approach is required and the stroller cane
- Some recommendations how to clean the milk spots
- Types of dirt
Baby carriage is not only a means of transportation for your baby, it is also an indicator of how much you care for him. How clean your stroller is is telling everyone about your neatness. That's why, as well as for the safety and protection of your baby, it is extremely important to know how to wash the stroller. In this article we will tell you about the peculiarities of washing strollers in hand, as well as using a washing machine.
to the contents ↑Preparation for the process of washing
Before you wash the baby carriage, carefully inspect it, and then everything that is removed, and it covers the covers, hood, bag, remove.
Important! As a rule, all fabric components are fastened with buttons, locks, which is why removing any of these components should not cause any problems.
It happens that the covers are removed if you dismantle the stroller by unscrewing the bolts. If at you such model of children's transport:
- First of all remove simple details, such as a basket for packages, a hood, a bumper, if it is.
- Do not forget to pull out the metal arc from the hood, thanks to which it has its own shape.
- After this, remove the fabric part of the cradle
Ultimately, in the first stage, it is necessary to separate the metal frame of your stroller from the fabric cover. After that, decide how you will wash the stroller, do it in a typewriter, and with your hands.
to Contents ↑Can all the fabric components of the stroller be washed in the washing machine?
Almost all types of fabric, from which the cradles are made, can be washed in a washing machine. An exception can only be leatherette.
To wash the stroller in the washing machine:
- Before loading the parts into the drum, remove stains from various dirt, milk and other. You can use a special stain remover or soap.
- Now load all the details into the machine.
- Next, select the mode and temperature. Wash only at a temperature of 30 C in a delicate mode. Do not forget to turn off the spinning.
- As a detergent, it is best to use gel-like powder, which must be poured directly into the drum itself.
- When you have finished the washing process, remove the hood from the baby stroller and the covers with your hands, then spread out.
- Parts that can not be removed are cleaned with a rag and soap.
- The frame and wheels are also washed with water.
- Dry washed items in the sun or in a room away from batteries, heaters.
- When absolutely all parts are thoroughly dried, the stroller transformer gently collect.
Features of washing the stroller parts manually
Undoubtedly, the best solution for this task is to wash the stroller by hand. In order to do this:
- In the bath or a large basin, dial a little hot water in which you must dissolve the liquid powder or liquid soap.
- First, soak all things for at least 30 minutes, and then wash the hood and other parts.
- After - rinse with plenty of warm water or under a shower. Dry absolutely all elements only in a straightened form.
- Those parts that can not be removed, for example, seat belts, wipe with wet wipes.
- If there is a bottom on the wheelchair that is made of fiberboard or plywood, it can not be damped with water.
- Fabrics that adhere to the bottom, clean with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.
The stroller
requires a special approach.As a rule, parts from such a model of the stroller are not removed. But then the question arises, how to remove stains from its surface. Everything is not so difficult. You can wash the stroller in the bathroom.
Important! After a similar shower, carefully dry the stroller so that stains from dampness can not form, a musty smell does not appear, and the mechanism of the stroller does not rust.
to the table of contents ↑Some recommendations on how to remove milk spots
A stroller baby stroller is indispensable at any time of the year. A long walk in the fresh air is useful for kids. But it happens that during this walk your baby drinks milk, which can easily get on the stroller. How at home to clean the stroller from such stains?
We offer several options for this wash.
Method 1
At night, pour on the stain crumbled ordinary chalk, well, in the morning, brush off the chalk with a brush.
Important! Instead of chalk, you can use table salt.
Method 2
Excellent to cope with the contamination of talcum powder, which you must pour on the contamination, and on top of it put blotting paper. After that, iron the paper and leave it for a day.
Method 3
Carefully removes milk contamination with sodium borate, diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Wet the stain and wait for about 20 minutes. Then use a sponge to rinse the solution.
to Contents ↑Types of Contamination
Have you ever had the milk poured out of the bottle straight into the stroller? All dirty shoes, as well as markers tend to leave a trace in the history? In the life of absolutely every stroller there are such situations. To wash the wheelchair to an ideal state after such incidents, you can use the suggestions below.
Artistic pollution
Here we refer everything that relates to the creativity of the child: handles, stains from paint, plasticine and other similar materials. As a rule, these contaminations are removed without a trace with the help of warm water.
Emulsions, mazut, paints and the like are washed with solvents, for example, acetone.
Important! Given that not all tissues can withstand chemical solvents, first try to treat an inconspicuous piece of tissue.
Stain remover can also help you. Use them must be strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Important! Be sure to rinse, and then ventilate the stroller after a similar chemical treatment.
Edible types of contaminants
The remains of food, as well as drinks, depending on the degree of fat content of the product, can make you sweat if you do not know the weaknesses of these contaminants. To properly clean the stroller at such spots:
- Fresh food residues rinse with wet wipes or a soapy solution.
- Dry dried stains can be cleaned with a brush, which you must soak in a solution of detergent or laundry soap. Too oily stains can first be sprinkled with talc or starch, so that these substances absorb most of the oil.
Important! Rinse all cleaned places with water, otherwise there will be white stains.
In case the oil slick is old:
- Place, if possible, under a dirty place and on it a napkin.
- Thoroughly warm up the iron, start with a delicate mode.
Important! Under the influence of heat, the oil base will go to the napkins. Change them more often so that all traces are absorbed.
Contamination of the natural type
On the wheelchair there is pollution from the dilapidated grass of the child, or did a careless pigeon want to make you rich? Maybe you also poured out a very bad driver from the puddle?
Let's find and on such pollution the management:
- Traces of grass are washed with soap, soda or salt solutions. From salt and soda you can make a porridge, from which the greens instantly come down.
- Against the old pollution, a masterful trick is needed. Soak the contamination in the wine vinegar for 10 minutes, and you will not believe your own eyes, looking at the final result.
- Dirt that has got on the stroller from a puddle, you can wash with "Vanish" for colored fabrics - achieve a thick foam from a combination of concentrate and water and leave for 15 minutes. Then treat the surface of the stroller with a brush with stiff bristles, and then rinse. The fabric will play with new colors.
We hope that your strollers from now on will always be in excellent condition, as our recommendations will certainly help you with this.