- What are the means for washing?
- When should I use liquid detergents?
- Liquid detergent - composition
- How to use liquid detergent?
- Forms of release of liquid powder:
- Useful advices:
The most common detergent in the world is a detergent powder. Recently, most manufacturers are paying attention to expanding the range of detergents. On the shelves of household chemicals appeared liquid detergents - in most cases the phrase "liquid powder" is used. In this article we will acquaint you with the advantages of a liquid detergent and inform you of the diversity and quality of this product.
to the contents ↑What are the means for washing?
In any supermarket, the detergents are represented by three forms:
- powders( granular powder as a variety);
- liquid( gels);
- tablets.
Powdered detergents, to date, the most popular. Their share is 95% of all purchases. Conditionally they are divided into three price categories:
- low;
- average;
- high.
Concentrated powders contain an increased dose of active substances. A special category - granular powders, more convenient to use, less "dust".One disadvantage is the high price.
- Liquid detergents are more often used for hand-washing products, especially for things from delicate fabrics, including silk and wool."Liquid powder" can also be used in automatic washing machines.
- A higher concentration of active substances contains gels - "liquid powders" with increased viscosity. The share of this money by the number of sales is 1% in Russia. In Europe - 25%, Canada and the USA - up to 50%.At the moment, interest in liquid drugs in Russia is growing, which indicates an increasing culture of washing among the population, as well as improving living standards and awareness of citizens.
- Detergents in tablets are popular in Europe. On the Russian market with such drugs, only visitors to expensive supermarkets are confronted. Tablets are instant, single-layered, and multilayered with a controlled dissolution rate. The main advantage of this form is the economy of dosing( 1-2 tablets, depending on the degree of contamination), ease of use.
When should I use liquid detergents?
"Liquid powders" are best used for washing lightly soiled clothes. In modern washing machines special programs for such washing are provided. For some brands of household appliances, this can be a "daily wash", others - "new things", the third - "freshen up."Mix program is designed for simultaneous washing of clothes of different types of fabrics and different colors. Such washing cycles often take place at a low temperature of 30-40 ° C.
Liquid detergents for washing delicate fabrics are irreplaceable. Due to the composition, "liquid powders" have a gentle effect, do not destroy the tissues and do not separate the dye from the tissue.
Disadvantages of liquid detergent:
- Low efficiency when removing greasy, oil stains.
- High cost.
- Short shelf life.
- Absence of components intended for descaling.
Important! Use liquid powders in soft water. For washing in hard water, add funds to soften it. Advantages of "liquid powders":
to the contents ↑ Liquid detergent - composition
Advantages of detergent due to chemical composition. Let's take a closer look at what the liquid detergent consists of.
About 20% of any detergent powder is surfactants - surfactants. In liquid detergent preparations, the proportion of surfactants is up to 50%.The main task of surfactants is to ensure the wetting of contaminated tissue with a cleaning solution. Also, the surfactant retains the removed particles of dirt in the solution and prevents them from settling again on the fabric.
Eliminate the hardness of water, and therefore increase the effectiveness of the action of surfactants. The presence of phosphates ensures the softness of the tissues after washing. Invaluable is the role of the additive in protecting the spiral of the washing machine from scale.
These are biologically active substances. The most common are five groups of enzymes, each of which performs its functions:
- alkaline proteases remove protein contamination;
- amylases - starch;
- lipase - cleavage fatty contamination;
- cellulases - refresh color, prevent the appearance of canes;
- keratinases - remove the residues of the solidified protein.
Important! Most of the enzymes operate at a temperature of 40-60 C.
Optical brighteners
Create an effect of white-washed linen.
Important! The active substance does not affect the quality of washing, nor does it bleach. Thanks to the incoming elements creates an optical illusion, which creates a feeling of snow-white linen.
Neutralize the unpleasant smell of dirty laundry, give a pleasant smell of fresh washed laundry.
Important! The quality of perfume does not affect the efficiency of washing. Pleasant smell can play its role only when buying.
Included in liquid detergents intended for the washing of colored fabrics. Prevent moulting, do not remove the dye from the product.
Included in the composition of powder automata. Prevents the formation of excess foam when washing.
The presence of enzymes imposes certain conditions on the prescription of liquid detergents for washing. It is required to add various stabilizers( ballasts) to maintain the performance of the food supplements.
to the contents ↑How to use a liquid detergent?
"Liquid powder" and gel differ in viscosity, which determines the way of using detergent in machine washing:
- Concentrate into the hopper distributing washing machine( usually there you fall asleep dry powder).
- Gel - directly into the drum of the washing machine, since this dispenser is not washed with water from the dispenser.
Liquid release molds:
- Transparent and opaque plastic bottles. Volume from 0,85 l to 1,5 l. In most cases, a comfortable handle is provided. The bottle cap is also used as a measuring cup. In instructions for use, the expense of the agent is indicated not only in milliliters, but also in the caps. Some manufacturers make a double cap. It is very convenient, because when the bottle is screwed, the gel remains does not spread over the outside of the bottle.
- Replaceable plastic bags. This form is presented in the assortment of Ariel and Frosch. In the package, buying is much more convenient and cheaper. If you already have a bottle, then pour the gel into it.
The color range of detergents is diverse. Achieved by the introduction of a certain dye. Color only affects our emotional attitude to the product.
Important! The effectiveness of washing does not depend on the color of the liquid detergent.
The temperature regime when washing liquid should not exceed 60 ° C.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- Liquid washing powders, designed only for black, colored or delicate items, are absolutely useless. It is better to replace these drugs with universal gels, which have not only a high degree of efficiency, but also have ample opportunities. This tool is ideal for all things: bright, dark, colored, delicate, while creating a smaller load for the machine. When hand washing, universal gels not only facilitate your work, but also enhance the brightness and color of your favorite things.
- When using a liquid preparation, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions, use the dosage correctly.
- Erase things by turning them inside out, in a delicate mode.
- Use special liquid preparations for dark things so that no white bands appear.
- To prevent wrinkles on the products, choose a delicate washing program with a small load.
We hope that thanks to the information received, advice, recommendations, you will choose the right "liquid helper" for washing your favorite things and they will serve you for a long time, without losing their attractiveness and original appearance.