- The most important rules:
- Testing
- Competent choice of tools
- Home remedies
As soon as you notice rust marks on your clothes, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. The fact is that if the product has been contaminated for a long time, the rust will penetrate into the depth of the fibers and destroy it. If you start this moment, then you will not be able to return the previous state of things. We have prepared effective methods for you, how to remove rust stains from clothes and protect it from damage.
to the contents ↑The most important rules:
- Rust traces can be removed with the help of special means of industry, and folk methods.
- If many efforts have been made and many methods have been implemented, but the result has not been achieved, then it will be necessary to seek help from specialists in dry cleaning.
- The most important thing is to carry out preventive actions in order to prevent the appearance of rust. Namely: do not erase on long cycles in the typewriter things with metal buttons, decorative elements. If possible, such clothes should be washed only by hand. Also, do not wash things of dark colors with such elements and light, at the same time, as the probability is high that white clothes will cover with rust stains.
Important! Pay attention and proper storage, because if a thing is built for a long time and is not used, but has metal parts, most likely when you get it out of the closet, it will already be covered with red spots.
to Contents ↑Testing
Before removing rust stains from clothes, test the product on a small piece of cloth. It is very difficult to guess how the material behaves when interacting with this or that substance. That's why the testing phase is so important. Otherwise - you can irretrievably spoil your favorite thing. As soon as you get a positive result, you can proceed to further action.
Important! The test is best carried out on a barely visible area of the tissue or on an additional piece that is sewn into a seam or separately attached to the tag of any clothing.
to the contents ↑Competent choice of the
tools According to some, household chemicals are quite effective. This is indeed true, but one must be very careful. The most important thing when choosing what to remove the rust from the fabric at home - carefully read the composition of the product.
Oxygen stain removers
Optimum option - oxygen stain removers. They carefully act on the fabric, do not cause tissue damage. These are:
- "Bos";
- "Vanish";
- "Ecover";
- "Amway";
- "Backman. "
Choose an effective and suitable option for the price - it is quite realistic. Be sure to follow the instructions and do not apply the formulation in undiluted form to stains. Otherwise, you will get new ones, just different colors.
Important! Optical brighteners can be used for white things, but in this case you do not remove the stain, but simply mask it behind the reflecting granules in the composition of such a remedy. That is, pollution as it was, and remains, but it will not be visible.
A separate word should be given to bleach. Many mistresses still believe that this is an ideal tool to combat this problem. In fact, this is an absolute lie. Use chlorine is only possible for white things that are made of dense materials. Colored and thin materials, he can only eat.
Important! You can not use a concentrated solution - it will only get worse, since there will be yellow spots instead of rust marks. Be sure to dilute the concentrate according to the instructions before removing the dirt.
to the contents ↑Home remedies
Many people believe that folk remedies are much better than industrial ones. Unambiguously, it is more convenient when you need to somehow rectify the situation, and there's no time to go to the store. Most of the ingredients are guaranteed to be in your home.
Tartaric Acid
The most effective way to remove rust from clothes at home with white things is tartaric acid. To cook it, you need to mix one glass of wine and the same amount of table salt. The resulting consistency is rubbed into the stains of rust for half an hour. The result will be amazing!
Acetic acid
Another effective method is how to remove a rusty stain from colored clothing - acetic acid. Vinegar will not only not spoil the color of the product, but will fix the paint. He is one of those few materials that do not discolor things.
It is necessary to soak a thing in a solution of a liter of water and one spoonful of vinegar. Afterwards, wash clothes in the washing machine. There will be no trace of rust!
Citric acid
It should be particularly careful when cleaning delicate fabrics. One wrong step, and the thing is irreparably corrupted.
With this case, crystallized citric acid will be an excellent candidate. Dissolve it in water and soak in the resulting solution a thing with impurities.
Lemon juice
If the house has lemons, then this is an excellent option than to remove the rust from the fabric at home if the stains appeared just recently:
- The first way is to thoroughly moisten the area of contamination with lemon juice. Leave the clothes for an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
- The second way is to mix water, a little detergent, salt and lemon juice. Bring the mixture to a boil, then allow it to cool. Dip things in the solution and leave for an hour - after rinse.
The next way to remove rust from the fabric at home is quite unusual, however, very effective.
You need:
- Large capacity.
- Rhubarb.
- Water.
How to proceed:
- Choose a sufficiently large container, in which clothes soiled in rust could fit.
- Put rhubarb stems inside and pour water.
- Cook for forty minutes over low heat, then pull out the stems.
- Put the clothing in the liquid and leave it for half an hour.
- When the result is reached, wash the thing in the washing machine.
Ammonium alcohol
Ammonium alcohol is a universal remedy that can remove any contamination, including rust. All you need to do is to process the areas of spots moistened with ammonia in a cotton wool disc. Leave the clothes for fifteen minutes, and then rinse it.
That's all. As you could see, there are so many ways to get a stain off rust on clothes. In no case should you throw things away. You can deal with pollution without leaving home. Follow our advice and recommendations - you will succeed.