- General rules
- Carpet cleaning options with snow - procedure:
- Do I need to knock out carpets or enough surface treatment on snow?
- Tips for carpet care:
- Tips for removing stains from carpets
To maintain order and cleanliness in the house, rugs and carpets must be cleaned at least twice a year. If summer is considered an ideal time for chemical effects on the product, then in winter it is best to clean the carpet in the snow.
Contrary to popular belief, there may be several options for the approach, if desired, this manipulation can be carried out even at home. Cleaning with snow allows you to quickly and efficiently restore the freshness and purity of household items, as well as get rid of harmful microorganisms and ticks. Consider how to clean the carpet in the snow, so that the decorative coating is not spoiled, and to achieve its ideal cleanliness.
to the contents ↑General rules
In order to clean the carpet with snow, observe the following rules:
- Carry out treatment only with soft, loose snow without a peel. However, it should not be in a melted state - you can not allow the carpet to get wet.
- Freshly fallen snow will best cope with cleaning - it has not yet managed to get covered with slags and gas exhausts.
- Before starting the procedure, rugs and carpets should be vacuumed or punched out.
- The active cleaning step should be carried out as quickly as possible. If the product is too large, it is best to clean it with parts so that the pile does not get wet.
Important! With large size carpets alone, it is difficult to handle alone, so it is desirable to take a cleaning by a large company, distributing it among all the plots. Thus, the risk of wetting is significantly reduced.
- Do not use homemade or industrial detergents when handling the carpet with snow. If the product is too dirty, it must first be cleaned chemically, and only after a couple of days you can start snow cleaning.
After correct manipulation, positive changes are visible immediately.
Important! Do not immediately after cleaning put the carpet in the house - hold it in the frost for even a day, hanging it on a solid stand.
to the contents ↑Snow carpet cleaning options - procedure:
- Spread the carpet face down and evenly sprinkle it with snow. Take a plastic punch and start quickly knocking the product over its entire surface.
- Shake off the snow, transfer the product to a clean area and put it upside down. As before, sprinkle the surface with snow and beat out in short, but intense movements. Try to walk on the nap as little as possible.
- Again, shake the snow, pour new and carefully, but carefully sweep it with a brush or broom. Rugs of small size after this is enough to shake several times, large - it is necessary to throw through the bar and knock out well.
If you can not take a too large product out of the house, it can be cleaned with snow and at home. However, you need to do this correctly, otherwise - there is a risk of decaying the base and nap. So, we clean the carpet with snow at home:
- In the chosen spacious room, lay the floor with an oilcloth, its size should be slightly larger than the carpet area. Close the door and open the windows so that the room is well ventilated, and the temperature drops a little.
- Type a pair of snow buckets, pour it on the nap and beat it lightly. Collect the remains of snow with a vacuum cleaner that is not afraid of water. If this is not in your household, then you can do with a usual broom, but in that case there will be a lot of dirt.
- Turn the product pile down, while the oilcloth needs to be changed to clean, and perform the above manipulations again. The wrong side should be carefully knurled, so as not to deform the pile.
- Turn the carpet over again and lay it on the clean floor. For a while, it is better not to walk on it - wait until the product is completely dry.
Important! In this way it is better to clean massive carpets, in the extreme case, they need to be folded up to half a roll and cleaned on sections.
to the contents ↑Do I need to knock out carpets or enough surface treatment on the snow?
Some hostesses doubt that carpets of delicate materials or with long nap should be knocked out. They prefer to clean them only with the use of a brush. Such an approach also has the right to exist, but it will only be possible to achieve an optimal result if it is repeated many times. And even after that, a considerable amount of dust can remain between the villi. At the same time, the product will get wet through.
With the use of punching out of soft rubberized plastic deformation, you can not be afraid, and a good result will not keep you waiting.
Important! In extreme cases, you can hang the product on a stand, take a previously toweled in a snow terry towel, cover them with a carpet and knock it out through such a layer. This method is more troublesome, but quite effective and completely safe. Only work should be done as quickly as possible, changing towels in time.
to the contents ↑Carpet care tips:
- Cleaning should be done earlier than washing the floors. After you clean the product, fold it. In this form, leave it until the end of all cleaning, so that its surface does not get dust.
- A couple of times a week, carpets need to be vacuumed.
- Vacuum treatment must be carried out on both sides.
- The brush of the vacuum cleaner is better led along the pile, and not vice versa - so the structure of the coating is less destroyed.
Tips for removing stains from carpeting
There are rules and little tricks to remove all kinds of stains from the carpet. The most important rule is to remove stains immediately after their appearance:
- First you need to collect a sponge from the edges to the center with a clean sponge. If you do it on the contrary - the spot will increase.
- Then it's best to resort to a steam cleaner, if any. If it is not available, you can use the ready stain remover.
Important! Universal stain removers are able to clean the pile from dirt and dust, and not from specific contaminants. If you accidentally spilled wine, you should look for a special stain remover.
- From handy tools that you can find at home, you can also make a stain remover. It should be in 7-8 liters of water to add a fourth of a measuring cup of vinegar, as much ammonia and 2 teaspoons of a colorless dishwashing detergent.
- To remove grease stains from the carpet, chalk or talc may be used. They should sprinkle a stain, and then iron the stain through blotting paper with a warm iron.
- To remove unpleasant odors, use vinegar diluted with water.
That's all the wisdom that will help you maintain the clean condition of your flooring. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, just have to take care of the material on a regular basis, and then there will be no trouble with its premature damage.