- Emergency help
- Special tools
- Folk remedies
- Create author's item
- How to prevent painting of things?
Not every hostess has a lot of time to sort laundry for washing, and often this process combines with some other things. All would be nothing if in the wardrobe there would be things from the same fabric, the same shade. But we all love diversity. And sometimes it happens that a thing gets into the wash, which sheds, as a result - stains appear on the clothes washed along with it. What if the clothes were painted when washing, and is there any way to save their favorite things? Let's consider some simple ways how to return to things the former coloring.
to the contents ↑Emergency help
After washing your favorite blouse looks terrible, throw it away, what should I do? If the clothes are painted when washing:
- Do not wait for the thing to dry out, and even less to iron it - this will fix the stains. It is better to wash immediately in a large amount of powder.
- If the white linen has suffered, you can add a bleach suitable for the fabric. If colored - stain remover is suitable.
- Washing should be done at high temperature, not less than 60 degrees.
- If repeated washing does not help, you need to boil things in a metal container with the addition of soap, powder and bleach. Boil 2-3 hours, stir occasionally. Then rinse with cold water. But this can not be done with synthetic things.
- You can rub the stains with liquid detergent, leave for a while and rinse off in a large amount of water.
Important! The effectiveness of these methods largely depends on the tissue. Cotton clothes help the easiest. Artificial fabrics, such as nylon, are harder to save, sometimes even impossible.
to the contents ↑Special tools
If emergency help has not helped, you will have to resort to special products: bleaches, stain removers and solvents. When choosing a product, you need to carefully study the instruction that it is not necessary to spoil the damaged product.
Important! In the case of using chemicals, it is not recommended to wash things more than three times in a row. No fabric can stand it.
So, what to do if the clothes are painted when washing, and you want to restore its appearance at all costs:
- If you have painted your favorite light pants or blouses, you can use a solvent marked "White" or oxygen bleach. If things can not be washed in a typewriter, you need to soak them for several hours and bleach, and then wash it by hand. White linen can be boiled in "White".
- For colored items, a stain remover marked "Color" is suitable. To save colored non-white fabrics, you can use color reducers. They are sold in the department of household chemicals. One such means is "Dr. Beckmann 3 in1 ".
Important! Operate strictly according to the instructions, protect the skin and respiratory tract, since the product is characterized by strong poisonous vapors.
- It's good to use soap in such cases. You can rub them stains and leave for a few hours, and then wash. Or to prepare a solution. To do this, you need to rub soap and dissolve in water, then in the resulting solution soak things. Leave for several hours, then wash in the usual way.
Important! Try not to mix various bleaches and solvents. The means containing chlorine can not be combined with those containing ammonia. When combined, they give poisonous vapors. You and things do not wash, and you yourself will suffer.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies
Folk remedies do not always give a 100% result, but when saving your favorite things, all means are good. How to whiten white linen, which was dyed from colored things with the help of improvised tools?
Lemon juice
Pour a small amount of lemon juice on the wrong side. Lemon juice can be replaced with a solution of citric acid - 200 ml of water is half a bag of citric acid. Leave clothes or laundry in this form for several hours, then wash.
White vinegar
In soapy water, pour 3-4 spoonfuls of vinegar and soak clothes for the night.
Soda solution
If things are not very badly affected, the soda solution will help. In a small amount of warm water you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda and soak things for 3-5 hours.
Ammonium alcohol
In water, where ammonia is diluted with ammonia( 2 teaspoons), soak the laundry for several hours.
A good result is boiling with the addition of ammonia, 5 liters of liquid is 20 grams of ammonia.
Important! When using this remedy, be sure to ventilate the room well, since the smell will not be the most pleasant.
Hydrogen peroxide
It can be mixed with ammonia or used separately:
- Water, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in a proportion of 2: 1: 1, in this mixture soaked laundry.
- Add 2-3 spoons of hydrogen peroxide to the detergent water. In this solution you need to boil things for 2-3 hours.
You need to prepare a cleansing paste from starch, water, coarse salt and shavings of laundry soap. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts. This gruel is applied to the damaged tissue from the wrong side and left for 5-12 hours. Sometimes citric acid is added to this mixture to enhance the effect and for sure to whiten the white linen that has been colored from the colored things.
Several crystals of potassium permanganate are dissolved in water, add the same detergent and leave for 1.5 hours. This method is not suitable for saving light things.
Important! This is a risky way, it is better to apply it when there is nothing to lose.
After all these methods, things need to be washed and thoroughly rinsed.
to the contents ↑We create the author's thing
If not one way did not give a positive result, then you can try to dress up the clothes:
- Some things can be completely painted, for example, cotton products can be painted in aniline dye.
Important! Using dyes, be careful and consider the type of fabric. A wool thing can sit down, and acrylic - on the contrary, will stretch.
- If the blouse has a few spots and remove them did not work, it does not matter. Let's increase their number. This can be done with the help of a conventional watercolor or a special paint for fabrics. We apply arbitrary spots of a suitable color and create a composition. After the masterpiece is ready, we dry for several hours, then fix it with ironing.
- You can make beautiful patterns on a spoiled thing with the same colors and stencils. If you draw well, then you will not need a stencil.
- Buy acrylic paint in a spray can-it is easy to apply, it dries quickly, when you wash, the color is saved.
- Drawing can be done with the help of markers and markers, and then using an iron to fix it on the fabric.
Important! If you do not want to bother with the drawings, you can make several stitches with colored threads on the painted places, or sew ribbons, rhinestones, flowers or ready-made applications. All this can be purchased at a tissue store.
to the contents ↑How not to admit coloring of things?
To avoid situations on reanimation of your favorite things, you need to follow the following recommendations.
- Before cleaning new items, carefully study the labels on them.
- Sort items when washing by the color and type of fabric.
- New clothes, especially jeans or synthetics, for the first time it is better to wash separately to find out whether it is shedding or not.
- If you soak a thing in a salt solution, it will less shed.
Important! If you have an expensive thing, then you should not experiment on it. In this case, it is better to use dry cleaning services.
In this article, we told you what you can do if clothes are painted when washing. We hope that you started solving the problem in time and were able to return the original shade of the thing.