The correct choice of powder for a washing machine is of utmost importance, because the quality of washing depends on it, and the service life of the machine is directly related to the quality of the washing machinefacilities. Therefore, the detergent powder must be selected very carefully, judiciously, on the basis of the right criteria and requirements. About what distinguishes one remedy from another and which detergent is better, you will learn from this article.
to the table of contents ↑The main selection criteria for
The market for detergents that are used for washing clothes is seriously contested. Advertising has a great influence on the choice of brand of household chemicals.
Important! It is proved that 90% of purchases are made under the influence of one or another advertising company. That's why advertising is invested so much money, the image of the product is formed. And those brands of washing powders, which are more popular, are sold better than their less famous counterparts.
Let's try to figure out whether to believe advertising and buy expensive washing powder, because when buying a "branded" product, we actually overpay for its image. On what should be based, choosing for itself a powder for the machine-automaton.
First and foremost, the detergent powder should not pose a hazard to human health. Any detergent consists of chemicals, often aggressive.
Important! Low-quality detergents can harm a person simply while wearing their clothes washed by them.
Because every manufacturer of such household chemicals must receive a safety certificate. This is reported by a special sign on the package. But the fact that your powder has passed the safety check is not a guarantee that it will be good to wash your things.
Powder must effectively remove various types of contaminants, stains and unpleasant odors.
Important! Detergents designed for special clothing, including children's clothes, should not be inferior in effectiveness to conventional detergent powders.
In order to determine which detergent is best washed, tests are carried out for which special test benches are used:
- The stand represents several different washing machines with different characteristics, differing in power and functionality.
- They wash fabrics with different types of contaminants. There are different pollution standards that are taken as a basis.
- During testing, the amount of powder required for washing is strictly checked. The amount of mixture used depends on the volume of laundry, the degree of its contamination, and also take into account the hardness of the water.
- After washing, the fabrics are inspected on special optical equipment for dirt and stains.
- After this, it is possible to pass a judgment on whether the tested household chemistry product meets the standards and requirements.
Important! A number of tests showed that not all advertised and expensive powders are washed better and more efficiently than cheap ones. Rather, it shows that the company managed to shoot a successful commercial.
Of course, you can test at home, for this you need to prepare several identical fabrics with the same, if possible, contamination and wash them with powders from different companies. But the results of such a test will be unsatisfactory, besides, it will take a lot of time and effort.
Treating the tissues
Washing powder should not deform the structure of the tissues, since no one needs a remedy that will remove stains from your favorite pants, but it will ruin the appearance of the thing.
Pleasant smell
Many do not like it when the detergent smells, as it often breaks even the smell of perfume. But if the fragrances are added to the composition, then the smell should not be very intrusive and harsh. That is, when answering the question which detergent is better, the statement that it is odorless will be unambiguous.
Ease of operation
It is very convenient when the washing powder is packaged in a waterproof package and has a measuring spoon inside so that it is easier to calculate the desired amount of a free flowing mixture for a particular washing schedule. A high-quality washing means may even have a closing valve for greater comfort.
To date, there is a huge variety of detergents for people with different income levels, and price is an important criterion of choice along with its quality and safety.
to the contents ↑Composition of detergent
Let's pay attention to the composition of such products.
The basis of any modern detergent for washing is surfactants - so-called surfactants, which, when combined with fats and other contaminants, wash them out of clothing. All the rest are various additives that improve the washing of certain types of contaminants. Which washing powder is better?- The one that has a minimum of such substances or at least concentration within the limits of the norm.
Important! The quality of the detergent is determined by the correct ratio of these or other enzymes, as well as the quality of these very enzymes. Each of the enzymes is responsible for its type of contamination, and therefore the effectiveness of powders varies depending on the types of stains.
foam generators These are harmless substances, which are otherwise called purity polymer polymers. As the name implies, they enhance the cleaning properties of the main component composition.
These are substances that reduce the hardness of water. Their quantity should not exceed 10% of the total mass of the commercially available household chemical product. If there are a lot of phosphates, then you need to increase the time of rinsing things. Recently, they are trying to replace them with other components.
These are substances that effectively cleave biological contamination, such as blood, grass. But they are destroyed at temperatures above 50 degrees. Therefore, powders, which contain enzymes, are useless to use for boiling laundry.
Important! Enzymes should not be included in children's powders.
These substances prevent re-settling of dirt on the fibers of the fabric.
These components remove unpleasant smells from the linen, give it freshness and a pleasant aroma.
softeners These substances are added to the laundry detergent so that they remain in shape and do not deform.
Important! Powders, which include softeners, such as, for example, lanolin, are ideal for washing lace, batiste, knitwear.
Many think that the denser and thicker the foam, the better the detergent powder. But for a machine this foam is contraindicated. It degrades the quality of washing and can lead to the closure and breakdown of the machine.
To avoid this, defoamers are added to the basic composition.
Fluorides and chlorides
These substances are added to the detergent powder for disinfection and removal of lime scale from the TET of the washing machine.
Important! If you use a product containing fluorides and chlorides, do not forget to put rubber gloves on your hands and avoid getting powder on the mucous membranes.
to content ↑Types of detergent
All washing powders are divided into two groups:
- for manual washing;
- for laundry in the machine.
Important! The package of the product is always indicated for what kind of washing it is intended for.
In composition, they are not much different, except that only in the composition of the powders for washing in the machine-machine there is more defoamer. That is, the only difference is that they are less foaming.
Important! Detergent for hand washing can not be used when washing in a washing machine.
When choosing a particular product of a particular manufacturer, you need to consider the type of clothing for which you buy this powder. Do not believe the promise that the powder can be universal and it is better to spend once and buy several funds for different types of things than each time to update your wardrobe.
Important! If you judge logically, the same powder can not equally well wash cotton, silk, and wool, bleach and preserve the color of your favorite things.
All powders and gels for washing can be conditionally divided into four groups, depending on the type of fabric.
For white linen
To white things please us with their cleanliness after washing, the composition of such a powder must necessarily include bleach. Some products contain chlorine bleach, but since it is very aggressive, it has recently been replaced with oxygen bleach.
In addition, the composition can also contain optical brighteners. They contain a large number of white particles, which settle on the fibers of the fabric, create the illusion of purity and whiteness.
Important! In children's powder should not be present optical brighteners.
For colored linen
A quality detergent for colored laundry must contain a large number of enzymes and polymer amplifiers that allow you to wash colored things from various types of pollution, while retaining bright colors.
For woolen and silk items
There are many washing powders designed for washing wool and silk. As a rule, these drugs have a lower content of enzymes, which destroy protein fibers of wool. As a replacement, you can use a detergent for washing on the basis of laundry soap.
Important! Pay attention to the dosage, since such a household chemical product needs to be put more than usual, if you want the result of washing to please you.
For dark things
Very often when washing the usual powder on black things, there are stains. Therefore, the means for washing dark things are often released in liquid form. Gels and liquid concentrates do not make your things better, but their color will become more saturated.
For washing children's things
The basis of baby powder is a soapy solution. The content of surfactants is minimal there, so as not to cause the child to have an allergy. The presence of oxygen bleach is acceptable, but in no case is it chlorine.
Important! For children, it is best to buy powders in a pharmacy.
There has been a lot of talk lately that phosphates can cause an allergic reaction in a person, reduce immunity and even cause infertility.
Therefore, let's look briefly at the advantages of a besfosfatnogo powder:
- For washing such a powder, the water temperature does not matter - you can wash it in ice water and boiling water.
- When washing with phosphate powder, you do not need to actively erase things - just dunk them at night.
- After washing clothes do not need to rinse repeatedly.
- The product does not spoil with time.
- When hand washing, you will protect your hands from allergic reactions and irritation.
- Using such products, you protect the natural environment, since it is completely harmless.
Important! The only disadvantage of a phosphate-free eraser is its high cost.
to the contents ↑Popular brand of detergent
And finally, consider several popular washing powders, which are invariably leading in the market of household chemicals.
- Used mainly for washing light underwear, suitable for both cotton and synthetic fabrics.
- Effectively removes complex spots, yellowness, gives things a shining whiteness.
- The feature of this remedy is its antibacterial effect.
- Can be used for washing in cold water.
- It rinses well and leaves no residue on the laundry.
Important! With all its merits, it has quite affordable price.
Eared Nanny:
- This washing powder is intended, first of all, for washing children's underwear.
- It is hypoallergenic and safe, but at the same time it displays well even complex spots.
- The composition also includes additives that soften the water and provide protection of the washing machine against corrosion.
- The product takes care of the fabric, does not contain soap, so it can be easily rinsed out of the laundry.
- It is recommended to use it not only for washing children's things, but also for those who have an allergy to ordinary washing powders.
This quality and inexpensive tool will help you keep your clothes in perfect condition.
Gloss 9 Automatic:
- This is a washing powder machine, which is best suited for washing colored underwear from natural or synthetic fabrics, except silk and wool.
- The composition includes 9 components, which provide effective removal of stains of different origin.
- The product delicately launches the fabric, without deforming things, easily rinsed, leaving no odor or trace of powder on the fabric.
Ariel Mountain spring
Washing powders of "Ariel" are among the most popular:
- Ariel "Mountain spring" can be used for washing white and colored linen, its main feature is a pleasant fresh smell.
- The composition includes many polymers that provide quality removal of stains.
- "Ariel" can be used for both natural and synthetic fabrics, but it is especially recommended for washing cotton, as it smoothes cotton fibers, returning the impeccable appearance to the laundry.
- The composition includes special enzymes, as well as components that protect the metal parts of the washing machine from corrosion.
Frosch Color Aloe Vera:
- This concentrated washing powder can be used to wash colored laundry at a temperature of 30 to 60 degrees.
- Formula with Aloe Vera extract provides deep cleansing of natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as protecting their color.
- However, this option is not suitable for washing woolen and silk things.
- This is a completely safe and hypoallergenic powder, there are no bleaches, but there are components to protect things from staining.
Tide Color Automatic
This powder is designed for washing colored underwear, it perfectly wipes out even complex stains, while maintaining the brightness of the color and texture of the fabric. But if the dosage is exceeded, it can be rinsed out poorly, therefore, when using it, it is recommended to use additional rinsing.
Weasel Color:
- This liquid detergent is intended for cleaning delicate fabrics, including woolen and silk items.
- Specially designed formula allows you to delicately wash things without damaging the fabric structure.
- An additional color restoration effect protects things from losing the main color and returns things to a perfect appearance.
- Can be used with any water hardness, but when washing, you need to select a delicate washing program.
BOS Plus Max:
- This is an amplifier of conventional washing powder, it can be used for all kinds of fabrics.
- It contains active oxygen, thanks to this powder effectively removes stains and delicately whitens any fabrics, even silk and wool.
- Can be used at low temperature.
- In addition to bleaching, it disinfects things.
- This is a concentrated detergent powder that contains bioadditives, active ingredients and enzymes that provide effective removal of complex or chronic spots.
- It can be used for washing both natural and synthetic fabrics.
- The product of this brand is good for washing things, easy to rinse out and leave no traces on the fabric.
Ariel Active Gel:
- These are capsules with liquid detergent.
- One capsule goes to one wash and is loaded inside the drum with laundry.
- Gel will please you with an effective removal of even the most persistent stains after the first wash.
- The gel itself is completely rinsed out of the tissues, leaving a pleasant smell.
- Suitable for washing colored underwear from natural and synthetic fabrics.
From this article you learned all about what can be detergent powder, which brand can be preferred and what to look for when familiarizing yourself with the detergent composition. We hope you could find the best option for yourself, which will suit you for all the characteristics.