- How to choose the best detergent?
- Pros and cons of odorless powders
- Natural powders and odorless whiteners
- How does allergy to powders manifest themselves?
- Why does an allergy to powder occur and how can I avoid it?
- How to distinguish a fake detergent from an original?
The question of choosing detergents for washing clothes today is quite acute, because without knowing the chemical composition of the powder or gel, their features, advantages and disadvantages, the choice is almost impossible to make. It should be understood that the value of the tool has a huge impact and its direct purpose, and distinctive features, and variety. After analyzing carefully the information below, any person can choose a quality and safe for health detergent without odor, not compromising his health and not adversely affecting the quality of washing.
to the contents ↑How to choose the best detergent?
Many experienced housewives love to share their impressions and experiences in various forums about the use of washing powders and other detergents. It is worth noting that the greatest disadvantage of modern means used for washing machines, automatic, is a very sharp flavor.
Many people do not like this smell, but there are others who cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, they begin to look for where to buy powder without a smell. Naturally, like the rest of household chemicals, they have their pros and cons, and they should also be talked about.
Important! First pay attention is recommended to the composition of the powder, not its name and manufacturer.
Reasons for finding a detergent without a pronounced odor:
- Allergic reaction or severe itching.
- Pregnancy or presence in the home of a young child.
- Non-acceptance of the body by a pungent odor.
- Allergy to detergents in pets.
A list of constituent powders is usually found on the back of the package and is written in small print. Do not be lazy to read it, because you make this choice for a reason. For whatever reason you decide to find just such a powder, you definitely have to work hard to buy it. Naturally, it's difficult to understand right away, whether the powder smells or not. But in order to exclude aggressive odor or flavor after washing, you need to refer to its constituent substances.
Important! Please note that there should be no perfumes and flavors. Such a composition is more likely to have hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly powders.
to the contents ↑Pros and cons of odorless powders
Odorless detergents with a hypoallergenic composition have the following undeniable advantages:
- Do not contain synthetic flavors that cause the strongest allergic reactions.
- They have mainly natural components in the composition.
- You can erase such powders with both adult and children's clothes.
- Spend sparingly due to high concentration level.
Disadvantages of odorless powders:
- Many consumers find them too expensive, even though they are economical.
- Because of the lack of enzymes in them, they can not cope with too much contaminated linen.
Natural odorless powders and whiteners
The most popular modern detergents with a natural composition include the following novelties.
- Natural and high-quality detergent without odor.
- It is sold not only in large packages, but also in samplers, which is very convenient for especially doubtful buyers.
- It has a barely audible scent of lavender, which does not cause allergies and does not irritate the sense of smell. If you set the additional rinse mode, the smell completely disappears.
- They can easily erase and children's things.
- It does not leave stains and stains.
- Prepared washing powder without the smell of this brand of sachets, the contents of which dissolve even in cold water. Suffices such a bag for washing 5 kg of laundry.
Important! Bleach of the same series exceeds all expectations of consumers, since it helps to whiten even long-grayed things. Especially well he copes with kitchen towels, bed-clothes and diapers.
Nellie's All-Natural
Natural bleach, characterized by excellent results. But most of all buyers are attracted to it packaging, which they compare to a work of art. It is made of metal, decorated with vintage patterns and ornaments.
The powder itself has absolutely no smell, and inside the package there is a special measuring spoon to properly dose the product.
Important! One package contains 50 portion packets, which themselves dissolve in water directly in the drum with laundry.
The quality of washing it significantly exceeds domestic powders and bleaches.
to the contents ↑How does the allergy to powders manifest themselves?
Before you go and look for a natural odorless powder, you need to determine if you really have an allergic reaction to a detergent or something else.
Many people when buying powders generally pay attention not to their composition, but to their fame or value. Unfortunately, high-quality washing and low price can not guarantee that you have a truly safe product. If a person first comes across an allergy to a powder, then he can write off her symptoms for something else.
So, let's consider the obvious signs of an allergic reaction to the powder:
- Strong itching and redness of the skin, in children, allergies can manifest red rashes on the lower back, face and ankles.
- Peeling of some areas of the skin and swelling.
- A barely noticeable rash resembling hives.
- Allergic rhinitis, causing bronchospasm and cough, which appears due to the ingress of small particles of powder into the respiratory tract.
Why does an allergy to powder occur and how can I avoid it?
Which substance or component is an allergy provoker? Do you often read the composition of household chemicals intended for washing and cleaning the house? And this must be done, because almost all modern products intended for such purposes have, to put it mildly, an unsafe composition.
The fact is that it is difficult for society to refuse completely from powders containing phosphates, because thanks to them water becomes softer, and things are better washed. But we need to understand that phosphate compounds are dangerous not only for human health, but also for the environment, because they fall into the city sewer system.
Important! The purification plants can not cope with such an amount of innovative chemistry. It falls directly into the city's rivers.
Following the following recommendations, you can avoid allergy manifestation in yourself, your loved ones, and also save the natural balance:
- When buying another powder, do not save too much, and be guided by more common sense. The main thing is that it does not contain phosphate.
- It is better to choose a detergent without odor, otherwise - there is a great chance of developing an allergic reaction, rhinitis. Take care that it does not contain flavors, fragrances.
- Do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions so as not to harm yourself, to your family members.
- Remember that good powders do not have much foaming properties, so the smaller the better, the better.
- Hand wash only with gloves to keep your hands for long, gentle, beautiful.
- Baby clothes are recommended to rinse several times, regardless of whether the machine is washing or manual.
Important! The best alternative to powder for washing children's clothes is soap.
to the contents ↑How to distinguish a fake detergent from an original?
Naturally, any person will be uncomfortable if a long-proven powder suddenly leads him down. But in our time this happens more often, and it is possible to suffer from this not only in moral, but also in physical terms.
To buy a quality original odorless powder with a natural composition, it is necessary to pay attention to such moments during the purchase:
- First of all, carefully inspect the packaging - all the inscriptions on it must be clear and understandable. All letters must be the same and the same color. It is better to keep the packaging from the original product in order to protect yourself in the future.
- The packaging must contain the address and the name of the manufacturer, as well as the name, address of the supplier in your country. The expiration date should be easily and clearly visible.
- As soon as you open the package, make sure that there are no lumps in it.
- No sharp aroma, fragrances, which, as a rule, cause an attack of sneezing, coughing.
Of course, no one is immune from buying a fake, even in a store that seemed to be already verified. The only place where one hundred percent quality and original goods is sold are brand shops that cooperate directly with representatives of each manufacturer.