How to clean a suede bag at home?

  • First aid
  • Cleaning the suede bag at home
  • Washing the suede bag

A beautiful and elegant handbag is an invariable attribute of any young lady. Moreover, the more complex and delicate the material, the more prestigious and original it looks, emphasizing the exquisite taste of its owner. That's why many people prefer to use suede bags. If you decide on such a feat, you should definitely know how to clean a suede bag at home, because the situations are different, and you can hardly want to lose the fashion accessory, even if it's pretty dirty.

Therefore, read about how to care for such a product, how to prevent its spoilage and with a list of means by which you can restore the attractiveness of the bag. Then no trouble will be terrible for you, and even if the bag falls into a mud puddle, you can clean it.

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First aid to

There are several rules that you need to take to your note in order to be ready to cope with any situation when you are ready to "light":

  1. If the bag for any reason was on dirty ground or you were sprayed with mudpassing car, do not rush to rub hard immediately, trying to clean a suede bag. The best way out of this situation is to wait until the mud dries. Next - just brush it off and the problem will be completely stopped.
  2. If on such a delicate material drops of any beverages or food, fat, delay emergency measures are not worth it. Immediately arm yourself with a suitable tool and act. In this case, immediately cleaning the suede bag will be much more effective.
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Cleaning the suede bag at home

Most often the problem becomes noticeable when you are already on the doorstep when you exit, completely assembled, and suddenly, a spot stains on the bag. In this situation, it's easiest to use an eraser - it will be safe, and clean the suede bag in this way and bring it into a suitable form in a couple of minutes.

Important! Note that only a white eraser can be used to clean the light material. It is desirable that it was also soft - this condition already applies to all shades of suede. In the future, so that such emergencies do not arise, take for yourself the rule to inspect the state of the accessory immediately upon return home. Then you can clean the suede bag slowly, using a suitable tool. What exactly is suitable for this purpose and what you can clean the suede bag - see below.

Means for cleaning suede bags

Cope with the difficult task of removing dirt and traces of your stay in the "habitat" of local beau monde, you can use special or home-made tools. Of the popular ways you will like:

  1. Milk + soda. A mixture of these ingredients in the proportion of 1 tbsp.for 1 tsp.will help to remove shine, shaded places, restore the shade of a light bag.
  2. Ammonium + water. These substances must be taken in the ratio of ¼ st.on ½ st. Such a solution will help to remove even complex spots.
  3. Liquid detergent( for washing things or washing dishes).It is better to use not a concentrated composition, but diluted with water. Approximate proportion - 20 ml of scouring per 1 liter of water.
  4. Petrol. This tool will help in the event that you completely forgot about the need to care for suede accessories, did not use it and it was gathering dust on the shelf in the closet, and suddenly you needed. Gasoline displays any, even the most persistent pollution, but we must take not ordinary, but purified. It is desirable, of course, not to bring the situation to the necessity of using such a radical method.
  5. Talcum, starch or infant powder. All these powders perfectly cope with the shaded places, with greasy tracks and other troubles. They are the simplest and most affordable means to solve the problem of how to clean a suede bag at home, since at least one of them is in your house.

Important! Do not use aggressive solvents or listed substances in undiluted form. So you can not only not clean the suede bag, but so aggravate the situation that even professional dry cleaning is unlikely to help.

Application of cleaning agents

The essence of using all of the above mentioned means is reduced to a single technology:

  1. Apply a small amount of cleaning agent with a sponge or cotton disc to a soiled area.
  2. Lightly rub, but do not try to make a hole in the suede.
  3. If it is gasoline, milk or soda, and the stain is complex - you can leave the substance on the fabric for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove excess and residue with cotton wool.
  5. Take a good, but very accurate walk around the surface of the handbag with a special brush for suede - this will not only help remove the dirt, but also restore the structure of the pile.
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Washing the suede bag

Very often the owners of delicate accessories ask the question: is it possible to wash a suede bag? On this score, there are two opposing opinions:

  1. Strongly not. This version is completely justified, since suede does not tolerate moisture at all.
  2. You can, but neatly. This approach is quite appropriate, if you have a product made of high-quality, durable material, which has become dirty. But keep in mind, if the product is very expensive, it is best to just limit the washing of the lining, and for the outer surface, choose more gentle methods.

If you still decided on this step, then before you wash the suede bag, read the recommendations for this procedure:

  1. Use only gentle means - ideally a liquid diluted powder.
  2. Try not to wet the material strongly, especially do not soak it.
  3. A suitable method of treatment is wetting the sponge in a soap solution and wiping the suede, as well as the outwardly turned liner.
  4. Do not forget to wipe the entire material with a sponge soaked in clean, warm water several times, at most 35 degrees. Otherwise - from soap or liquid powder will remain whitish stains.
  5. Do not twist it at all.
  6. Dry the product without using special tools such as a hair dryer, heater, or radiator. From this, suede can crack, lose its shape or harden up. It is better to fill it with crumpled paper and leave it at room temperature. Long - but reliable.

Important! There are also recommendations for washing a suede bag in a washing machine using a delicate powder and a similar washing schedule. To resort to such extraordinary actions or give preference to proven options - it's up to you. But remember, in case of an unsuccessful attempt, you will only have to blame yourself. Therefore, if you are not ready to part with your favorite accessory, choose less extreme ways to clean a suede bag at home.

Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is an excellent alternative to washing. To perform this procedure correctly and not to spoil your product, proceed as follows:

  1. Boil water in a kettle.
  2. Open the spout or cover( if it is small in diameter).
  3. A few minutes, hold the bag on the ferry, turning to the spout the most problematic place.
  4. Walk through the material with a brush.

Important! If the contamination is very extensive or complex, before brushing, you can rub a little crumb of bread - they absorb the bulk of the dirt.

Now you know all the ways how to clean a suede bag at home. To perform this procedure as rarely as possible and to extend the life of the accessory, after updating the appearance of the product, be sure to treat it with professional means of protection. Such sprays are now on sale in a huge range, so just select the quality products of a well-proven brand and no dirt, water, snow will not spoil your suede handbag. You can complement it with your image in any weather!