- Types of synthetic fillers
- After washing the jacket, the sintepon has lost its lumps - what should I do?
- How to wash a jacket on a sintepon?
The modern chemical industry gives wide opportunities to manufacturers of textile products, putting into operation various synthetic fibers, as, for example, sintepon. This is a common insulation that is difficult to deform and keeps heat well, and the material is very light, respectively - things from it are quite practical. Synthepone is also convenient to use, it is easy to take care of. The only problem you can face is how to spread the sintepon in a jacket after washing. This will be discussed in this article.
to content ↑Types of synthetic fillers
There are two types of synthon: glued and thermoset. Externally, products with different types of filler are virtually indistinguishable, but care requires completely different.
Important! Remember that in case of improper care, the insulation can deteriorate and stop performing its functions.
Glued sintepon takes the desired shape with a special glue. Typically, clothes on such a filler is inexpensive and looks impressive. But in the care it is necessary to adhere to such rules:
- You do not need to erase things, as the material will lose shape and roll.
- To remove impurities from clothing with such a filler, it is sufficient to wipe the top layer of the fabric with a damp cloth and a detergent.
Thermally bonded
Thermally bonded insulation is obtained by the thermal treatment method. Clothing has a higher price, but with it there are no special problems when washing.
to the contents ↑After washing the jacket, the sintepon has lost its lumps - what should I do?
If after cleaning the filler rolled balls and lost shape, then you can spread the sintepon in the jacket after washing in several ways:
- To spread the sintepon in the jacket after washing, you can rewash the product after putting 3-4 tennis balls into the drum of the washing machine.
- You can try to knock out the product with a carpet breaker, so that the fibers take the original form again.
- Shake the item as it should to get the sintepon back to its "original position".
- A more laborious method is to try to spread the sintepon balls through the lining with your hands, leveling the lumps formed during the washing.
- If the thing has not dried up completely, then you can spread the sintepon in the jacket after washing with the help of a vacuum cleaner pipe - just walking on the surface of the product and evenly distributing the sintepon.
- In case the aforementioned methods did not help to beat the sintepon in the jacket after washing, it is possible to move to a more radical method and to break the lining of the product, then to spread the hands of the rolled insulation or completely replace it with a new one.
How to wash a jacket on a sintepon?
So that the insulation is not spoiled and you do not have to think about how to straighten the sintepon in a jacket after washing, you should follow simple rules of washing.
Rule 1
First of all, to wash the jacket on the sintepon, it is necessary to choose the right detergent suitable for washing synthetic fibers. Enzymes, bleaches and substances with a strong chemical effect can damage the structure of the fibers, so you should be careful when choosing.
There are also special detergents for products with artificial filler, in which case they can be used safely.
Rule 2
A good and less time-consuming option is to give the product with synthetic filler to dry cleaning, where specialists will carefully clean your thing of pollution, bringing it to its original appearance.
If you still decide to wash the product at home, then it is better to do it with a washing machine, since it is impossible to completely remove the detergent footprints and soap stains will remain on the clothes. But you can still wash the jacket on the sintepon manually.
Rule 3
Attention is drawn to the labels on the label. Very often the information indicated on the label is enough to wash the thing, without spoiling it.
Washing procedure:
- Wash the product by turning it inside out first.
- Hard spots are locally excreted with soap or special stain remover.
- You should also carefully check the pockets and take out all the contents.
- To protect the product from abrasions during the washing process, you can put it in a special fabric bag that will exclude the possibility of any damage.
- To wash the jacket on a sintepon, as a rule, the "synthetic wash" mode is best suited, at which the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.
- To avoid soapy stains, it is also best to install an "additional rinse" and use liquid detergents.
- During washing it is better to completely turn off the spinning in the washing machine.
- After washing, squeeze out excess water with your hands and allow to drain by folding the roll and placing it in a sink or basin for 30 minutes.
- After excess water drains, spread the thing on a horizontal surface, pre-laying it with a large towel.
- After a while, when the thing dries slightly and remains moist, hang it on the hangers, changing the drying position to the vertical one.
- After complete drying, it is possible to iron the creases formed during the washing process by means of an iron at low heat through the fabric.
Important! Remember that products with artificial filler can not be dried near fireplaces, heaters and under direct sunlight.
If all efforts were unsuccessful, then, most likely, the product is hopelessly damaged and you will have to buy a new thing.