How to clean a fur coat from a beaver at home?

  • What you need to know about fur coats?
  • Care of fur products - basic rules:
  • Cleaning of fur coat
  • Cleaning of white fur

Every owner of fur products knows that their long operation is possible only if they are properly handled. Of course, you can give your favorite coat to dry cleaning, but suddenly there will be a collision? There are no options: you need to know how to clean a fur coat from a beaver at home. It's not that complicated, it's enough to follow the rules. We will tell you about them in this article.

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What you need to know about fur coats?

Fur products "live" long enough, but many owners successfully shorten the life. For example:

  • mink coat will last up to fifteen years;
  • Arctic Fox - up to ten;
  • rabbit - up to five;
  • beaver - a record holder, it can not be changed within twenty-twenty-five years.

And what leads to the fact that after one season the product looks, to put it mildly, completely unattractive? Fur wear is due to:

  • Wearing fur coats under snow and rain;
  • Product dust;
  • Wrong drying mode;
  • Hits on the wool of small debris;
  • Wrong care.

Important! Washing of fur products is strictly prohibited! Because of this, the fur, the lining and the original shape of the product are damaged.

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Care of fur products - basic rules:

  • You can not use a radiator to dry the coat. It must dry naturally.
  • Also it is not possible to use an open fire, a gas hob or a hairdryer for these purposes.
  • If dirt, debris and dust are not clearly visible, you do not need to clean it again.
  • Chemicals and detergents may not be used for treatment.
  • You can not iron the fur.
  • Clean after each season.
  • For storing the product, a canvas bag is used, which does not need to be strongly tied to allow air to enter it.
  • The fur requires constant combing with a special tool.
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Cleaning the fur coat

For best cleaning, it is best to contact a dry cleaner, but it is important to know how to clean a fur coat from a beaver at home. Before proceeding to the procedures, we determine the form of the fur.

It can be:

  • Full-haired;
  • Striven;
  • plucked.

Basic recommendations

Of course, in order to maintain a fur coat in order, you need to spend your strength and time:

  • When wiping a plucked or shorn fur, the procedure is performed against the direction of hair growth.
  • With full-hair fur, you need to do the opposite.
  • To make the fur fresher or to remove small dirt, the product is shaken and cleaned with a brush previously moistened with refined gasoline.
  • Gasoline can be replaced with a solution, which includes one part of the water and two - ammonia.
  • Then the coat is wiped with a dry rag.
  • For beautiful styling of fur after the procedure, you can use a comb or a metal brush.

Important! Combing the fur can only be done after it has completely dried. Movements should be non-aggressive and smooth.

Shampoo and glycerine

How to clean a fur coat from an beaver, so that it again becomes fresh and shiny? To do this, you can use glycerin:

  1. The cotton disc is wetted in this tool and used to process the product.
  2. For better processing from stains to glycerin, a mixture of warm water( 1 item) and shampoo( 15-20 ml) can be applied to the fur. With
  3. Mixture is applied with a sponge, which should not be too wet.

Hot sand

According to some experts, beaver coats can not be cleaned with damp methods. For this, an unusual alternative is recommended - use sand:

  1. Sand in the required amount is washed and dried.
  2. He gets enough sleep in a deep frying pan and heats up. The temperature should not be too high, since the skin can be deformed.
  3. The fur coat is laid out on a flat plane, all the buttons are fastened.
  4. Warm sand is evenly spread on contaminated areas and slightly rubbed with hands.
  5. If the first attempt does not remove contaminants, the procedure must be repeated.
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Cleaning of white fur

The appearance of a white beaver fur coat is very attractive, but only if it is clean. To remove stains and greasy patches, you can use several means.

Hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide( 1 tbsp.) Dissolves in warm water( 1 L).
  2. The cotton disc or clean rag is wetted into the solution and used to treat the product. Strongly press during processing is impossible.
  3. The fur coat is dried, then combed.

Potato starch:

  1. The product is laid out on a flat surface, all buttons are fastened.
  2. Starch is poured onto contaminated areas, you can rub it a little.
  3. The fur coat is shaken well to remove the remains of starch.
  4. If all the starch is not removed, the fur coat can be gently knocked out.

The fur coat is the clothes that every woman dreams about. If properly to take care of her, she will please not one and not two winters, but tens of years. For help, you can turn to specialists, and you can do everything yourself, using the tools that are available in every home. We told you about them in this article.