Vest of leather by own hands - patterns for quick tailoring

  • Features of making a leather vest with a chic collar
  • With what and how to wear?

Any fashionista would like to have in her wardrobe a stylish waistcoat made of leather or suede. Such products are looked fashionably, originally, smartly. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay a large sum of money for such clothes, because it is difficult to find a quality, but at the same time cheap waistcoat. For such a high cost there are several reasons: the material for their sewing is used natural, high-quality, incredibly practical, durable. But you can sew a vest of leather with your own hands from old clothes, the main thing is to understand where to take a pattern, what tools to use, to disassemble in detail the scheme for manufacturing similar products. If you have some unnecessary leather thing, then do not hesitate to change it into a waistcoat, because it will last long, will provide you with warmth in the cold season. Since the natural leather is an organic, universal material, it acquires the necessary shape quickly enough during socks. In this article, we will learn how to sew self-made vests.

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Features of making a leather vest with a chic collar

You definitely decided to sew a leather jacket with your own hands? Patterns for making can be found in a couple of minutes on the Internet, moreover, you can sew on them not only leather, but suede products. Naturally, you can not do without a whole set of materials and tools:

  • Leather clothing or suede.
  • Fur collar.
  • A piece of fabric for making lining on the collar and waistcoat.
  • Mel.
  • Metal zipper.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Building stapler.
  • Tailoring Scissors.
  • Centimeter tape.
  • Figured curves and long ruler.

Now it's time to separately disassemble each stage of creating a vest with your own hands, so as not to miss even the smallest detail.

Choose the suitable material

As mentioned earlier, it is not necessary to buy expensive natural leather to sew a waistcoat. You can take advantage of the fact that there are houses, for example, to take rags from an old jacket, suede jacket or leather cloak. Perhaps you are tired of wearing a too long cloak, then you can cut it, and from the remaining pieces to sew something useful. As a result, you will have a rather large piece of skin with which we will continue to work.

The same can be done with suede clothing. For fur trim you can use a collar in the closet.

Preparing the material for cutting

The preparation will be slightly different, depending on which material you take.


  • To get a perfectly flat surface for a comfortable cutting, spread out and smooth all the seams on leather flaps.
  • The material itself can be updated with a soap solution. The front side of the skin is simply rubbed by it, as a result of which substances that are often used for processing natural materials are removed. Then, rinse the skin with a solution made in such proportions: one glass of 9% vinegar, one liter of water, 50 grams of salt. After that, the material is smeared with glycerin to give it elasticity and shine.


  • If you decide to sew a suede vest with your own hands, then it will have to be washed with a detergent powder with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.
  • If there are stains on the fabric, then you can withdraw them with chloroform or gasoline.
  • It is recommended to clean the suede with rubber brushes, school erasers or hard foam.
  • After the preparatory procedures, the material must be "crucified" on a large board with the help of small nails or a construction stapler. Once it is completely dry, you will get a perfectly flat surface, ready for cutting.

Cutting a suede or leather vest

To cut a waistcoat, naturally, you will need a pattern. You can use the ready-made option, which suits you in size or make it yourself.

Then we proceed as follows:

  • Lay out your pattern on the material, determine the length of the future vest.

Important! If there is not enough cloth for a width or length, it's okay. Missing elements can be collected from attacks and create decorative elements, in particular: slats, coquette, tuck for a belt, inserts on the sides, straps for shoulder seams.

  • To make the waistcoat more original, use pieces of other fabric or leather.
  • For the same pattern, cut out the lining for the waistcoat from the lining fabric, but you should not forget about the allowances for seams.

Preparation for the first fitting and its carrying out

From the received details, assemble the waistcoat so that you can try it on. Put it on, check again the conformity of the selected model, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments. Then, sew all the stitches on the sewing machine.

Important! Similar changes necessarily need to be transferred to the lining.

Then we sew the lining itself.

We will deal with the processing of the collar

If you want to reduce the existing collar in width, then you can use the remaining shreds to extend it. Do this should be very carefully, be sure to follow the direction of the nap, given the shades of fur. From the lining fabric should be cut out for the collar lining. At the edges, it should be less by several millimeters than the collar itself.

Important! To make it more convenient to work, it is better to make a collar layout using the most common paper.

Lining on the outer seam with the collar, while the inner seam should remain free to carve it at the side and neck. On the machine, turn on the collar, turn it to the front.

We connect the collar with the vest

If you want to sew a vest from an artificial suede yourself, then you should also take care of the preparation of the straps for the transfer, to which then you will need to prip the zipper.

Important! To make the machine's foot work better on the material, you can slightly lubricate it with sunflower oil or use a Teflon foot.

The connection of the collar takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. We connect the neck and sides to the very bottom with a collar with a vest. It is very important that the lining is clearly in the connecting seam.
  2. Where the collar is already sewn, sew the strips with zippers into the sides. As a result - under the line you will get the sides of the waistcoat with slats and collar.
  3. Next, the lining is connected to the product along the sides, bottom, throat, armholes.
  4. We fix all seams with a finishing stitch.
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With what and how to wear?

You can wear it both as an independent wardrobe thing, and on top of sweaters, jackets, jackets. The main thing is that you got an answer to the question of how to sew a leather waistcoat. And, in terms of color there are no restrictions, you can choose the material of any shade:

  • Classic black vests perfectly match trousers, skirts, jeans.
  • Suede brown waistcoats are ideal for ethnic style and Country.

Your chic vest is ready! It does not matter how long you will get, because products made of natural materials look wonderful in themselves.