- Method # 1
- Method # 2
- Method # 3
- Method # 4
- Method # 5
- Method # 6
- Method # 7
Sooner or later a time comes when a man decides to end his bachelor life,then make an offer to your beloved girl. The main difficulty faced by men in this case is not the scenario of the offer of the hand and heart, but the size of the ringlet. To learn it should be as accurate as possible, without giving a surprise. In this article we will tell you about several ways to determine the size of a ring on a girl's finger so that she does not suspect anything.
to content ↑Method number 1
The easiest option is to ask for help from her best friend. She uncovers the necessary information without unnecessary suspicion. For example, she can drag her to the jewelery store to gawk at the rings - just for fun, but at the same time, will remember the right size.
Important! When addressing a friend, you should make sure that she is not stupid or talkative, otherwise your surprise may be spoiled.
If a suitable friend is not available, you can ask for help from a future mother-in.
to content ↑Method number 2
One of the most reliable ways to determine the size of a ring on a girl's finger is to imperceptibly take from a sweetheart such an ornament from those that are available. If you have access to the casket of your beloved, where the rings are stored, which she constantly changes, take one for a while. So the girl will not have time to notice the loss until the moment you return the trophy to its place.
Do not miss! It is necessary to take this ring, which she wears only on the ring finger. In order not to get confused by looking at products that look similar to each other and to pinpoint the "victim", try to watch for some time for your girlfriend. Then you will be able to remember the ring exactly.
Here the main thing is the speed and clarity of actions. Once you get the sample, immediately bring it to the nearest jewelry store, where the consultant can easily determine the desired size with the help of the ring-finder. After all this, try to return as soon as possible the decoration to the owner until she discovers the loss.
to the contents ↑Method number 3
Another reliable way is to make measurements in the home.
If your girlfriend does not part with your favorite decoration, and "steal" for a while it is not possible, you have to act, so to speak, in the field.
The hardest time to be at the right time in the right place. If she takes off the jewelry for the night, before washing dishes or other things, do not miss the moment! Otherwise, you will have to create "favorable conditions" yourself.
When the girl leaves the room, put her ring on a piece of paper and circle it along the inner contour. The diameter of the resulting circle in millimeters and becomes the size of the ring. However, you can go to the store directly with the picture.
Important! If you are not strong in geometry or do not trust your artistic abilities, then you can leave a mark on some very plastic material, for example, plasticine. So that your plan does not fail, you should stock up on everything you need beforehand.
to the contents ↑Method №4
Reliable and fast option to choose the size of a ring for a girl - try on the decoration yourself. This method will work if the decoration is unattended, but time is pressing, and there is a threat that your plan will be uncovered, and there was not enough tools at hand.
Put the ring on any finger and try to remember the level to which it will fit( you can mark with a pen).In this case, the product should sit most comfortably.
Important! In order not to cause suspicion in your girl's hand, seal your finger with a band-aid or bandage.
to the contents ↑Method number 5
You can try to find out the size of the most future bride. However, in this case you will have to, as a real scout, lull her vigilance and show a talent for conspiracy.
This method is suitable if your loved one likes to go through all sorts of psychological tests, like those that are printed in glossy magazines.
Find in the magazine some compatibility test( for example, "Find out if you are right for each other") and make your own adjustments to it, including your own list. It is desirable that you together answer questions, and then check the answers. Only in this way you will get to know the data you need.
Important! Consider one "but": your girlfriend can suspect "something wrong", if before that you answered such proposals: "What nonsense!".
to the table of contents ↑Method # 6
Show your fantasy and immortalize your love, and along with it, find out the right size. If you are a fan of crazy ideas, unusual surprises and often pampering your inventions, you can resort to such an extraordinary method.
Ask your girlfriend to make a joint imprint of hands on artistic clay or any other fashionable material now. Paper and bright colors can also be used for these purposes.
Combining business with pleasure, you will have a wonderful time together with your beloved and find out the size of her finger. Perhaps, the hardest thing after all is to get yourself this art.
to the contents ↑Method # 7
If all of the above methods for some reason you do not fit, do not despair. Do you remember Cinderella's crystal slipper?- The principle is the same, but instead of the shoe you will need your girl's glove.
The plan will only work if the glove is made of thin leather. All other materials will give a big error. As soon as the "accidentally left" gloves will be at you, take them and go to the store, where the seller will help you choose the size of the ring for the girl.
Important! In extreme cases, you can contact the sellers with a request, try on an accessory. The hand of those who will be fit gloves, and will guide the selection of a ringlet for the future bride.
Now you only need to act on the path to your goal. Show your imagination, and you will be able to make a surprise with a proposal of the hand and heart just as you intended.