- Selecting the pattern
- Selecting the material
- Sewing the sarafan
- Decorating the new thing:
Modern life can not be imagined without such clothes as jeans - they are comfortable for every day, and for the weekend dress will be useful. One of the main advantages of this material is that it is very toeline. If you look after him properly, jeans will not lose their appearance for several years. That's why denim clothing is often changed. If a thing does not suit you - not in size or the style has gone out of fashion, but it is in good condition, we will remake it and give a second life. Inexperienced needlewomen can start with making children's jeans dress with their own hands. So, we offer a master class: a jeans sarafan for a girl with her own hands - patterns from old jeans.
to content ↑Selection of pattern
The choice of pattern will depend on who the new thing is intended for:
- If you want to make a dress for yourself, then the pattern should be done by yourself. Here, the Internet will come to your aid, as well as magazines or books on needlework.
- To begin with, you can try your hand at making an apron-style sarafan. It consists of only a few parts and you can take your working apron as a basis.
- If you plan to update the wardrobe of your little princess, then for the sample you can take one of her dresses.
Important! It is necessary to choose that thing in which the child is comfortable and which fits in size.
to the contents ↑We select the material
Any unnecessary jeans of adult members of the family can be used as a basis. If their color is not as bright as you want, then you can simply recolor the fabric, dropping it into a dye of the right color.
Important! When painting, remember that light colors repaint in a darker and brighter will not be a problem, but on the contrary - it is unlikely to work.
Some prefer shabby material. This effect can be achieved if the wet jeans intensively rub the hard brush for clothing in the right places.
Important! If the fabric is not very dense, then do not rub too hard, or you'll just tear the jeans. And if the material is dense, then you can even arm yourself with a pumice stone.
to the table of contents ↑We sew a sarafan
So we found a dress for a pattern, we picked up old trousers. How to sew a jeans sarafan for a girl?
Important! Before you start shredding old jeans, note that such a sundress is worn with t-shirts, turtlenecks, so it should be somewhat freer than the dress taken for the pattern.
Let's get to work:
- Cut out pieces of trousers, break them and begin to cut the sundress.
- We take the dress, fold it in half along the length and transfer the pattern to the prepared jeans.
- We make allowances for several centimeters. We should have two parts - front and back. This is the body of a sundress.
- We sew webbing, for them we cut out two rectangles about 8 by 27 cm, each of which we sew on the wrong side.
- Then turn out on the front side and stretch the edges.
Important! Now the length of the sundress can be adjusted. These straps can be sewn directly or crosswise crosswise.
- Back pockets with old jeans can migrate to your sarafan. They can be placed in front on both sides or make one pocket in the middle.
Important! The edges of pockets and straps can be processed with a decorative stitch of bright threads. The same line can be put in the center of each strap.
- Sewing straps to the sarafan base. You can sew two rows of buttons for a more comfortable length adjustment.
We decorate a new thing:
- You can decorate your sarafan with embroidery or applique with your favorite fairy tale hero. On sale there is a wide selection of different stripes, stickers.
- You can arm yourself with fantasy and come up with your application, even better - do it with your young fashionista. This sundress will be worn for a long time, and the self-made decor will be the pride of the young designer.
- Decorate such a sundress of old jeans with their own hands will perfectly help fringe. It's very easy to make of denim. To do this, trim the edge you need to properly dishevel.
- Various rivets or colored buttons can be sewn on the pockets.
- Another option for dressing a sundress is to combine denim fabric with other material. For example, with chintz or satin fabric. Just choose for this materials of bright colors.
Now you can sew a jeans sarafan for the girl yourself and at no cost. Since the fabric is "breathable", you can wear it in any weather. This - a universal outfit, which you can wear for a walk or a visit, just a festive option can be decorated with a lot of decorative elements.