How to remove creases on leather shoes?

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  • Rules for using leather shoes
  • Care instructions
  • If defects are minor
  • For large defects

Leather shoes are always at the peak of popularity and in price. This material passes air, it is durable, light in heat and warm in cold. But often on your favorite pair of shoes appear ugly wrinkles and creases. This significantly spoils the look of your shoes and your mood. How to remove creases on leather shoes? There are several simple ways to solve this problem, we will discuss them in this article.

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Rules for using leather shoes

But everyone knows one simple truth: it is easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it. So first let's figure out what can be done to prevent such problems:

  • Buy shoes or shoes, carefully picking them on the leg.
  • Use shoes only for the cases for which it is intended. Wonderful leather shoes will not let you down, if you suddenly fall under the rain, but do not rely on water-repellent impregnations and pull the car out of the puddle in these shoes.

Important! If you like to wear expensive shoes made of delicate leather, then you should have a spare pair in different places( at work, at the dacha, in the car).Model shoes are not designed for regular walks in puddles.

  • It is necessary to remove and shoe shoes carefully and accurately. Use a special horn for this. Unfasten all fasteners and fasteners before removing or putting on your shoes.
  • Try to have several pairs of shoes in the wardrobe for one season. Steam in the sock should be at least two, you can more, but not less, so that the shoes rest. The thing is that a day in the shoes accumulates moisture that for one night does not have time to dry completely, and in the morning you are already wearing damp shoes that can not warm you.

Important! Wet skin stretches much more. Daily wearing of the same pair deforms it and leads to the formation of ugly folds and creases.

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Care instructions

It is necessary not only to wear shoes correctly, but also to give it some time to care for materials so you do not have to think how to remove creases on leather shoes. All these procedures can be brought to automatism, inculcated as a useful habit, then for you it will be something quite natural, and not a routine daily service.

So, so that there are no wrinkles on the shoes, adhere to such recommendations:

  • If you have expensive model shoes, then when you do not wear it, it is better to insert pads in it. They will absorb the accumulated moisture in the skin and straighten out the formed in the process of socks zalomy.

Important! It is better to use blocks made of cedar, beech, mahogany, since wood varieties best absorb moisture. You can use a cheaper way - to stuff the shoes with paper. In this case, the paper needs to be changed periodically.

  • Clean boots as soon as you get home. Do not let dirt and dust get absorbed.
  • After cleaning, shoes must be properly dried. Nutritious and protective agents should be applied on completely dry skin. Drying should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, and a cool place is more preferable than dry and roast.

Important! Never dry your shoes near heating appliances or in direct sunlight.

  • Store shoes in boxes or in special bags for shoes. You can store only well-dried products for storage.
  • Do not wear a wet or badly dried pair of shoes. At best, your shoes will stretch, at worst - they will deform, and you will earn yourself calluses or colds.
  • Do not use silicone sponges in the care of leather products. Silicone does not take care of your leather shoes and does not protect it from anything. It simply creates a short-lived gloss on the surface, and a few minutes after going out onto the street, this shine is replaced by a film of dirt of dust. The fact is that silicone, like a magnet, attracts dust particles to itself.

Important! Avoid also cleaning products that contain acids or a hard soap. These substances can age the skin and lead to the formation of creases on the shoes, and you will have to think about how to eliminate this problem.

  • Do not wash leather shoes by immersing them in the water.
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If the defects are minor

In principle, there is nothing difficult to level the skin on different products, because with proper care this material is soft, flexible. And those same defects appear just as a result of roughness, respectively - all your actions should initially be aimed at softening, and then to eliminate aesthetic nuances.

How to remove folds on leather shoes, if they are, but not yet so strongly pronounced? There are several simple, but at the same time, effective solutions:

  • If the hall is small, then you can remove the shoes or shoes, tightly stuff them with paper, and then lubricate with shoe polish. If you have light shoes or shoes, then use milk.
  • So that the folds on the shoes are less noticeable, grease them with a good wax for shoes.
  • You can grease creases with a lot of emollient so that the skin becomes soft. After 15 minutes, fill your shoes or boots with paper and put on your side. Leave in such position for several days. Lubricate twice a day with cream. Before you get the paper, remove the remnants of the cream and polish the surface with wax.

Important! As a softener, castor oil, glycerin, is also very good.

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For large defects

If your favorite pair has strong wrinkles, then there is a more radical way to remove the creases on your favorite shoes. To do this you will need a dense rag and iron. You can use a napkin made of microfiber.

What you need to do:

  1. Fill the shoe with paper or rags so that it keeps the shape well.
  2. Dampen a good rag, let the water drain or squeeze it out, so it is not wet, but well moist.
  3. Cover the boot with a damp cloth, leave it for a while, so that the skin is slightly moistened.
  4. Set the iron to medium power. Test on a rag: if it is not hurt, then - you can proceed. Iron your iron through a damp rag.
  5. After this procedure, the folds should decrease or even disappear completely.
  6. Dry your shoes without removing the packing.
  7. If the result does not satisfy you, the procedure can be repeated.

In this article we have offered you several solutions to the problem that has arisen. We hope, having applied one or several of the means, you managed to restore the beautiful appearance of your shoes, shoes, boots, and now you are more careful with them.