Rating of petrol stations for gasoline quality

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Low-quality fuel - a serious harm to the car and a blow to the owner's wallet. Suffer the candles, the engine and the fuel system itself. Only high-quality gasoline will help to avoid major repairs. But at what gas station is it the best? Today, a huge number of companies that deal with both the production and sale of gasoline. How not to get confused in the number of gas stations that grow with each passing day and surprise customers with new marketing offers and unique products? Rating of filling stations for the quality of gasoline 2015-2016 will help to deal with these issues and provides the top ten leaders in the fuel market in Russia.



MTC - Moscow Fuel Company is located in the tenth place among gas stations for the quality of gasoline. This is the only network that is controlled by the metropolitan government. Fuel passes strict quality control, meets the Euro 4 standard and is considered environmentally friendly. The prices for MTK's fuel among the competitors proved to be the most acceptable in the capital.



Tatneft is one of the top ten filling stations for the quality of petroleum products. Petrol entering the Tatneft refueling networks is subject to strict control and is carried out at the Moscow Oil Refinery. Additives used for fuel improve engine performance and save fuel.


Phaeton Gas station Aero

Phaeton Aero also hit the top ten on the quality of gasoline. Several refiners LLC Kirishinefteorgsintez LLC( KINEF), ZAO Rutek and Tekhnokhim LLC supply the product to the station, which guarantee the quality and full control of the product. Modern additives used to produce fuel, help improve the dynamics of acceleration and normalize the smoothness of the car. The engine power and the life of the fuel system are increasing. To date, the Phaeton Aero is in the top five of the best fuel stations in St. Petersburg.


Sibneft Sibneft AZS was established in 1995 and has received a massive popularity. The founder of refueling was the oil company Sibneft, which since its inception has rapidly increased its turnover in the extraction of raw materials and its processing into fuel. This was achieved thanks to the powerful technical equipment, which makes it possible to produce production at a greater depth. Starting its operations in the Tomsk region, Sibneft has rapidly expanded its borders. Now the company's filling stations are located throughout Russia. Since 2013, Sibneft has been producing the Prime series fuel, which belongs to the fifth class. Fuel with improved performance is more economical and provides a long service for the combustion candles.



gas station RIDE Ltd. among motorists uses ambiguous reputation, and many gas stations. But in general, the reviews are positive and the quality of the oil is quite satisfactory for many. At the moment, there is a new unique fuel of the highest quality at the gas station: the AI-95 Premium-Sport. For its production, "TRASSA" uses multifunctional modern additives that ensure the completeness of combustion, increase power and save fuel in consumption. At the same time, the quality of the base fuel remains at the highest level. Gasoline provides a minimum emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and removes deposits from all engine parts. With the regular use of this brand, there is a gradual erosion of the deposit, which has accumulated, from the surfaces of injectors, valves, cylinders and other engine parts. Removing deposits, reducing friction between the cylinders - all this prolongs the engine and increases its productivity.


British Petroleum

gas station BP ( British Petroleum ) is part of the world's largest oil and gas company British Petroleum .Fuel filling stations BP is manufactured in accordance with European quality standards. It is worth noting the quality of gasoline Ultimate with brand additives, which increase not only the engine power, but also prevents its premature wear. Improved cleaning ability of modern additives can remove up to 70% of the deposits that can appear in the intake system. In addition, new generation eco-fuel significantly reduces the amount of combustion products released into the atmosphere. Many car owners choose this refueling.



refueling network TNK is located in the fourth place among petrol stations for the quality of gasoline. A third of the sold fuel meets the Euro-5 environmental standards. In addition to AI-95, the station positions improved fuel with additional AI-95 Pulsar .The advantage of this gasoline is that it increases the engine's power, reduces the consumption of its own resources, and also keeps the engine components cleaner when compared to lower-quality fuels. Many motorists choose TNK for democratic prices, good fuel quality and a bonus system of discounts, which the network of filling stations offers to their customers.



Shell opens the top three petrol stations for gasoline quality. The quality of the product meets all industry standards and is environmentally friendly. Gasoline is manufactured in accordance with GOST standards. Before getting to the gas station, the fuel passes strict quality control and meets the Euro 4 standard. The fuel increases engine power by 15% and extends its service life, thanks to the latest technology used in the manufacture of gasoline additives. Gasoline is environmentally friendly and does not pollute the fuel system.



Gazpromneft is one of the three best Russian filling stations for today. The refueling network offers the highest quality fuel for cars of both domestic and foreign production. Gasoline of the new generation G - Drive with 98 octane number provides fast driving at full power. The additives contained in it provide not only instant acceleration to the car, but also protect from deposits in the fuel system. The quality of the fuel is also confirmed by the fact that it is manufactured according to the specifications. The fuel meets the Euro-4 standard.



Lukoil tops the rating of gas stations with the highest-quality gasoline in Russia. Fuel meets all standards of European quality and can be used for refueling any type of car. On the quality of the product says a huge number of car owners who use the services of Lukoil and multiple positive reviews. The fuel prices are slightly overestimated, but this defect can be forgiven because of high-quality gasoline with powerful additives that ensure engine durability and high power at work. Fuel is environmentally friendly, manufactured according to GOST, and the company selling it has been repeatedly awarded with the "Ecological Sign" distinctions. Gasoline belongs to the Euro-5 class.