Dogs are faithful and most devoted friends who are always ready to stand up for their master's defense. The natural force, combined with the correct training, allows you to find in the face of the animal an invincible fighter and intercessor. Analyzing existing breeds, we identified the most powerful and reliable of them.
American Staffordshire Terrier
American Staffordshire Terrier opens the top 10 of the strongest dogs in the world .The character of the dog is quite complicated. She is prone to a quick and unexpected change of mood. Very well feels danger and is the most reliable defender of its owner. Has an incredibly developed musculature, anatomically wide chest and well developed jaws, due to which it has a dead grip.
The breed was originally bred for hunting a large beast, and then to participate in battles. In addition to everything, this is a very clever dog. The presence of intelligence and strength allows her master to be calm and not afraid of danger, as a loyal pet will provide absolute protection. For a long time the breed had the nickname "bloody killer", as it did not leave a chance for the survival of its offender. On the other hand, it's a very balanced dog and it's not easy to get mad. The breed is good for training. With proper education, the Staffordshire Terrier will become a devoted friend and reliable protector.
The German boxer
The German boxer belongs to the breed of the most powerful and hardy dogs. A distant relative of the Rottweiler is very energetic and often works in law enforcement services. He got his name, thanks to his way of fighting: front paws, like a boxer. The dog was originally used to hunt wild animals. The boxer has a well developed jaw, with which he grabs the victim, and she does not have the slightest chance of escaping from the grasping jaws of the dog. The German is considered to be the breed of the strongest dogs.
Rhodesian Ridgeback
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a South African breed that was bred for hunting lions. The breed was also called the African lion hound. She is able to easily and quickly dodge enemy attacks and does not give him the slightest chance to leave. Hunting dog has incredible stamina and strength. Ridgeback became popular all over the world, he is often chosen to guard the house. This is not only a loyal and reliable friend, but also a powerful defender. He rightly takes his place in the top most powerful dogs in the world .
Canarian Dog( Perro de Presa Canario)
Canarian Dog( Perro de Presa Canario) is considered one of the most powerful dogs in the world. The main goals for which the Canary Dogs started up are guarding, slaughtering cattle and hunting for the beast. They also used them to participate in battles. A muscular body and large dimensions make the dog a real powerful fighter. This is one of the most fearless and aggressive breeds. During the Perro de Percea clash, Canario does not give the victim the slightest chance of survival. The dog needs a patient and long training, so that it can be kept at home.
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky is a pretty wayward breed, which is not so easy to subordinate to your will and training. The dog, which does not have large dimensions, hit the TOP 10, thanks to its amazing endurance. Huskies were designed for heavy physical activities associated with transportation. They are very stubborn and will obey the owner only with a strong character.
Tosa Inu
The Tosa Inu belongs to the Japanese breed, which was bred specifically for the conduct of fights. The dog does not have the habit of rushing to the victim. He expects the enemy to approach as close as possible, presses him with his body, while capturing his neck. The dogs of this breed are complex and very intelligent. Tosa-inu is very hardy, and capable of a long attack. Japanese "samurai" is great for security purposes and will be a reliable defender. The anatomical massive addition of the animal requires constant and maximum loads and a vast space for active activity. It should be noted that Tosa-inu is very difficult to train. Due to its powerful data, the breed is included in the Top 10 most powerful dogs.
Doberman is a fighting dog possessing high intelligence, hot temperament and a dead grip. Despite its dryness and tightness, dobermans can become real killers. They are often used for service in law enforcement. With the correct training of them the most loyal defenders are obtained.
Correctly educated Doberman has a balanced character and does not show unreasonable aggression. He is very wary of strangers and, if necessary, reacts with lightning speed, showing his fighting abilities. Thanks to athletic data and strong-willed character, it is considered not only to the strongest, but also the most dangerous breeds.
Rottweiler is one of the most hardy and strongest dogs in the world. Large and powerful jaws are the most dangerous weapon of this breed. In addition, it has a strong skeleton and well-developed musculature. Use the breed as a guard or a game hunt. They are easy to train and rather compliant. Despite their external data, the animals are very lazy and do not show activity without a reason.
These are benevolent, obedient pets who stand guard over the safety of their master. At the moment of danger they can turn into real fighters and murderers. With this dog, the owner has nothing to fear.
Anatolian Shepherd
Anatolian Shepherd is a breed that performs the functions of a watchman. A wide chest, massive strong neck and large overall dimensions make it an ideal protector of the protected area. This breed is distinguished not only by impressive sizes, but also by intellect. Pets are very intelligent and boundlessly devoted to their master.
Sheepdog is considered to be a friendly dog ββand has a temperamental temperament. On the other hand, it considers itself independent of the owner, so it is not always easy to train. Due to its large size and willful, strong-willed character, this breed is considered one of the strongest.
Alabai is a congenital guard and defender. Often a dog takes part in battles. It is distinguished by the ultimate endurance and the ability to properly consume forces. Large size, developed musculature, ability to withstand heavy loads and reliably protect its owner put Alabai in first place among the most powerful dogs in the world. In addition, this breed is ranked among the most dangerous dogs. But with proper education and training, the dog will not harm others.
Their fighting skills show only when it's necessary. There are hardly any more reliable guards and defenders than this breed. It should be noted that the dog loves space and is not suitable for keeping in apartments. Caring for a dog means having physical activity and an active lifestyle in a large area.