Method 1: Soaking
Cases when after the first wash jeans are reduced, not uncommon. At purchase the product can sit ideally, and after washing to be pulled together. In some cases, jeans decrease in length, in others - in width. Collected extra pounds also negatively affect the size of jeans. Do not rush to throw out your favorite clothes, because the situation is easy to fix.
There are a lot of ways to make pants loose in size, so you should choose the most suitable option and start their "resuscitation".
Method 1: Soaking
A simple, but effective method to increase the size of jeans in bulk is soaking in water. To do this, you must first put on the thing is not the body and try to fully fasten it to all buttons and zippers. Then you need to fill the bath with warm water and completely immerse into it. After 15 minutes, the fabric is well soaked with water, and clothes will be more free to sit on the body. Staying in the water, you should pull the jeans well in the area of ββthe thighs, the inner seam or the waistband. The tissue in the problem area should be stretched out by hand for 10 minutes.
Then, so that the pants do not return to their previous form and sit "as if poured", you need to get out of the bath without removing your jeans and allow the material to dry a little. Being in wet pants, it is necessary to do some exercises aimed at stretching. Preliminarily on the floor or mat for fitness, you need to put a towel and take a few poses that will help stretch the material.
advice Jeans will get the desired form and increase in volume if you sit in them for about 30 minutes and allow a little to dry. After that, clothes should be allowed to dry independently.
When the jeans are completely dry, you need to re-put them on and do a few exercises to make them a little freer. To do a similar procedure with new jeans you need several times until they finally expand to the desired size. Do not forget that machine wash and use of the dryer leads to the fact that the material is pulled together - it gives a shrinkage.
Method 2: Stretching
This option is very convenient to conduct at home. The procedure is as follows:
- When using a water spray, the cloth is wetted on both sides( inner and outer);
- To stretch the waist or hip area, stand with two feet on the wet cloth in the pocket area. To increase the length of the leg, if you stand on a dry part of the fabric in an area slightly above the knee;
- Holding the feet in place, it is necessary to raise the opposite part of the jeans. Taking the cloth with both hands, but without extra jerks. Stretch the material in the direction in which it is necessary to increase it. The procedure should be repeated 10 times( while unbuttoning the button), and then do the same with the other leg.
Method 3: In the
pair This method is similar to the previous one. The difference is that they pull not one but two. Preliminary thing should be wetted, and then with the help of another person to stretch the jeans in different directions( on the seam).During this manipulation, you should not pull the fabric up sharply, as it can tear. Follow the entire procedure carefully.
Method 4: Spraying, stretching, fastening
Make the size of the larger pants will help the following procedure. To begin with, it is necessary to put on a thing and fasten all buttons and zippers. After that, the problem area is wetted with warm water from the nebulizer( atomizer).Then several movements( squats, lunges or stretching) are performed so that the material can sit more freely on the body. This manipulation allows the jeans to accept the desired body shapes.
After the fabric has dried, it must be carefully pulled in the desired area. Stretch the material horizontally and vertically for 5 minutes. Then the problem area should be fixed with a bottle of water. In this situation, the thing should stand for several days, in order for the procedure to work, and the trousers are wide.
The magazine "Miss Purity" recommends that when stretching jeans be as accurate as possible. Influence on a very thin fabric should be gently, since such a material is easy to tear. It is better not to pull the canvas in an area where there are holes, including decorative ones( most often, they are located in the knee area), since it is easy to tear a thing. The fabric is best affected by the inner seam of the shin and ankles.
Method 5: Ironing
Enlarge the thing in the waist and hip area will help such a simple appliance as an iron. The usual ironing process when using the "steaming" mode will give the most positive effect. Wet hot air will warm up the material and eliminate roughness on the fabric. Due to the effects of moisture and heat, the thing will increase in size. In order to achieve a full-fledged effect from such manipulations, you should put on your pants while the material is still warm and look a bit like this around the house.
Stretching a thing in length will help another effective method. It is necessary to put gauze on the wet leg. Jeans should be pulled in the direction in which the material should be increased in length. It is necessary to simultaneously stretch the tissue with your hands in the desired direction and immediately draw on it with an iron. This option will increase the length of clothes by 3-4 cm.
Method 6: Extender
Buying a "waist stretcher" will help to solve the problem with a small size of clothes. Before using such a device, you should first zip up the jeans for buttons and zippers. Then clothes should be soaked in water. After that the expander is placed in the middle, namely in the waist region, fixed and increases in length.
Use the expander for topical use on elastic materials such as stretch and denim.
Method 7: Boiling water and pot
Denim pants can be stretched if you resort to hot water and a container of a suitable size. The thing needs to be soaked in boiling water, and then, while it is still cold, wind on a cylindrical surface. At first, it is recommended to wrap the leg tightly enough, and then leave the thing to dry completely. This option is ideal for increasing the product in length.
Resource recommends never to put wet jeans on a light or colorful towel( carpet).The textile surface can make up the blue of the pants, which will spoil the thing. Working on the material with your hands( stretching the fabric), you never need to pull the jeans by the straps or loops( strips) - they will come off.
Method 8: Elastic belt or towel
This method is suitable for both new and old pants. Its implementation implies the following steps:
- In the waist or hip area, wear a moist elastic waistband( from back pain) or wrap this part of the body with a wet towel.
- Then pants are put on top of the belt or towel.
- In clothes, you need to walk until it completely dries. This method will help to give jeans a more loose fit.
To forget about the problem of narrow jeans will allow one of the above methods. If a certain method does not give the desired effect, you can go to another option. In the process of stretching the pants should be as neat and do not work on the fabric where it is very thin.
If no method has given the desired effect, the thing can be expanded, thereby increasing it in size. However, it is worth remembering:
- jeans - thick and thick fabric, which not every sewing machine and thread will cope with,
- if you dissolve the external, decorative seam, you will have to re-lay the stitch, and this will require a special, jeans thread;
- the thickness in the place of stitching is great, so you need to reduce the tension of the thread, increase the pitch and take the needle number 90 and above or for the denim.
advice As practice shows, to expand or sew jeans is best in the atelier, and at home, the procedure often becomes too time-consuming.
To stretch jeans from cotton or denim is not too difficult, but carefulness, patience and a certain physical preparation will be required. To save strength and nerves, immediately buy clothes of your size - and be irresistible!
We recommend that you read an article on how to wash jeans so that they sit down and become smaller by size