Only if you know how to store walnuts, you can count on the full range of positive effects due to the unique composition of the product. Then the nutritional elements will quench the feeling of hunger, saturate the tissues with vitamins and trace elements, positively influence the work of the brain and digestion, and strengthen immunity.
However, it is possible only if you initially purchase high-quality nuts, not damaged by improper handling or transportation. Ideally, walnuts are recommended to grow and harvest on their own, especially since the trees are not too demanding on the conditions of their maintenance. But also the purchased product can turn out to be good, you just need to distinguish it from low-quality analogues.
How to check the quality of the product before purchase?
When preparing to get into the products in the shell, you need to pay attention to the following factors:
- Fruits should be the same size, clean and dry, without pieces of dark or green peel.
- You can not buy products with cracked shells, they quickly deteriorate.
- It is mandatory to check the product, split a couple of nuts. If the kernels are dried up, have a specific smell or a bitter taste, it is better to refrain from buying.
- Very informative test, in which a few nuts need to shake. If a rumbling sound is heard, this indicates that the contents of the shell have dried up due to constant drying.
- Do not get too light fruits, they can be empty.
If the product meets the stated requirements, then, if simple rules are followed, it can be kept for several months in optimal form even at home.
When purchasing purified walnuts, preference should be given to those ingredients that are suitable for the following description:
- Kernels are whole, homogeneous, without chips, the same color. This will avoid buying a combination of nuts from old and new crops.
- Do not buy pre-ground nuts. Such a simple technique sellers often disguise a bad product.
- The product sold on the street, actively absorbs all the dirt from the environment, so it can not be of high quality.
- An unpleasant odor or taste should be alerted. These signs may indicate a low quality product or a violation of its storage conditions.
Tip: To buy walnuts, it's best to contact individuals who are doing just that. This is the only way to count on the acquisition of a quality product that has not been subjected to aggressive physical or chemical treatment.
How to store the walnuts in the shell in a clean and green way?
If the cultivation of nuts occurs in "home conditions", harvesting is carried out in dry weather. In this case, the fruit should easily fall to the ground from shaking the tree. The first thing you need to clean the skin, otherwise the fruit will soon be covered with mold.
If the inshell nuts were grown on their own or purchased shortly after harvesting, then the following manipulations should be carried out:
- For thorough drying, the nuts are scattered on the litter in a warm room and kept in this condition for at least 5-6 days, stirring occasionally.
- If there is an intention for as long as possible, then first they should be held in a warm oven for about an hour. This will remove all excess moisture.
- Regardless of the type of preparation, walnuts are recommended to be stored in cardboard boxes or linen bags( while the container can not be stuffed into the string).The room should be cool, even the room temperature is considered too high for walnuts.
- Do not store walnuts on the balcony! High humidity leads to the appearance of mold inside the fruit and on their surface.
To properly store the peeled walnuts, you need to create the following conditions:
- The optimal container will be a glass container with a sealed cover, which is best placed in a cool, dark place. Polyethylene bags in this case are not suitable, the nuclei in them will quickly rot.
- Do not count on the fact that at room temperature fresh and pleasant taste of walnut kernels will be preserved for more than a couple of weeks.
- If the nuts need to be stored for half a year, the glass container is placed in the warmest chamber of the refrigerator.
- You can initially ignite the core on a baking sheet in the oven, this will eliminate the spores of putrefactive microorganisms. But this does not allow the allocation of oil from the products, this will lead to the appearance of a rancid aftertaste.
- The maximum shelf life is provided by packing nuts in sealed containers and placing them in a freezer.
Green walnuts can not be stored in their original form. Most often this product is used for medicinal purposes or in the form of jam and processed immediately. At home, it can be prepared with alcoholic tincture, juice, green oil, honey infusion and therapeutic herbal extract.
Obtained products are often used not only for therapeutic, but also for cosmetic purposes. For this reason, you need to carefully consider the process of selecting the main ingredient and its pretreatment.