How to whiten a bath at home inexpensively and effectively


  • "How does it get so polluted, do they wash it all the time? !"
  • So, how can you clean the bathtub clean at home?
  • Means from the store
  • Popular home remedies

Sooner or later every hostess has to face a difficult everyday question: how to whiten the bathroom at home? The appearance of the sparkling novelty of snow-white sanitary ware in the bathroom is certainly very pleasant, instantly refreshing the design of the room and giving it a nearly festive look. However, this whiteness, unfortunately, is so short-lived! After a while we notice that the inner covering of the bath has acquired a suspicious grayish or yellow tinge and every scratch has become visible on it, and in some places rusty spots have blossomed. All this definitely means that it is time for general cleaning with the use of powerful economic artillery.

"How does it get dirty all the time?"

For the vast majority of people, everyday care of the bathroom means "do not forget to rinse yourself after showering or washing."If the water flowing from the tap was perfectly clean, this could, in principle, be enough - but in fact it is the main factor in the contamination of the bath. You've certainly noticed that yellow plaque and rust in the bath are especially readily and quickly formed if water stagnates with a puddle on the bottom or there are leaks in the mixer.

To ensure that cold water complies with "drinking" regulations, the utilities responsible for its supply are mercilessly disinfected, killing bacteria, and its chemical composition becomes much more aggressive than H2O.And as for the composition of hot water, which is not originally intended for drinking and is in fact technical, there is no need to speak at all. In addition, before pouring out of your tap, water overcomes dozens of kilometers of not the newest pipes, the inner walls of which do not have perfect purity. As a result, the question of how to make a white bath and clean the raid, stands in front of the hostess again and again.

So, how can you clean the whitewater bath at home?

Ways to whitewash a bath at home are many, and the choice of the most suitable for you depends on two factors: the degree of pollution of plumbing and the material from which the bath is made.

The most common materials in the affordable price category, of which baths are made today, are steel, cast iron and acrylic. Enamel coating of metal tanks is capable of withstanding a sufficiently serious attack - both chemical and mechanical, although it is not worth while to overstrain it. But acrylic is very easily scratched and therefore does not tolerate abrasive cleaning, so powders and brushing are not suitable for it. To clean the acrylic bath, it should only be treated with a soft cloth or sponge, the remover for the plaque should have the consistency of a homogeneous paste orgel.

Means from the store

The metal bath can be cleaned with almost any household chemicals that can be found in the nearest hardware store. Probably among them will be Domestos, Cillit, Comet, Cif, "Sanox" and other popular brands, each of which is able to clean the surface and ensure its high-quality whitening.
Techniques for working with all these powders, gels and sprays are the same:

  • apply the funds strictly according to the instructions they are supplied with;
  • does not over-rest on the surface of the bath;
  • wipe the enamel without pressing hard to avoid mechanical damage;Do not use
  • too often( more than once a week);Do not rinse
  • with hot water - only warm or cold, so as not to get chemical burns from rising steam;
  • it is obligatory to wear rubber gloves before work, it is desirable to take care also of eye and lung protection.

It is recommended not to bring the matter to really strong pollution - it is much easier to clean a light yellow or gray coating, although it is undoubtedly more likely to be engaged in this work.

To clean acrylic bath from yellow, you should use special tools with the appropriate notation. In the mass market segment, suitable products are produced, for example, under the brands "San Klin", Triton, RAVAK.

Popular home remedies

I am pleased to share with you a very simple way to clean the tub without leaving the apartment. Help the funds, which certainly will be found in the arsenal of any hostess who is familiar with the basics of baking and preserving products. To save plumbing from pollution, you can use soda, vinegar or citric acid.

The easiest way is to try to clean the plaque on the enamel with ordinary baking soda. It quite satisfactorily copes with insignificant pollution - it is necessary to put a gruel from soda on a damp surface with the help of a sponge, and after half an hour-hour diligently to wash off.

More resistant, stained in the enamel stains and a strong coating of one baking soda can not take - you need a mixture of it with soda ash. By combining these substances in a ratio of one to one, you need to apply the resulting composition to the enamel, stand for half an hour, wipe with a sponge soaked with table vinegar, and after another half an hour rinse well with water.

Vinegar, however, can effectively remove rust and yellow coating, even if it is not mixed with soda, especially when it is necessary to wash and whiten cast-iron plumbing. It is necessary to soak the paper napkins with a liquid, lay out the bath and leave them for 3-5 hours, after which everything is removed and the surface washed. Faster citric acid acts - two packets of half a liter of water can clean the bath in just 25 minutes.


If you need to treat the acrylic bath with the listed products, they should be about half as concentrated, or the time of contact of the agent with the surface should be reduced.

Home remedies, as we see, are quite capable of solving the problem of how to clean the tub white, and at the same time are distinguished by an affordable price and relative safety for the hostess in comparison with the industrial ones.