Than to wash linoleum after repair, that there were no stains and divorces?


  • Get rid of whitewash and cement mix
  • How can you deal with paint stains?
  • How can I remove the mounting foam and primer?

What wash linoleum after repair, depends on the type of contamination. Fortunately, thanks to many years of practice in this matter, experts were able to select the best means for removing dirt of one type or another.

With the right approach it is possible to get rid of stains, dried building materials, and limestone dusts in just a few minutes. Moreover, the compositions used will not have a negative effect on the floor covering itself, but, on the contrary, will restore to it the original shine and attractiveness.

Get rid of whitewash and cement mix

Even if it's prudent to cover the floors with oilcloth, newspapers or polyethylene, it can not completely protect the linoleum from whitewashing and a layer of cement dust. And even in a small amount these products can make the floors dull and untidy in appearance, as they are not my usual means for cleaning.

It is still possible to restore the original look of the coatings. In this case, the dirt is completely laundered if you proceed as follows:

  • First the floors are just thoroughly washed with warm water with the addition of table salt( 3-4 per bucket) and soap shavings( 2-3 per bucket).Hot water is forbidden to use, because of it the surface can lose the brightness of the flowers.

Tip: Some owners are trying to protect the linoleum, covering it with one polythene cloth, which is then glued to the skirting boards. The option is not bad, but only if the skirting boards are then varnished or repainted. Otherwise, a thin layer of glue will remain on their surface, which in a few weeks will collect so much dirt that they will have to be cleaned or updated.

  • Next, the surface is wiped with fresh water with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate( they must completely dissolve).This method allows you to wash the linoleum without the formation of divorces.
  • If previous approaches have not helped, you can once again wash the floors with clean water, this time with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of kerosene. However, after such treatment in the room there is a rather sharp smell, which can be neutralized with the help of weak acetic solution and airing.

Already clean linoleum carefully dried, then rubbed with a piece of woolen fabric. It is recommended to pre-apply linseed oil, then the surface will gleam like a new one.

How can I deal with paint stains?

If the linoleum has got the paint, it should be removed before it is dried up. In this case, do not use soda and other alkaline agents. The material from this impact becomes brittle and brittle, its appearance is affected. It is better to rub a fresh stain with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. If it does not help, drip some more oil into the dirt and connect a hard brush. It is better not to use sharp objects, it's too easy to spoil the surface.

Linoleum with already dried paint is cleaned with solvents. At home, it is best to use proven White Spirit or its analogs. Only it is recommended to try the product on an inconspicuous piece of material. If everything is fine, we put the composition on a cotton disc, which is pressed for a couple of minutes to the contamination, and then gently wiped. After processing, be sure to re-wash my floor and rub the surface with linseed oil.

How can I remove the mounting foam and primer?

In the case of mounting foam, there are only two options, and the choice depends on the condition of the spot:

  1. If it is fresh, then scrape it with a spatula, acting from the edges to the center. We work carefully so that the affected area does not increase. After that, the problem zone needs to be treated with a special remedy, otherwise traces will remain.
  2. If the product has already begun to dry out, the linoleum can only be cleaned after the mixture has completely set. In this case, the protruding part is cut to the maximum, and the remainders are macerated with a profile product and wiped until the traces disappear completely.

Fresh primer is easily removed with a soft cloth, and its traces are washed away with warm water. The dried product is easiest to remove with a special wash, only rub it carefully so as not to damage the coating itself. In the absence of such, you can use the usual liquid to remove varnish or a weak solution of acetone.