- Hand wash
- Washing in the machine
- Wash without a divorce
- Natural fur on the down jacket: what to do?
- Bringing complex spots
- Rules for washing woolen products
Since washing the down jacket at home and cleaning things from natural camel wool seems to be very difficult, many people prefer to give such products to dry cleaners. But it is quite possible to bring them back to life independently. The rules for conducting such a procedure are very simple and will be clear to everyone.
If the label on the label does not allow machine wash, then in this case it is necessary to know how to wash the down jacket manually. Clothing made from camel wool is also washed only by hands.
- To begin with, fill the bath with warm water and dilute a portion of the detergent in it. For woolen products we use exclusively liquid detergents.
- We dip the jacket into a warm solution and immediately proceed with the washing.
- If you wash the down jacket, during this procedure it is convenient to use a soft sponge or brush - so you can quickly clean the contaminated areas. A jacket made of camel wool should be shaken slightly in water with a soapy solution.
- After the washing of the down jacket is finished, it should be rinsed in several waters.
Squeeze down jacket and clothes made of camel wool is highly discouraged!
When the bulk of the water is gone, a product with a down filling can be hung on the hanger. As you dry, do not forget to shake down, distributing it evenly under the lining. A jacket made of camel wool should dry on a horizontal surface. It is laid out on a cloth, carefully spread out and left for several hours.
Washing in the typewriter
Washing the down jacket at home will become very simple if the imprint on the label allows you to use the machine. The following tips will help you do this as correctly as possible.
- The product should rotate freely in the drum of the washing machine, therefore it is not worthwhile to drive it with things - for only one wash it is necessary to clean only one jacket.
- As you know, down fillers quickly get lost in a coma. To prevent this from happening, together with the product in the car should put 2-3 tennis balls.
- Before you wash the down jacket, it should be freed from the hood, fur on the collar, remove the belt. Do not forget to inspect your pockets as well.
- Too messy areas are pre-treated with a soap solution, and only by hand.
- The product is then turned to the wrong side, fastened with a zipper and placed in a drum.
The hood and belt can be simply loaded together with the jacket, but it is better to place them in a special linen bag, which is usually used when washing delicate laundry. Thanks to this technique, you can avoid entanglement of the belt, and it is as clean as it is washed!
- To understand how to properly wash the down jacket, just look at the label, where the manufacturer always indicates the permissible water temperature - it is usually a delicate wash at 30 °.
- Rinse the jacket three times to remove all the foam well, and press the product at the lowest possible speed.
After you have washed the down jacket, you need to hang it on your shoulders and periodically whisk, spreading the filler. Unscrew the product after completely drying.
How to wash a down jacket without a divorce? This problem is solved quite simply. - If, after manual washing, there are stains on the product, the procedure should be repeated, but only with the use of another powder. Often after a change of funds for a better quality problem disappears.
- Some fabrics and fillers require the use of a liquid detergent or a special gentle powder for delicate things.
- If the insulation is made of natural fluff and feathers, such a jacket, as a rule, is not completely soaked, but cleans the most polluted places using soap.
Use the laundry soap as follows - in warm water, dissolve the soap chips, foam and apply with a sponge to dirty areas. After the cleaning, the foam is washed off. If the product is strongly soiled, then it should be washed over the bathroom on the shoulders, and the soap solution should be removed with a shower.
Now let's figure out how to properly wash the down jacket, so that it does not have a divorce after machine washing.
- To avoid staining, the product is highly not recommended for soaking.
- Wash the jacket at a temperature of no higher than 30 °, in some situations it should be cold water.
- Means are better to choose liquid, as they completely dissolve and do not remain on the tissues.
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When washing in cold water, the usual detergent powder granules do not disperse and settle on the products!
- It is advisable to rinse the coat repeatedly, so that all foam is guaranteed to go away.
Natural fur on the down jacket: what to do?
Is it possible to wash the down jacket, if the cowhide and cuffs have natural fur? This procedure can be carried out in several ways.
- Using a soapy solution - even a normal shampoo is suitable as a cleaner. The detergent is foamed and applied to the fur, gently washed( preferably done in a small basin) and suspended above the bathroom. Dry such details of clothes away from sources of artificial heat, periodically shaking. After the fur completely dries, it must be leveled with a normal comb.
- Dry cleaning - this method is used in cases where the fur can not be unfastened, and the jacket itself is not recommended to wet. Here on the rescue comes a manga. It should be poured on the fur and a good grind your palm. At the end, the grains are combed out. Manka perfectly removes the accumulated dust and all the dry dirt.
Display complex spots
Hard spots - it's not uncommon. How to wash the down jacket at home and remove persistent dirt? There are several ways, and the solution will depend on the nature of the origin of the spot itself.
- Greasy areas can be easily cleaned with the usual detergent that you use every day to wash dishes. In a glass of warm water, you need to dissolve a couple of teaspoons of liquid and apply the mixture to a dirty place with a sponge. After a quarter of an hour, the soapy solution is removed with a clean, damp cloth, after which the product is rinsed with water.
- The oil stain can be removed with high-grade gasoline. As a rule, it is sold in hardware stores. But remember that this substance is capable of removing not only dirt, but also paint. Therefore, it must first be tested on a small inconspicuous site and only if the result is positive, put on a stain!
- To get rid of persistent stains, you can use ammonia( 10%).A small amount of it is diluted in a dishwashing liquid, distributed on a contaminated area and after a few minutes thoroughly rinsed with running water.
Rules for washing woolen products
We have figured out how to properly wash the down jacket, now we need to focus on the basic rules for cleaning clothes made from natural camel wool. This material can be either basic or act as a heater.
- To clean a camel wool jacket, it is advisable to use only a hand wash, and only if the label shows an icon with a basin full of water. If such an icon is crossed out, only dry cleaning is allowed.
- If the label indicates a hand immersed in a container of water, the clothes can be washed, but only by hand. And the numbers will prompt an acceptable water temperature.
- If the percentage of camel hair is 20% or less, the product can be hand washed, but only in warm water and using a special powder. Such clothes may be soaked, but the water temperature should not exceed 20 °.
- A jacket consisting of 50% camel wool is strictly prohibited! Such a product will lose its shape, appearance and certainly will sit down. And to clean this clothes, it is put in dry clean.
If on the jacket of a natural camel fluff was found a small greasy speck, it can be accurately removed with the help of natural alcohol. A few drops of the substance are applied to a clean white cloth and wipe the contaminated area. Street dirt can be easily removed with a rubber sponge, and the stains of grass are removed with a stain remover. But first, carefully study the label and pay attention to the fact that it does not have a pictogram "only chemical cleaning".