How to wash things of a newborn child: washing in a typewriter against my mother's hands


  • Preparing new things
  • Washing the diapers
  • At what temperature do I wash things for the newborn?

Diapers, ryazhonki, socks, sliders - can you think of something nicer! They are so dear to us, because they are connected with the baby. The very first things that a crumb meets after birth are his clothes. It should be clean, fresh and safe. It is on security I would like to dwell more in our century of washing machines and the abundance of specialized powders. We'll figure out how to wash new things and how to maintain the cleanliness of the diapers without spending too much effort.

New things preparation

New things bought for the newborn look great! They hold shape, are pleasant to the touch and seem so clean and neat. But they can not be worn immediately on a baby. First, it's terrible to think, in which only the hands have not been tied up and overalls, while they reached the store counter. Secondly, children's clothing is often processed with starch and similar substances, so that it does not crumple and retains a presentable appearance. That's why on the labels of almost all children's things there is a note: "To wash before the first toe!" For the stated reasons, the washing of new things is obligatory, it's simply impossible to do ironing( for disinfection).

To prepare the newly purchased children's clothes for the first socks, proceed as follows.

  1. Remove all labels and stickers from your clothes, having previously familiarized yourself with the conditions for caring for it.
  2. Pour warm water into the basin, dissolve in it the chosen remedy( powder, gel, soap, soap shavings) for cleaning clothes for newborns( it should be marked "from the first days of life" or "0+").
  3. Lower the clothes into the pelvis, lightly wash it, without squeezing it out, without twisting it.
  4. Repeatedly rinse the sliders, cap, raspashki, until the water ceases to be soapy.
  5. Straighten things, hang them on the dryer.
  6. Iron the clothes on the inside, which is in direct contact with the body, necessarily on the outside, if desired. Wait until it cools down, and fold it neatly.

Separately, I want to dwell on the warm things that have to be worn on newborn babies, born in late autumn, winter and early spring. These are warm fur envelopes, winter hats, etc. It is clear that the washing of these things is inexpedient, and ironing them is also not too convenient. Therefore, in order to carry out the disinfection procedure, it is necessary to process things by ferry. To do this, you can use the steam generator or, for lack of it, just an iron with the steaming mode turned on, i.e., to pass the processed clothes of the newborn with steam strokes, without touching it directly with the ironing surface of the iron.

Washing the diaper

The mother of a newborn child after a discharge from the hospital is a lot of trouble. It is necessary to recover, improve breastfeeding, pay attention to other children( if the newborn baby is not the only one), and also to engage in ordinary household chores, such as cooking for the whole family, cleaning, washing. Where can I find time for hand washing and ironing of children's diapers, if my mom does not have helpers? In order to take as little time as possible to this lesson, it is necessary to understand how to properly wash and iron the diapers. Let's consider some basic questions.

  1. Machine wash or hand wash? It takes much less time to wash the washing machine, it rinses the diapers better. They also come out of the washing machine almost dry. Hand washing is preferable if you need to wash something. To wash with your hands, do not wait until a lot of things accumulate. Also, you can manually use any baby detergent, and for washing in the car - only designed specifically for it.
  2. Disposable or gauze disposable diapers? What is more convenient to use, each mother decides for herself. But it is worth noting that the use of modern disposable diapers reduces the amount of washing 2-3 times.
  3. To iron or not iron? There is an opinion that diapers and, in general, clothes for newborns must be ironed, and from both sides. However, do not bother yourself in vain. It is enough to iron the diapers from the wrong side, adjacent to the body. This must be done until the baby has an umbilical wound.

Useful advices:

  • for washing children's clothes use special tools marked "since birth";
  • increase the number of rinses so that all detergent is washed out of the fabric;
  • iron the things of newborns until they grow umbilical wound;
  • combine manual and machine wash - manually wash the fresh stains( stool, regurgitation, etc.), in the machine wash the bulk of clothing and bed linens.

At what temperature do I wash things for my newborn?

Often, a young mother is interested in the question: at what temperature should clothes be washed for newborn babies? To do this, you need to look at the label of the thing that it is about to erase. As a rule, ryoshonki, sliders and socks for small children sew from 100% cotton. For this type of fabric, the washing temperature can reach up to 90 ° C.However, when choosing the temperature, you need to remember: with its high value, colored things shed. That is, to preserve the color and brightness it is enough to wash the tights or overalls at 40 ° C, and 90 ° C to use for heavily soiled white linen or diapers with complex stains. If children's things are sewn from a material with the addition of wool( warm blouses, suits), then they can be washed at t = 30 ° С.

No need to boil baby clothes and diapers. This method has been in the past since when the washing machines came to help the housewives. Today, if you wish, you can wash your laundry at a temperature of 95 ° C.This completely replaces the boiling procedure. And speaking of diapers of newborns, there is no need to boil them and wash them at such a high temperature.40-60 ° C will be enough.

Before giving birth, moms are touched by sliders and turtlenecks prepared for their babies. After delivery, often complain that, in addition to washing and ironing these "unhappy" diapers, do not see anything. Dear moms, organize your time correctly! Follow the recommendations given in the article, and enjoy motherhood - the most expensive than nature awarded women.

Read the article about what washing powder is suitable for newborns